Madainn Mhath ?????????⚔️?????????????

Madainn Mhath ?????????⚔️?????????????

Chan èirich a’ ghrian thar Gaza a’ bhròin
chan fhaigh i air gathan chur sìos,
tha mìodachd an uabhais a’ spadadh a neirt
deoghal bhuaipe na dh’ fheumas an tìr.
Cluinn sgalthart na cloinne gan lèireadh nan tòrr
gan spreadhadh, gan casgairt – gar dìth,
am pàrantan gaolach gam murt ann an dubh-chràdh
dol fodha ann an eabar gun chlì.
Seann sgìrean bha pròiseil làn shràidean len còsan
gan leagail nan Ifrinn gun chrìch
mar shamhla air fòirneart gun rian is gun tròcair
uile-chumhachd air na dh’ iarrar bhith an gnìomh.
Bidh an sgàil thar na dùthcha sìor sgaoileadh sìor mhùchadh
chan fhada bhios anam ann no nì,
is their an saoghal, nar baoth-bhriathran, nach bu mhairg nach do shìn sinn
làmh na fìrinn no cùl dhaibh san t-strì.

John Prine’s “Lake Marie” – A Epic Novel in a Song

John Prine’s “Lake Marie” - A Epic Novel in a Song

John Prine’s “Lake Marie” stands out as one of the most literary songs, expanding a tale into a saga. The song intricately weaves together vivid imagery and compelling storytelling, painting a rich and evocative picture, an episodic journey spanning generations.

晚上好 ???❤️☯????

晚上好 ???❤️☯????

晚上好 ???❤️☯????


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