Revolution 101: Tell and Arrive at Indigenous Truth Together

Revolution 101: Tell and Arrive at Indigenous Truth Together

When people commit to telling and arriving at ingigenous truth together, they embark on a journey towards meaningful change and societal advancement. By embracing this revolutionary act, communities can build a more inclusive and harmonious future for all.

Illuminate the Path: Is Iran Ready for Women Leadership?

Image by Gerd Altmann ( from Pixabay (

By challenging traditional stereotypes and promoting merit-based selections, Iran can pave the way for a brighter future where women leaders play a significant role in shaping the nation’s destiny.

Kathmandu through a Matriarchal Lens: “Ajima and 6 Gender Identities”

Step into Kathmandu through Matriarchal Lens with 'Ajima and 6 Gender Identities'

As the vibrant city of Kathmandu bustles with energy and life, it holds within its ancient streets a tapestry of stories often overshadowed by grand monuments and bustling markets. But what if we told you there’s a way to explore this enigmatic city not just as a tourist, but through the eyes of its resilient matriarchs? The recently screened documentary ‘Ajima and 6 Gender Identities’ does just that. Directed by the visionary Sunil Babu Panta, this powerful film was showcased at Martin Chautari, shedding light on the ancient yet astonishingly contemporary themes of gender diversity and matriarchy in Kathmandu.

The Ajima goddesses, an integral yet often overlooked aspect of Kathmandu’s rich cultural heritage, serve as the heartbeat of this documentary. These revered grandmother figures symbolize wisdom, bravery, and nurturing—a stark contrast to the patriarchal norms that have long dominated societal narratives. By walking ‘Kathmandu through a matriarchal lens,’ Panta’s film intricately weaves tales of these divine protectors with the multifaceted identities of modern-day gender issues. It’s a compelling look at how the old and new collide, offering not only a profound understanding of the city’s past but also challenging us to rethink our views on gender and sexuality today. Whether you’re a scholar, a curious traveler, or someone keen on understanding the deeper layers of cultural dynamics, this documentary is a must-see, urging you to delve deeper into the heart and soul of Kathmandu.

São Paulo Today – The World Tomorrow – Trixie: The Future of Rock

São Paulo Today – The World Tomorrow – Trixie: The Future of Rock

Trixie isn’t just creating music, she’s shaping the future of rock and inspiring others to follow their passions and challenge the boundaries of convention.

São Paulo Hoje – O Mundo Amanhã – Trixie: O Futuro do Rock

Trixie: O Futuro do Rock

Em uma cidade vibrante e caótica como São Paulo, onde o concreto responde aos sonhos e as ruas ecoam com uma sinfonia de diversidade, uma nova estrela do rock está nascendo. Seu nome é Trixie, e sua música não só ressoa pelos becos grafitados da metrópole, mas também promete conquistar corações e mentes ao redor do mundo. Em “São Paulo Hoje – O Mundo Amanhã: Trixie,” testemunhamos o surgimento de uma força sonora que redefine a face do rock feminino, combinando a crueza do movimento Riot Grrrl com a elegância provocante da Coquette Culture.

Trixie não é apenas uma vocalista; ela é um fenômeno. Suas canções são tempestades emocionais que misturam letras afiadas e vocais sensuais, navegando por temas que variam desde os confins da luxúria até a complexidade das questões femininas. Cada acorde e verso são carregados de uma intensidade sem igual, desafiando normas e quebrando barreiras. Através de seu trabalho, Trixie busca não só entreter, mas também inspirar uma nova geração de ouvintes a abraçar sua verdadeira identidade e a desafiar o status quo com confiança inabalável. Prepare-se para ser capturado pela viagem musical de Trixie, uma artista que está destinada a transcender fronteiras e deixar uma marca indelével na história do rock.

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