TATANKA is up for the global challenges. Are you?

Your Inclusive Artistry Matters at TATANKA

Your Inclusive Artistry Matters at TATANKA

We are actively looking for performance artists, musicians and singers who bring a unique voice and style to our music. Whether you identify as Indigenous, LGBTQ, a person of color, or belong to any race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, we value your contribution to our musical ensemble. Embracing diversity is at the core of our mission, and we believe that every individual adds a distinct flavor to our sound.

Why TATANKA will be an ideal Reality, Non-Scripted Program

Why TATANKA will be an ideal Reality, Non-Scripted Program

NETFLIX has recognized the popularity and profitability of reality productions. “TATANKA” has the potential to be a successful reality program due to its cost-effectiveness, inclusivity, and international element. Reality shows generate buzz and create water-cooler moments, leading to increased Social Media Engagement and word-of-mouth promotion. With a 24/7 and episodic reality stream with cast/band members from multiple international locations, it has the opportunity to provide viewers with a glimpse into the lives and experiences of people from around the globe. Additionally, music-themed reality programs are poised to make a strong comeback.

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