22nd Century Compos Mentis Man – Song: 001-Troposphere
Steam or Download the MP4, MP3, and FLAC files, ALL FREE: https://tatanka.freesite.host/22nd-century-compos-mentis-man-2024/
Steam or Download the MP4, MP3, and FLAC files, ALL FREE: https://tatanka.freesite.host/22nd-century-compos-mentis-man-2024/
Download the tracks, album & videos in MP4, MP3, and FLAC free: https://tatanka.freesite.host/22nd-century-compos-mentis-man-2024/
Discover how Pope Francis is leading the way for inclusivity in the Catholic Church. Learn about his progressive stances on LGBTQ+ rights, climate change, and more.
Two tech geniuses, in defiance of being kept out of work due to their disabilities, exhausted by living in poverty, create hoax videos and pranks in their garage home studio to make the world believe Aliens are real, but… are they?
This article serves as a gentle reminder of the beauty of humanity, the importance of peace, and the power of unity and diversity.
Together, ISCed.org, ChurchofAI.website, and TATANKA.site embody a holistic approach to the SDGs. Won’t you join us in our important work?
Once upon a time, in a world where technology and innovation reigned supreme, artificial intelligence emerged as a powerful tool for advancing humanity towards a brighter future. The United Nations had set forth 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. AI was seen as a key player in achieving these goals, offering solutions that were faster, more efficient, and more effective than ever before.
As part of the “AI Americana” series of tests, I planned to do one for Native American music. I did not expect what happened, and the results below.
In recent months, a wave of exceptional music has emerged, flying under the mainstream radar. Dive into these ten under-the-radar albums that offer a diverse range of sounds and experiences.