Lauren Sanderson Tried the Whole Major Label Thing — Now She’s Doing It All Herself

Lauren Sanderson Tried the Whole Major Label Thing — Now She’s Doing It All Herself

It’s a Thursday morning in Silver Lake, Calif., and singer-songwriter Lauren Sanderson is already feeling the fatigue set in. “It’s been all hands on deck 24 hours a day,” she sighs. “Anyone who’s in this industry and not drinking coffee might be insane.”

Table of Contents

Embracing Independence

The 28-year-old singer has transitioned from major labels to being her own manager, publicist, and artist. She shares her journey of taking control of her career and creative vision.

Breaking Down “They Won’t Like This”

Discover the inspiration behind Lauren Sanderson’s new single and how she overcame her fear of rejection through her music. Explore the message of confidence and self-acceptance in her latest work.

Navigating the TikTok Landscape

Learn how Lauren Sanderson leveraged TikTok as a promotional tool and her perspective on adapting to changes in the music industry. Explore the impact of TikTok on artists and the importance of staying adaptable.

Delusional Confidence to Real Success

Explore Lauren Sanderson’s journey from a place of “delusional confidence” to achieving tangible success in the music industry. Discover how her motivational background influences her music and empowers her audience.

Source: Billboard

Lauren Sanderson is a talented and up-and-coming songwriter and singer who has been making waves in the music industry with her unique sound and powerful lyrics. Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Sanderson grew up in a conservative environment that she struggled to fit into. Despite the challenges she faced, she found solace in music and began writing songs as a way to express herself and connect with others who may be going through similar experiences.

Sanderson’s music is a blend of pop, R&B, and hip-hop, with raw and honest lyrics that touch on topics such as self-acceptance, mental health, and personal growth. In her songwriting, she draws inspiration from her own life experiences, using her music as a platform to share her journey of self-discovery and self-love. Through her music, Sanderson aims to empower her listeners to embrace their true selves and find strength in vulnerability.

One of Sanderson’s most popular songs, “Better Anyway,” is a catchy and upbeat anthem about moving on from a toxic relationship and coming out stronger on the other side. The song’s energetic production and relatable lyrics struck a chord with listeners, propelling Sanderson into the spotlight and garnering her a loyal fan base. Another standout track, “Hotel Room,” showcases Sanderson’s soulful vocals and introspective songwriting, as she reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the importance of seizing the moment.

In addition to her music, Sanderson is also known for her engaging and charismatic stage presence. Her live performances are high-energy and captivating, as she connects with her audience through her emotive vocals and dynamic stage presence. Sanderson’s authenticity and passion shine through in her performances, creating a memorable and immersive experience for her fans.

As a LGBTQ+ artist, Sanderson’s music often addresses themes of identity and acceptance, drawing from her own experiences as a queer woman navigating a predominantly straight and cisgender world. Through her music, Sanderson advocates for inclusivity and representation in the music industry, using her platform to amplify marginalized voices and promote acceptance and equality.

Sanderson’s rise to fame has not been without its challenges, as she has faced criticism and backlash for her outspokenness and refusal to conform to societal norms. However, she remains true to herself and continues to push boundaries with her music and message. With each new release, Sanderson demonstrates her growth as an artist and her commitment to authenticity and vulnerability in her music.

In a music industry that often prioritizes image over substance, Sanderson stands out as a refreshing and authentic voice. Her willingness to be vulnerable and open in her lyrics sets her apart from her peers, as she invites listeners to connect with her on a deeper level and find solace in her music. Through her powerful storytelling and emotive performances, Sanderson has earned a reputation as a rising star to watch in the music world.

As she continues to evolve and grow as an artist, it is clear that Sanderson’s impact on the music industry will only continue to expand. With her captivating sound and empowering message, she is poised to make a lasting impression on listeners and inspire a new generation of singer-songwriters to embrace their authenticity and share their stories with the world. Lauren Sanderson is not just a songwriter and singer, she is a force to be reckoned with, and her music is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who listen.

Follow Lauren on Instagram: @laurensanderson

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