Music Review: You Are Who You Hang Out With – The Front Bottoms

(Fueled by Ramen) Vacillating between intimate and anthemic, The Front Bottoms have proudly worn their hearts on their sleeves over their decade-long-plus career. It’s essentially their mission objective: pointing to the everyday hardships of life with whimsical musical cues that remind you that everything will be okay. The New Jersey folk-punk duo carry through with … Read moreMusic Review: You Are Who You Hang Out With – The Front Bottoms

How they built the wormhole in the lab and what it all means.

How they built the wormhole in the lab and what it all means. source

Hear Me Out: Creed Are Finally Cool

At a minimum, Creed is the nostalgic soundtrack to childhood car rides when you still listened to the radio or the background noise to an awkward family dinner at Applebee’s. When you were young, if you had any thoughts about Creed at all, it was likely that they were corny. They were overly earnest, vaguely … Read moreHear Me Out: Creed Are Finally Cool

North American Frontline Groups To Take a Stand at COP28

DUBAI — Climate justice leaders from organizations representing impacted frontline communities will be sending a delegation to the 2023 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 28th session of the Conference of Parties, commonly referred to as the UNFCCC COP28.   The frontline delegation calls upon world leaders to pass and adhere to binding agreements, … Read moreNorth American Frontline Groups To Take a Stand at COP28

Our very life here depends directly on continuous acts of beginning.

Our very life here depends directly on continuous acts of beginning. The great Irish poet and philosopher John O’Donohue on beginnings – wonderful read. source

Music Review: Bear In Town – Spirit Fest

(Morr Music) It’s always a cause for celebration when new music from Spirit Fest hits the streets. Formed by members of Tenniscoats (Saya and Ueno Takashi) and The Notwist (Markus Acher), Bear In Town, is the follow-up to the group’s finest moment: 2020’s Mirage, Mirage. Ironically, Bear In Town’s melancholy predecessor benefitted from its early … Read moreMusic Review: Bear In Town – Spirit Fest

Climate Criminals Put Profits over Humanity at COP28

Dubai, UAE — The outcomes of the UNFCCC 28th Conference of Parties has left Indigenous Peoples and frontline communities across the world sitting in disappointment as world leaders put forward watered-down climate commitments and text that continue to compromise our future.  The biggest takeaway from this year’s climate summit is the grotesque depth of greed … Read moreClimate Criminals Put Profits over Humanity at COP28

51 Propaganda Techniques Explained in 11 Minutes: From Cognitive Dissonance to Appeal to Fear

The con­cept of pro­pa­gan­da has a great deal of pow­er to fas­ci­nate. So does the very word pro­pa­gan­da, which to most of us today sounds faint­ly exot­ic, as if it referred main­ly to phe­nom­e­na from dis­tant places and times. But in truth, can any one of us here in the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry go a day … Read more51 Propaganda Techniques Explained in 11 Minutes: From Cognitive Dissonance to Appeal to Fear

Are Gifted Underachievers More Creative?

“Einstein is a classic example of a highly creative and highly gifted individual that did not do well in traditional school environments.” That is a quote in a research paper by Kyung Hee Kim, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at The College of William and Mary. KH Kim thinks “the cause of the underachievement of … Read moreAre Gifted Underachievers More Creative?

The unifying power of grace | Sean Goode

“Will you forgive me?” asks community leader Sean Goode. He proposes that the promise of forgiveness before wrongdoing — what he calls “unapologetic grace” — can empower people to share their truths and create space to bridge our differences.source

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