Album Sneak Peek: (AI Gen) 和歌のささやき (Whispers of Waka) by 桜のジュール (Sakura no Jūru)

(AI Gen) Sakura no Jūru - "Whispers of Waka" Album Sneak Peek

Google’s Deep Dive Podcast: 和歌のささやき by 桜のジュール Coming Soon: Whispers of Waka, the ephemeral beauty of Waka poetry converges with the tranquility of AI Gen Lo Fi Japanese Electro Bossa Nova. Together, they invite you into a world where music and meaning are not simply understood but felt, lingering in the spaces between notes as … Read moreAlbum Sneak Peek: (AI Gen) 和歌のささやき (Whispers of Waka) by 桜のジュール (Sakura no Jūru)

Why AI is an Ideal Music Composer and Collaborator

Why AI is an ideal music composer and collaborator

Note from Human Editor to those who fear, hate, attack AI Music Generation: I get it. I really do. In fact, I was in your camp. That changed once I started working with AI in 2017. My advice is to decide from your own experience alone. Give it a shot. If you are still against … Read moreWhy AI is an Ideal Music Composer and Collaborator

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