10 Extraordinary Animal Migration Journeys

Every year, across the vast expanses of our planet, a remarkable and often unseen drama unfolds in the animal kingdom. From the tiniest insects to the largest mammals, numerous species embark on epic journeys, traversing thousands of miles in search of food, mating grounds, or warmer climates. These migrations are feats of endurance and navigation … Read more10 Extraordinary Animal Migration Journeys

Creating good knowledge together: heartful-communal storytelling at the intersection of caregiving and academia

Acker, J. (1990), “Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: a theory of gendered organizations”, Gender and Society, Vol. 4 No. 2, pp. 139–158. Ahonen, P., Blomberg, A., Doerr, K., Einola, K., Elkina, A., Gao, G., Hambleton, J., Helin, J., Huopalainen, A., Johannsen, B.F., Johansson, J., Jääskeläinen, P., Kaasila-Pakanen, A.L., Kivinen, N., Mandalaki, E., Meriläinen, S., Pullen, A., Salmela, T., Satama, S., … Read moreCreating good knowledge together: heartful-communal storytelling at the intersection of caregiving and academia

51 Propaganda Techniques Explained in 11 Minutes: From Cognitive Dissonance to Appeal to Fear

The con­cept of pro­pa­gan­da has a great deal of pow­er to fas­ci­nate. So does the very word pro­pa­gan­da, which to most of us today sounds faint­ly exot­ic, as if it referred main­ly to phe­nom­e­na from dis­tant places and times. But in truth, can any one of us here in the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry go a day … Read more51 Propaganda Techniques Explained in 11 Minutes: From Cognitive Dissonance to Appeal to Fear

Are Gifted Underachievers More Creative?

“Einstein is a classic example of a highly creative and highly gifted individual that did not do well in traditional school environments.” That is a quote in a research paper by Kyung Hee Kim, PhD, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at The College of William and Mary. KH Kim thinks “the cause of the underachievement of … Read moreAre Gifted Underachievers More Creative?

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