Learn How to Deal With Energy Vampires

Learn How to Deal With Energy Vampires

This photo is Winona Ryder and Gary Oldman in the movie Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992).

Aside from the appeal and dramatic mythology of those kinds of vampires, psychiatrist Judith Orloff explains the real-life variety:

Energy vampires are people who suck our energy dry. Everyone can benefit from skills on how to cope with them.”

She adds, “You can especially benefit if you are an ‘intuitive empath’ who absorbs the pain and negativity of others into your body, and become exhausted by it.

“Our relationships are governed by a give and take of energy. Some people make us more electric or at ease. Yet others suck the life right out of us.”

In her article Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires, Dr. Orloff details a number of examples of these ‘vampires’ that can deeply impact people, especially those of us who are highly sensitive – and what to do about them to protect yourself.

We need more than ideas to be creative, we need passion and energy.

Being productive in most creative ventures takes ongoing motivation and resolve.

Some situations and people fuel our emotional energy, and some suck it away.

How can we deal with that kind of energy drain?

Dr. Orloff provides many resources including books and courses.

See article The Empath’s Survival Guide Course by Judith Orloff.

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Sadie Frost in Bram Stoker’s Dracula 1992Lynn A. Robinson asks, “Who or what gives you energy?

“This is a clue from your inner guidance about what to move towards. These might be people you enjoy being with or things that you enjoy doing.

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“It can be as simple as having time to read a novel or taking a luxurious bath before bedtime.

“Perhaps you feel energized when you spend time with kids, garden, listen to music, or volunteer for a local service group.

“Begin to pay attention to the times in your life when you feel enthusiastic, passionate, and full of energy.”

She also asks the equally important question:

Who or what depletes you?

“This could be a situation, a habitual pattern of thought, or a person like my dinner companion.

“Anything that enervates you is part of the feedback system from your intuition about what to avoid or to move away from.

“This might be a negative friend or co-worker, a job that doesn’t serve you, or a way of thinking about your life.

“If you feel dread, depressed, hopeless, or fearful about someone or something in your life, you are getting a valuable clue that positive change is needed in this area.”

From her post: “Managing “Energy Vampires.”

Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed, is author of the book Divine Intuition.


Creating Healthy Boundaries with Energy Vampires.

Christiane Northrup, MD presented a live webinar in 2018 as a preview of a course, Dodging Energy Vampires.

In the webinar, she discussed:

* The different types of empaths, and why you are so attractive to energy vampires.

* How to use your sensitivity to spot energy vampires before they strike.

* Smart strategies to avoid energy vampires or set healthy boundaries with them that keep you safe.

* How energy vampires affect your health and how you can recover.

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See videos and learn more about her course in the article:

How to Deal With Energy Vampires by Christiane Northrup

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Video: Energy Vampires on CBS news: Dr. Orloff interview

Energy psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD is an assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and synthesizes traditional medicine with intuition, subtle energy, and spirituality, to provide help in transforming strong negative emotions and gaining better access to our creativity.

She is author of multiple books including Emotional Freedom.

See another video of hers – “How to stop absorbing the energy of other people” – in the article Judith Orloff M.D. on “energy vampires”.

Dr. Orloff is also author of The Empath’s Survival Guide Course.


Essential Tools for Empaths: A Survival Guide for Sensitive PeopleEssential Tools for Empaths audio CD, Audiobook by Judith Orloff, MD.

From the Amazon summary:

Are you an empath? If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by noise and crowds, been put down for being too shy and introverted, or suffered “emotional hangovers” from someone else’s bad mood, chances are you’re at least partially an empath.

With Essential Tools for Empaths, Dr. Judith Orloff presents a wealth of techniques, insights, and guided practices for addressing the challenges sensitive people face — while developing your unique qualities and strengths.

In this audio companion to her new book The Empath’s Survival Guide, she reveals how you can stop absorbing stress from others, protect yourself from narcissists and other energy vampires, enhance your health and intuition, find work that supports your sensitivities, and much more.

Also see her related book:
The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People.

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