Music Review: I Got Heaven – Mannequin Pussy

Music Review: I Got Heaven - Mannequin Pussy

A comprehensive collection of music-related content, including band reviews, fresh tunes, album critiques, and song feedback, can be found on this music blog. Stay updated with new releases and explore a variety of music genres. Be part of a community of music fanatics who share their opinions and reviews on the latest albums and songs. Vinyl enthusiasts will also find album covers and reviews of their favorite albums. Discover new music and get notified about exciting new releases.

Why TATANKA will be an ideal Reality, Non-Scripted Program

Why TATANKA will be an ideal Reality, Non-Scripted Program

NETFLIX has recognized the popularity and profitability of reality productions. “TATANKA” has the potential to be a successful reality program due to its cost-effectiveness, inclusivity, and international element. Reality shows generate buzz and create water-cooler moments, leading to increased Social Media Engagement and word-of-mouth promotion. With a 24/7 and episodic reality stream with cast/band members from multiple international locations, it has the opportunity to provide viewers with a glimpse into the lives and experiences of people from around the globe. Additionally, music-themed reality programs are poised to make a strong comeback.

TATANKA adds new Music and Band-related Social Media Platforms: SoundCloud, Spotify, bandcamp, bandsintown

Image by Philip Dunphy from Pixabay

Exciting news! TATANKA has added new Music and Band-related Social Media Platforms – SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, Bands In Town. Follow, Subscribe, and Share now!

Yours Truly: Acapella (1969) “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ On My Head” (B.J. Thomas) ?????

Yours Truly: Acapella (1969) "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" (B.J. Thomas) ?????

My dad had a reel to reel and I believe this is my first time on tape, singing my favorite song.

#RaindropsKeepFallingOnMyHead #BJThomas #1969 #ReelToReel #Analog #TapeRecorder #Acapella #VintageRecording #NostalgicMusic

Musicians still like floppy disks ? ??‍? ? ? ?

Musicians still like floppy disks ? ??‍? ? ? ?

Musicians still like floppy disks ? ??‍? ? ? ?

Guten Abend ????✨??

Guten Abend ????✨??

Der Abend wechselt langsam die Gewänder,
die ihm ein Rand von alten Bäumen hält;
du schaust: und von dir scheiden sich die Länder,
ein himmelfahrendes und eins, das fällt;
und lassen dich, zu keinem ganz gehörend,
nicht ganz so dunkel wie das Haus, das schweigt,
nicht ganz so sicher Ewiges beschwörend wie das,
was Stern wird jede Nacht und steigt –
und lassen dir (unsäglich zu entwirrn) dein Leben
bang und riesenhaft und reifend, so daß es,
bald begrenzt und bald begreifend, abwechselnd Stein in dir wird und Gestirn.

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