Emily Nenni Embraces Hard-Learned Lessons on New Track “Changes” from Her Upcoming Album ‘Drive & Cry’
Emily Nenni Embraces Hard-Learned Lessons on New Track “Changes” from Her Upcoming Album ‘Drive & Cry’
Emily Nenni Embraces Hard-Learned Lessons on New Track “Changes” from Her Upcoming Album ‘Drive & Cry’
16-year-old Pedal Steel Noah, known for his smoking-hot pedal steel licks, has announced his debut EP ‘Texas Madness’. This exciting release showcases his talent alongside his brother and dad, creating a family affair that promises to captivate music lovers worldwide.
Apply now for the Coca-Cola Great Britain & Ireland and GAY TIMES Breakthrough campaign, supporting LGBTQ+ musicians to elevate their careers.
Dave Mays’ Breakbeat Media has introduced a groundbreaking podcast series, The 5 Mic Podcast, set to revolutionize the Hip-Hop storytelling landscape. The podcast promises to delve into the most iconic tales within Hip-Hop culture with the unparalleled authenticity, accuracy, and attention to detail that only Breakbeat can deliver.
Discover how BAI Artist in Residency Tanya Tagaq and other multimedia performing artists discussed climate change and the role of art in social change at a public panel.
Discover the latest Gallup survey findings revealing that nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, with a breakdown by gender and generation.
Dog Park has recently shared a new track titled “Time” and has also excitedly announced their upcoming debut album, “Festina Lente”. The band’s new track showcases their unique sound and style, giving fans a taste of what to expect from their highly anticipated album. With this exciting announcement, Dog Park is sure to attract even more attention from music lovers and critics alike.
Это было среди ранней весны,
Трава чуть подросла,
Жара была мягкая, и быстры были источники,
И свет сквозь рощи сиял.
سلامٌ، يتنفس بين الصحاري والمدائن،
ينساب كنهر النيل، فيروزي الهدوء،
يملأ القلوب بألوان الفجر الجديد،
ويغسل الروح كمطرٍ أول، نقي ورقراق.
קוּבֶּה אָדֹם
כָּל כָּךְ הַרְבֵּה
תָּלוּי בְּ
סִיר מָרָק
קוּבֶּה אָדֹם
.שֶׁל סָבָתִי נָעִימָה
שִׁפְתִי אֶת הַסִּיר וְגַם צְקִי בּוֹ מַיִם
,לְקָרֵב אֶת נְהָרוֹת בַּבֵל אֶל נְכָדַיִךְ
.נֹחַם בְּגָלוּת יְרוּשָׁלַיִם
.דָּאר-אִל-יַהוּד נֶעֶלְמָה כְּבָר מִזְּמַן
גַּם יָדַיִךְ אֵינָן. יָדֶיהָ שֶׁל אִמִּי
חוֹצוֹת סָהַרוֹנֵי סֶלֶק, מְלַטְּשׁוֹת
,יַהֲלוֹם סֹּלֶת מִגַּרְעִינֵי הַחִטָּה
.מוֹסְרוֹת אֵלַי סוֹדוֹת מֶשֶׁךְ
Batsheva Dori
#ישראל# ירושלים# תלאביב# ישראלי# עברית# שלום