Beth Orton – Folktronica Godmother: Bridging Folk Traditions with Modern Electronica

Beth Orton - SourceL

Imagine a world where traditional folk music intertwines seamlessly with electronica. This is not a far-off land of music fantasy; it is the soundscape crafted by Beth Orton.

Covers (2022) with Bonus Tracks

Covers (2022)

“Covers” was the result of my finally putting together the home studio so I could teach my then 14-year-old son how to mix and record. He helped with percussion and piano as noted, and my wife sang on one song, but it was fodder to help him get the just. He did. “Song 2” (Blur) is all him – drums, bass, guitar, and vocals, which I taught him in that organic order. I know I am biased, but he crushed it. 14. Now he has his own rock band and long ago I handed over the studio keys, but he has the gear, talent, knowledge and determination to make a go of it, if he chooses.

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