Test #8: Americana: Texas Blues: “Lone Star Beatdown” by Blue Water Ghosts (apologies for the scratchy 45?) Test #8: Americana: Texas Blues: "Lone Star Beatdown" by Blue Water Ghosts (apologies for the scratchy 45 ?)

The benefits of AI collaboration to composing Texas Blues are vast and promising for artists and musicians seeking to innovate and expand the boundaries of traditional music. Test #7: Americana: KHÉYA WÍTA (Got good headphones? Use ’em!) Test #7: Americana: KHÉYA WÍTA (Got good headphones? Use 'em!)

As part of the “AI Americana” series of tests, I planned to do one for Native American music. I did not expect what happened, and the results below. Test #3: The Beatles “Dreams of Tomorrow” (NOT The Beatles, by any stretch of the imagination) Test #3: The Beatles "Dreams of Tomorrow" (NOT The Beatles, by any stretch of the imagination)

This AI-generated song portrays a journey of hope, unity, and vibrancy, inviting listeners to join the narrator in a fantastical world where dreams and inclusivity reign supreme. By referencing memories and stories, the song evokes relatability and emotional depth, while celebrating diversity, equity, and inclusion in a joyful and uplifting manner.

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