Broken Babes, the city's most inclusive burlesque troupe, is breaking barriers and captivating audiences with their unique performances. Founded by…
All decisions (creative and otherwise), policies, actions, efforts and management in general will be determined by an Internal Council, all…
Experience the soulful sounds of Marcus King with his latest track "Me or Tennessee" from the album Mood Swings. Dive…
On Transgender Day of Visibility, we honor the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirm our Nation’s commitment…
We are actively looking for performance artists, musicians and singers who bring a unique voice and style to our music.…
Embody DEI & fulfill the UN's SDGs via TATANKA, a U.S.-based Orchestra Americana, ISO international talent. #OneLove
NETFLIX has recognized the popularity and profitability of reality productions. "TATANKA" has the potential to be a successful reality program…
Exciting news! TATANKA has added new Music and Band-related Social Media Platforms - SoundCloud, Spotify, Bandcamp, Bands In Town. Follow,…
Musicians still like floppy disks ? ??? ? ? ?
Der Abend wechselt langsam die Gewänder, die ihm ein Rand von alten Bäumen hält; du schaust: und von dir scheiden…