future of music

Album Sneak Peek: (AI Gen) 和歌のささやき (Whispers of Waka) by 桜のジュール (Sakura no Jūru)

Google's Deep Dive Podcast: 和歌のささやき by 桜のジュール https://youtu.be/Afrz12JYljM Coming Soon: Whispers of Waka, the ephemeral beauty of Waka poetry converges…

2 weeks ago

(AI Gen) TATANKA’s Sofia’s Lyra Vespera’s “Echoes of the Ember” (2024)

Echoes of the Ember (Full Album) Lyra's Nature Mix (2:49:23) https://youtu.be/zTWAOvT8dJM Download Lyra's Nature Mix (FREE): 1080p MP4 (8.27 GB), FLAC…

1 month ago

Why AI is an Ideal Music Composer and Collaborator

Note from Human Editor to those who fear, hate, attack AI Music Generation: I get it. I really do. In…

5 months ago