
An exploratory study of benefits and challenges of neurodivergent employees: roles of knowing neurodivergents and neurodiversity practices

The findings indicate that supervisors have higher awareness of neurodiversity and perceived benefits of neurodivergent employees. Knowing neurodivergents was positively…

12 months ago

Sellout! How political corruption shaped an American insult

If you follow politics, sports, Hollywood or the arts, you’ve no doubt heard the insult “sellout” thrown around to describe…

12 months ago

Music Review: DOMINO – Diners

(Bar None) It’s the rare artist that puts forth their best album nearly a dozen years in. Working alongside producer…

12 months ago

The Comic Natural History of the Human Race (1851)

While many creatures in this comic bestiary represent specific people, others appear to satirize broader nineteenth-century types. The authors claim…

12 months ago

Can AI catch what doctors miss? | Eric Topol

AI could propel the biggest transformation in the history of medicine, says physician-scientist Eric Topol. He explains how sophisticated AI…

12 months ago

"Science is a way to call the bluff of those who only pretend to knowledge… It can tell us when we’re…"

Science is a way to call the bluff of those who only pretend to knowledge… It can tell us when…

12 months ago

The Presentation of Sources and Rights Labelling Gets a Big Overhaul

Each source institution also has its own dedicated page on the site, linked to from the table, which communicates all…

12 months ago

Playlist: Sirius XM’s “Dark Wave” — hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs (12/10/23)

Killing Joke  “Dark Wave,” hosted by Slicing Up Eyeballs’ Matt Sebastian, airs 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern every…

12 months ago

10 Surreal Cities Inhabited by Animals

Before 2007, more people lived in rural areas than in cities. Since then, humans have become more geographically concentrated, and…

12 months ago

Unequal opera-tunities: gender inequality and non-standard work in US opera production

The authors find that women, as a group, experienced gender-based disadvantage across the key creative roles of opera production, but…

12 months ago