Rainy Friday Morning

Rainy Friday Morning


A soft patter on the window,
the world awakens under a veil of gray,
each drop a whisper, a secret,
sharing stories of distant lands,
of clouds that drifted like thoughts,
unbounded, unhurried,
until they burst,
showering us in liquid memory.

The streets shimmer,
mirrors reflecting the sky’s melancholy,
as the rhythm of rain dances
upon the asphalt,
a symphony played by nature’s orchestra,
each note a splash,
each pause a sigh,
inviting stillness into the chaos
of rushing lives.

Inside, the air is heavy,
a cozy cocoon wrapped around
the scent of brewed coffee,
its warmth curling through the room,
filling the spaces left by
the retreating dawn,
as the world outside blurs,
soft edges, softened hearts.

Children, bundled in bright jackets,
splash through puddles,
their laughter rising like steam,
a reminder that joy can flourish
even in the drizzled gloom,
that every storm carries with it
the promise of renewal,
the soil kissed by rain,
ready to bloom anew.

The clock ticks lazily,
the minutes stretching like shadows,
time unfolds in a languid embrace,
while the pulse of the universe slows,
allowing us to breathe,
to reflect,
to linger in the beauty of now,
where the world is washed clean,
and every thought feels lighter,
released from the weight of the week.

Outside, the trees sway,
their leaves glistening,
each droplet a diamond,
clinging to the edges of life,
reminding us that even on
the gloomiest of mornings,
there is magic everywhere—
in the way the rain kisses the earth,
in the way we find solace
in the simplest of moments,
as we sip our coffee,
and let the world unfold,
one precious drop at a time.


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