
Original Song: If Love Is Gone (1999)

Sticking with tonight’s theme of unrequited love, here’s a song I wrote and recorded in 1999. It took me a year to put into words and music what I was feeling after my college sweetheart and I rekindled, decided to marry, and then weeks before the wedding she called to call it off. She was and is a good person, but she had gotten into religion after we first broke up (my fault) and I remain(ed) agnostic, at best, so she felt if we were not going to spend the afterlife together, we should not share this life.


Years later, I am glad it happened because if not, my son would not have been born. And not everything turns out as expected, but even if against your will, you do grow wiser with age. Either that or I am jaded. Either way, one door closes and another always opens, like TATANKA, but I digress.

As for the music, I was listening to a lot of Britpop and as always, The Beatles, so the guitar solo is my poor man’s allusion to George Harrison. He’s my favorite, by the way. Most people naturally first focus on Paul as he was the heart, but John was the soul, however some folks end there. George had big shoes to fill if he wanted a song on each album, so he is the Beatle who grew the most, IMHO, musically, spiritually, and as a basic human. A few years ago I jokingly started focusing on Ringo’s work and lo and behold, now I am obsessed. I think that’s the natural path, and we all end up listening to Wings albums, but with an entirely new perspective and context, and as always, I digress.

And no, this is not the kind of song I image TATANKA adapting, but who knows? If the “Yays” have it…

#OriginalMusic #SongComposition #Love #Gone #UnrequitedLove #Loss #Pain #Heartache #MusicTherapy #MelancholyMelodies #HeartbreakTunes @karensouzaofficial


Musician turned web developer turned teacher turned web developer turned musician.

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