


Musician turned web developer turned teacher turned web developer turned musician.

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  • Hey there, just saw you at LinkedIn and was positive surprised, I started to run thru some of your information here and couldn't stop... will continue the next days if time will allow...
    I am original educated as an Architect & worked in my own office for 22 years but also played the guitar etc. and writing songs. I started my professional music as a singer/songwriter something like 20 years ago, and traveled around the world playing gigs. Am still playing live today, (am 71), prefer to play "Americana" Music, Roots Music, Folk Music. I like to play with a Lady playing violin and can sing too, as well as a 2nd musician playing also guitar. That's it for now, your information here is very
    great, still have to follow up the next days, thanks, JD

    • Hello, JD, and thank you for the kind words. You might be interested in U.S.-based TATANKA, an "Orchestra Americana." We seek international Performance Artists, Musicians and Singer-Songwriters.
      Diverse. Equal. Inclusive. ???? ????. ᎾᏁᎬ ᏞᎾᏙᎬ.
      We're SDG-focused and AMBITIOUS!

      If you too are ?????????, apply online here: TinyURL: https://tinyurl.com/tatanka-talent (please wait as page loads)

      Questions? Please let me know.

      Voice/Text: 1-605-808-1011

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