
(AI Gen) TATANKA’s “MAAA – Make America Americana Again” (2024) + Bonus Tracks Album Stream (3:24:20)


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Welcome to “MAAA – Make America Americana Again,” a musical project that celebrates the power of music to bring people together and inspire positive change. This project features 26 original songs, plus 15 bonus tracks (3:24:20), each with its own unique message, style, and Americana sub-genre. From Folk-Rock to Soul, from Outlaw Country to Techno, this project takes you on a musical journey across the Americana roots music landscape.

The premise of this project is simple yet powerful; music has the ability to unite us, to inspire us, and to challenge our assumptions. Through these songs, we aim to promote unity, social justice, and critical thinking, while also celebrating the diversity and complexity of the human experience.

Does that describe the ideologies of the U.S. Democratic Party? Yep. #VoteBlue

Each song in this project has been carefully crafted to tell a story, convey a message, or evoke a particular emotion. From the rousing anthem “Workers United, Hearts Ignited” to the heartfelt plea for kindness in “Compassion’s Call, Kindness Echoes,” these songs are designed to resonate with listeners from all walks of life.

You know. Inclusive. FORWARD. Like the Dems. #HarrisWalz

Throughout this article, you’ll find the lyrics, descriptions, and Americana subgenres for each song, as well as additional context and insights into the creative process behind this project. We hope you’ll add us to your playlist as you move forward, think critically, feel deeply, and act boldly.


01 Rise Up, Oh Justice, Rise

A call to action for racial equality and an end to systemic oppression.

Verse 1
In the shadows of a nation’s pride
Lies a truth that we can’t hide
Systemic chains that bind and divide
A legacy of pain, we must abide

Verse 2
From the streets to the systemic throne
Injustice reigns, and freedom’s unknown
The cries of the oppressed echo through time
A call to action, a reckoning in rhyme

Verse 3
The scales of justice, once blind and fair
Now tipped by power, and a biased air
We need a storm to shake the ground
And rise up, oh justice, all around

Verse 4
From the ashes of a painful past
A phoenix rises, and a new path is cast
With every step, with every voice
We’ll shatter the silence, and make some noise

Verse 5
The future beckons, a brighter day
Where equality and justice pave the way
No longer held down, no longer suppressed
Rise up, oh justice, and let freedom be expressed

Verse 6
We’ll stand united, hand in hand
A diverse and fierce, unbreakable band
With love and hope, we’ll face the fight
And shine a light on the darkest night

Rise up, oh justice, rise
Break the chains, and open eyes
Equality and freedom, for all to see
Rise up, oh justice, rise, and set humanity free

We’ll learn from the past, and forge a new way
Together, we’ll rise, come what may
No longer held back, no longer ignored
Our voices heard, our rights restored

02 Echoes of a Wounded Earth

A poignant ballad about the urgent need for climate action and sustainable living.

Verse 1
In the silence of a forest grey
A whispered warning blows away
The winds that whisper through the trees
A haunting echo of what’s been lost, it seems

Verse 2
Rivers weep, and oceans sigh
As plastic chains and carbon ties
Bind the future, choke the earth
A desperate cry, a dying birth

Verse 3
In the shadows of a melting snow
A reflection of what we’ve sown
The ghosts of progress, the cost of greed
A legacy of wounds, a future in need

Verse 4
Yet, in the heart of darkness lies
A seed of hope, a glimmering surprise
The power to choose, to heal, to mend
A chance to rewrite the bitter end

Verse 5
In the rhythms of a circular way
A harmony of life, a new path to sway
Renewable dreams, sustainable grace
A symphony of hope, a gentle embrace

Verse 6
Let’s tend the gardens of our home
And listen to the earth’s sweet tone
For in its whispers, we’ll find our way
To a brighter dawn, a new day

Oh, the echoes of a wounded earth
A call to heal, a new rebirth
In harmony, we’ll find our voice
And sing a song of sustainable choice

In the stillness, we’ll find the strength
To weave a tapestry of length
A fabric of life, a testament of love
For the earth, our home, sent from above

03 Walls of Fear, Bridges of Love

A powerful anthem celebrating diversity and demanding inclusivity for all immigrants.

Verse 1
In the shadows of a divided land
Fears and doubts, they take their stand
Walls that rise, a barrier strong
But love and hope, they can’t be wrong

Verse 2
From distant shores, a dream takes flight
Seeking refuge, a beacon of light
The weary traveler, the stranger too
Yearning for a place to call anew

Verse 3
We’re woven from a tapestry so fine
Threads of culture, a rich design
Each strand unique, yet intertwined
A beautiful mosaic, the human kind

Verse 4
Let’s build bridges, not walls of stone
Embrace the stranger, make them known
For in their eyes, a story’s told
Of resilience, of courage bold

Verse 5
We’ll stand together, hand in hand
A rainbow of voices, across this land
With every step, with every voice
We’ll shatter fears, and make some noise

Verse 6
Love is the language that we all can speak
A universal tongue, that hearts can seek
So let’s raise our voices, let love resound
And build a world where all can be found

We’ll tear down walls of fear, and build bridges wide
With love and acceptance, we’ll abide
For every soul, a place to call home
Where diversity’s celebrated, and all are known

We’ll learn from each other’s stories told
And find the courage to unfold
Our hearts and minds, a welcoming space
Where love and inclusivity, take their rightful place

04 Love’s Rainbow Refracted

A heartfelt celebration of LGBTQIA2S+ rights and the beauty of equality.

Verse 1
In the prism of love, a rainbow appears
Refracted light, through joy and tears
A spectrum of hearts, a kaleidoscope of pride
A beauty that shines, deep inside

Verse 2
From the shadows to the sun’s warm light
We’ve journeyed far, through the dark of night
With every step, with every voice
We’ve risen up, and made some noise

Verse 3
We’ve shattered glass, and broken chains
And emerged stronger, through the pain
Our true selves, we now embrace
And celebrate, our sacred space

Verse 4
In this rainbow world, we’re free to be
Authentic, proud, and wild, and carefree
Our love is pure, our love is kind
A treasure trove, for heart and mind

Verse 5
We’ll keep on dancing, under the rainbow’s arc
With every color, a story to embark
We’ll keep on shining, like the morning dew
A radiant love, that’s forever true

Verse 6
Through love’s refracted light, we’ll find our way
To a world where all can live, in a brighter day
Where equality’s the guiding star
And love’s rainbow, shines near and far

Love’s rainbow refracted, a beauty to behold
A heart’s kaleidoscope, where love never grows old
In every color, a story unfolds
Of a love that’s pure, and a heart that’s bold

We’ll keep on sparkling, like diamonds in the sun
Our love will shine, the journey’s just begun
With every step, with every voice
We’ll rise together, and make some noise!

05 Healing Hands, Helping Hearts

A soulful tribute to the importance of universal healthcare and compassion.

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

Verse 1
In the touch of a hand, a healing begins
A compassionate soul, a heart that wins
The pain and the fear, they slowly subside
As love and care, become the guide

Verse 2
We’re all in this together, we’re all as one
Our health and well-being, forever won
No one left behind, no one denied
Access to care, for every soul inside

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

Verse 3
The healers among us, with skills so fine
Tend to our bodies, and soothe our minds
With every stitch, with every care
They show us love, is always there

Verse 4
But it’s not just hands, that heal and mend
It’s hearts that care, and a world that bends
Towards justice, towards what is right
Universal care, a beacon in sight

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

Verse 5
We’ll stand together, hand in hand
For a world where all, can heal and stand
No barriers, no borders, no pain
Just love and care, like summer rain

Verse 6
Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so true
A world where all, can heal anew
In every touch, in every care
We’ll find our way, to a love that’s fair

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

We’ll rise above, the noise and the pain
And find our way, to a love that reigns
Where every hand, and every heart
Can heal and help, from the very start

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

Healing hands, helping hearts, a love so bright
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every care, with every touch
We’ll heal the world, with love so much

06 Chains of Greed, Shackles of Shame

A rallying cry for economic equality and an end to exploitation.

Verse 1
In the depths of a system, rigged and cold
Where profit is king, and people are sold
The chains of greed, they bind and confine
A never-ending cycle, of debt and grind

Verse 2
The shackles of shame, they weigh us down
As the wealthy few, wear their crown
Their privilege and power, built on our pain
A legacy of injustice, that remains

Verse 3
The earth cries out, in anguish and strife
As resources are plundered, and lives are rife
With inequality and suffering, we’re told
“That’s just the way it is”, a story oft’ told

Verse 4
But we see the truth, behind the guise
A system that’s broken, and a world that’s compromised
We won’t be silenced, we won’t be tamed
Our voices will rise, and our power will be reclaimed

Verse 5
We’ll forge a new path, where all can thrive
Where the earth is cherished, and all survive
No more exploitation, no more pain
A world where love and justice reign

Break the chains, shatter the shame
Let’s rise up, and reclaim our name
No more greed, no more pain
Let’s build a world, where love will reign

We’ll weave a tapestry, of love and light
A world where all can live, without a fight
No more division, no more strife
Just a world where love, is the guiding life.

07 Ramps of Freedom, Pathways of Pride

An uplifting anthem demanding disability rights and inclusivity.

Verse 1
Invisible barriers, they surround
Limiting access, to a world unbound
But we won’t be held back, we won’t be tamed
Our voices will rise, and our power will be reclaimed

Verse 2
Ramps of freedom, pathways of pride
We’ll build a world, where all can reside
No more obstacles, no more shame
Just a world where all, can live and thrive in the game

Verse 3
We’ll break down barriers, we’ll shatter the mold
Our diversity, will be the gold
That shines so bright, in a world of pride
Where disability rights, will be the guide

Verse 4
We’ll celebrate, our unique design
Embracing differences, we’ll redefine
The norms that bind, the stereotypes that cling
We’ll rise above, and let our spirit sing

Verse 5
With every step, with every voice
We’ll pave the way, for a world of choice
Where accessibility, is the norm
And inclusivity, is the form

Ramps of freedom, pathways of pride
We’ll rise together, and let our spirit glide
No more barriers, no more pain
We’ll build a world, where all can thrive again

We’ll weave a tapestry, of love and light
A world where all, can shine so bright
No more shadows, no more fear
Just a world where love, is the guiding cheer.

08 Ancient Voices, Timeless Pride

A powerful tribute to the resilience and rights of indigenous peoples.

Verse 1
In the whispers of the wind, we hear the past
A legacy of love, that forever lasts
The echoes of our ancestors, their stories untold
A history of strength, that never grows old

Verse 2
We are the guardians, of this sacred land
Our roots run deep, our spirits expand
We’ve faced the storms, of colonization’s might
But our pride remains, a beacon in the night

Verse 3
Our voices silenced, our cultures erased
But our resilience, remains unamazed
We’ve adapted, we’ve survived, we’ve thrived
Our identity, forever alive

Verse 4
We honor our elders, who paved the way
Their wisdom guides us, through each new day
We’ll keep our traditions, alive and strong
Our heritage, a treasure, that will never be wrong

Verse 5
We’ll rise up, with a voice that’s clear
Demanding justice, and an end to fear
Our rights respected, our future bright
We’ll shine our light, in the dark of night

Ancient voices, timeless pride
We’ll stand together, side by side
Our spirits unbroken, our hearts untamed
We’ll honor our past, and forge a new claim.

09 Global Beat, Human Heat

A vibrant celebration of international cooperation and unity.

Verse 1
From the streets of Tokyo, to the streets of New York
From the beaches of Rio, to the streets of Cairo
We’re all connected, we’re all as one
Our hearts beating together, like a drum

Verse 2
We’ll dance to the rhythm, of a global beat
With every step, our spirits will meet
We’ll sing in harmony, our voices will blend
In a celebration, that will never end

Verse 3
We’ll break down barriers, we’ll build bridges high
We’ll unite our differences, and reach for the sky
We’ll share our stories, our laughter and our tears
And find common ground, through all our fears

Verse 4
From the mountains of China, to the hills of Rome
From the deserts of Africa, to the cities of home
We’ll come together, in a spirit of love
And find our humanity, sent from above

Verse 5
We’ll make a change, we’ll make it real
With every step, with every feel
We’ll be the ones, who make a difference too
With a global beat, and a heart that’s true

Verse 6
And when we’re together, our hearts will ignite
A fire of hope, that will shine so bright
We’ll be the light, in the dark of night
Guiding each other, to a brighter sight

In this world of diversity, we’ll find our strength
Embracing each other, we’ll rise to our length
No borders can divide us, no walls can confine
Our global heartbeat, will forever shine

Global beat, human heat
We’ll rise together, can’t you feel the beat?
We’ll shine our light, in the dark of night
With a global beat, we’ll make it right!

10 Green Horizons, Sustainable Dreams

A hopeful vision for a world prioritizing environmental stewardship. Ethereal, organic, natural, acoustic.

Verse 1
In a world where nature’s beauty shines
We’ll find our place, in harmony’s design
With every step, with every stride
We’ll walk the path, where earth and sky collide

Green horizons, sustainable dreams
We’ll rise together, to a brighter scheme
Where love and care, for the earth prevail
And a green tomorrow, is the legacy we hail

Verse 2
Renewable energy, a beacon of light
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
Electric vehicles, a transportation revolution
Cleaner air, a healthier evolution

Green horizons, sustainable dreams
We’ll rise together, to a brighter scheme
Where love and care, for the earth prevail
And a green tomorrow, is the legacy we hail

Verse 3
Sustainable farming, a harvest of gold
Locally sourced, and organic to hold
Reducing carbon footprints, with every stride
A world where green, is the color of pride

Green horizons, sustainable dreams
We’ll rise together, to a brighter scheme
Where love and care, for the earth prevail
And a green tomorrow, is the legacy we hail

Verse 4
We’ll reduce, reuse, recycle, and restore
Embracing circularity, forever more
Composting, and reducing waste
A world where sustainability, is the pace

Green horizons, sustainable dreams
We’ll rise together, to a brighter scheme
Where love and care, for the earth prevail
And a green tomorrow, is the legacy we hail

Verse 5
Green architecture, a built environment blend
With nature’s rhythm, our souls will transcend
Energy-efficient, and eco-friendly too
A world where sustainability, is the clue

Verse 6
In this world of wonder, we’ll thrive and grow
With sustainable dreams, our hearts will glow
We’ll leave a legacy, for generations to come
A world where green horizons, are forever won

We’ll work together, hand in hand
United for the planet, we’ll make a stand
For a brighter future, we’ll pave the way
With sustainable living, every single day

Green horizons, sustainable dreams
We’ll rise together, to a brighter scheme
Where love and care, for the earth prevail
And a green tomorrow, is the legacy we hail

11 Justice Rolls Down, Equity Flows

A soulful cry for social justice and human rights.

Verse 1
In the shadows of oppression, we cry out for the light
Where freedom’s voice is whispering, “Stand up, fight for what’s right”

Justice rolls down, equity flows
Like a river of righteousness, it overflows
We’ll rise up, united as one
Until justice is done

Verse 2
From the margins to the mainstream, we’ll amplify the call
For equality and justice, we’ll stand tall

Justice rolls down, equity flows
Like a river of righteousness, it overflows
We’ll rise up, united as one
Until justice is done

Verse 3
We’ll dismantle the systems, that perpetuate the pain
And build a world where love and justice reign

Justice rolls down, equity flows
Like a river of righteousness, it overflows
We’ll rise up, united as one
Until justice is done

We’ll walk together, hand in hand
With courage and compassion, we’ll take a stand
For justice and equity, we’ll never give up the fight
Until the dawn of freedom, shines with all its light

Verse 4
From the streets to the suites, we’ll demand a change
With every voice and every vote, we’ll rearrange

Justice rolls down, equity flows
Like a river of righteousness, it overflows
We’ll rise up, united as one
Until justice is done

Verse 5
We’ll lift up the marginalized, and amplify their voice
With solidarity and love, we’ll make some noise

Justice rolls down, equity flows
Like a river of righteousness, it overflows
We’ll rise up, united as one
Until justice is done

Verse 6
And when the journey gets long, and the road gets steep
We’ll remember the struggles, and the progress we keep

Justice rolls down, equity flows
Like a river of righteousness, it overflows
We’ll rise up, united as one
Until justice is done

12 Infinite Skies

A soaring anthem that honors the intersex community’s diversity and individuality, with lyrics that celebrate their unique experiences and perspectives.

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Verse 1
Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Verse 2
Chromosomes dance, a waltz of grace
A third gender’s beauty, in every single place
Outward appearance, a story untold
A soul that’s authentic, worth more than gold

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Verse 3
Intersex hearts, a rhythm so bold
A diversity of experience, a story to be told
In every shade of gender, a truth revealed
A beauty that’s unique, a soul that’s healed

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Verse 4
Third gender rising, a dawn of new light
A negation of binaries, a soul taking flight
Infinite possibilities, a sky so vast
A beautiful soul, forever to last

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Verse 5
Every color, every hue
A masterpiece of identity, shining through
Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A beautiful soul, hand in hand

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Verse 6
Intersex voices, a chorus so strong
A testament to resilience, all day long
In every shade of gender, a truth revealed
A beauty that’s authentic, a soul that’s healed

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

We’ll rise up, united, strong and proud
Our third gender beauty, will shine aloud
We’ll negate the binaries, and break the mold
Our infinite skies, will forever unfold.

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through

Infinite skies, a canvas so grand
A masterpiece of identity, hand in hand
Every color, every hue
A beautiful soul, shining through


Infinite skies…

Every color, every hue, a chromatic soul, shining through

Infinite skies…

Interdimensional sculpture, break the mold, masterpiece of identity

Infinite skies…

Disprove the binaries, exponentially heavenly

Infinite skies…

Every shade of being, chromosomes dance an angelic waltz

13 Compassion’s Call, Kindness Echoes

A heartfelt plea for animal welfare and kindness.

Verse 1
In the eyes of the innocent, we see a plea
A cry for help, a call to be free
From suffering and pain, from fear and from might
Let compassion guide us, shine a light

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

Verse 2
In the silence of their suffering, we hear a voice
A whispered cry, a heartfelt choice
To stand for justice, to speak for the weak
To be the guardians, of the meek

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

We’ll be the change, we’ll make a stand
With every act, with every hand
We’ll choose compassion, we’ll choose love
For a world where kindness, rises above

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

Verse 3
In the beauty of their being, we see a friend
A fellow traveler, to the very end
Let’s walk together, hand in hand
With kindness leading, we’ll make a stand

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

Verse 4
We’ll raise our voices, we’ll make some noise
For the ones who suffer, we’ll be the joys
We’ll be the hope, we’ll be the light
For a world where kindness, shines so bright

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

Verse 5
In the power of our choices, we’ll make a change
With every step, with every range
We’ll choose compassion, we’ll choose love
For a world where kindness, rises above

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

Verse 6
And when the journey gets long, and the road gets steep
We’ll remember the ones, who need our help to keep
We’ll keep on walking, we’ll keep on standing
For a world where kindness, is the guiding hand

Compassion’s call, kindness echoes
Let love resound, across the land and seas
For every creature, big and small
We’ll stand for kindness, one and all

14 Democracy’s Torch, Freedom’s Light

A powerful tribute to the importance of voting rights and democratic values.

Verse 1
In the hands of the people, a power so grand
A torch of freedom, shining across the land
With every vote, a voice is heard
A beacon of hope, in a world that’s blurred

Democracy’s torch, freedom’s light
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for freedom, our choice

Verse 2
Through the struggles, through the strife
We’ll hold on to freedom, our guiding life
With every generation, a new light shines
A torch of democracy, forever divine

Democracy’s torch, freedom’s light
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for freedom, our choice

Verse 3
From the shadows of oppression, we’ll rise
With freedom’s torch, our spirits will ignite
With every step, with every voice
We’ll shine the light, of democracy’s choice

Democracy’s torch, freedom’s light
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for freedom, our choice

Verse 4
We’ll stand united, we’ll stand strong
With freedom’s torch, our hearts will belong
To a world where every voice is heard
Where democracy’s light, will forever shine

Democracy’s torch, freedom’s light
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for freedom, our choice

Verse 5
Through the darkness, we’ll find our way
With freedom’s torch, we’ll chase the night away
With every step, with every voice
We’ll rise up, and make our choice

Democracy’s torch, freedom’s light
Guiding us forward, through the dark of night
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for freedom, our choice

Verse 6
And when the journey gets long, and the road gets steep
We’ll remember the power, of our freedom’s keep
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for freedom, our choice.

15 Mind’s Eye, Open Heart

An uplifting anthem celebrating the power of knowledge and critical thinking.

Verse 1
In the depths of our minds, a spark takes flight
A flame of curiosity, that guides us through the night
With every question, we seek the light
And open our hearts, to the beauty in sight

Mind’s eye, open heart
We’ll seek the truth, and never depart
From the path of knowledge, we’ll never stray
With critical thinking, we’ll find our way

Verse 2
Through the lens of reason, we’ll examine the facts
And evaluate the evidence, with a critical act
We’ll challenge assumptions, and question the norm
And seek the truth, with an open heart and form

Mind’s eye, open heart
We’ll seek the truth, and never depart
From the path of knowledge, we’ll never stray
With critical thinking, we’ll find our way

With empathy and compassion, we’ll understand
The perspectives of others, and the world’s grand plan
We’ll embrace the complexity, and the beauty we find
And cultivate wisdom, with an open heart and mind

Mind’s eye, open heart
We’ll seek the truth, and never depart
From the path of knowledge, we’ll never stray
With critical thinking, we’ll find our way

Verse 3
In the pursuit of wisdom, we’ll never cease
To seek the truth, and increase our peace
With every step, with every quest
We’ll open our hearts, and do our best

Mind’s eye, open heart
We’ll seek the truth, and never depart
From the path of knowledge, we’ll never stray
With critical thinking, we’ll find our way

Verse 4
Through the power of knowledge, we’ll rise above
And shine the light, of critical thinking love
With every voice, with every choice
We’ll stand for truth, and rejoice

Mind’s eye, open heart
We’ll seek the truth, and never depart
From the path of knowledge, we’ll never stray
With critical thinking, we’ll find our way

Verse 5
In the beauty of discovery, we’ll find our way
And cultivate wisdom, every single day
With every step, with every quest
We’ll open our hearts, and do our best

Mind’s eye, open heart
We’ll seek the truth, and never depart
From the path of knowledge, we’ll never stray
With critical thinking, we’ll find our way

Verse 6
And when the journey gets long, and the road gets steep
We’ll remember the power, of our knowledge keep
With every step, with every voice
We’ll stand for truth, and rejoice.

16 Sisters of Sovereignty

A song advocating for the protection of women’s reproductive rights, autonomy, and access to healthcare, highlighting the importance of reviving and strengthening Roe vs. Wade.

Verse 1
We stand together, a collective might
Our bodies, our choices, our inalienable right
Autonomy and dignity, we demand and claim
Unapologetic and unrelenting, we’ll never be tamed

Rise up, sisters, and claim your right
Reproductive freedom, shining like a light
We’ll fight for justice, we’ll stand as one
Our sovereignty, our future, has just begun

Verse 2
From coat hangers to clinics, a dangerous slide
Restrictive laws and rhetoric, our rights denied
We remember the struggles, the sacrifices made
Our sisters who paved the way, their legacy we’ll never fade

Rise up, sisters, and claim your right
Reproductive freedom, shining like a light
We’ll fight for justice, we’ll stand as one
Our sovereignty, our future, has just begun

Verse 3
Roe vs. Wade, a landmark victory won
But now it’s under siege, our freedoms undone
Politicians and puppets, trying to control
Our bodies, our lives, our future, our soul

Rise up, sisters, and claim your right
Reproductive freedom, shining like a light
We’ll fight for justice, we’ll stand as one
Our sovereignty, our future, has just begun

Verse 4
We won’t be silenced, we won’t be shamed
Our reproductive rights, a human right proclaimed
Access to healthcare, a basic need
We’ll fight for the marginalized, the oppressed, and the unseen

Rise up, sisters, and claim your right
Reproductive freedom, shining like a light
We’ll fight for justice, we’ll stand as one
Our sovereignty, our future, has just begun

Verse 5
Sisters of sovereignty, we’ll stand strong and united
Our diversity and differences, a powerful sight
We’ll lift each other up, we’ll never give in
Our reproductive rights, a fundamental win

Rise up, sisters, and claim your right
Reproductive freedom, shining like a light
We’ll fight for justice, we’ll stand as one
Our sovereignty, our future, has just begun

Verse 6
This is our moment, our movement, our time
We’ll revive and strengthen, the rights that are mine
We’ll rise up and resist, we’ll make our voices heard
Sisters of sovereignty, our power will never be blurred

From the streets to the courts, we’ll make our stand
With every generation, our legacy will expand
We’ll break down barriers, we’ll shatter glass ceilings
Sisters of sovereignty, our future is revealing

17 Voting Rights Revival

A song emphasizing the importance of protecting and expanding voting rights, potentially highlighting historical struggles and modern-day challenges.

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Verse 1
In the shadows of a nation’s pride
Lies a struggle that we can’t hide
The right to vote, a fundamental might
Denied to many, a dark stain on our light

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Verse 2
Section 5, a beacon of hope
Protected voters, a promise to cope
With discrimination’s subtle guile
Preclearance, a safeguard all the while

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Verse 3
Shelby County, a case that went awry
Weakened protections, a setback to the sky
But we won’t falter, we won’t lose our way
We’ll rise up, come what may

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Verse 4
Voting rights are human rights
Universal and unalienable lights
No matter race, creed, or station
Every voice deserves a voting foundation

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Verse 5
We’ll march together, hand in hand
For the future of our democracy, we’ll take a stand
No barriers too high, no obstacles too grand
We’ll fight for the right to vote, across this land

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Verse 6
Our voices will be heard, our votes will count
We’ll revive and strengthen, the rights that we’ve found
No turning back, we’ll move forward as one
Voting rights revival, the journey’s just begun

From the streets to the courts, we’ll make our stand
With every generation, our legacy will expand
We’ll break down barriers, we’ll shatter glass ceilings
Voting rights revival, our future is revealing

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

Rise up, let our voices be heard
Voting rights revival, a movement that’s stirred
From the shadows of the past
We’ll shine a light on the future at last

18 Shadow Money

A track criticizing corporate influence in politics and advocating for greater transparency and responsibility.

Verse 1
In the halls of power, a hidden hand
Pulls the strings, a puppeteer’s command
Money talks, and politicians bend
A shadowy dance, where truth can’t transcend

Shadow money, a toxic game
Buying influence, a deadly aim
Transparency, a distant dream
We need accountability, it’s time to scream

Verse 2
Lobbyists lurk, with briefcases full of gold
Writing laws, that only they are told
Politicians feast, on corporate crumbs
While the people suffer, and the planet succumbs

Shadow money, a toxic game
Buying influence, a deadly aim
Transparency, a distant dream
We need accountability, it’s time to scream

Verse 3
Dark money flows, like a poisoned stream
Hiding donors, and their sinister scheme
Super PACs, a legalized bribe
Undermining democracy, a fatal jive

Shadow money, a toxic game
Buying influence, a deadly aim
Transparency, a distant dream
We need accountability, it’s time to scream

Verse 4
We need reform, a radical change
Overturn Citizens United, rearrange
The system’s broken, it’s time to face
The corrupting influence, of shadow money’s dark embrace

Shadow money, a toxic game
Buying influence, a deadly aim
Transparency, a distant dream
We need accountability, it’s time to scream

Verse 5
The people rise, a growing tide
Demanding justice, and an end to the hide
Corporate power, will not prevail
We’ll shine a light, on the shadow money trail

Shadow money, a toxic game
Buying influence, a deadly aim
Transparency, a distant dream
We need accountability, it’s time to scream

Verse 6
Together we’ll create, a brighter day
Where money doesn’t talk, and truth has its say
No more shadow money, no more lies
We’ll build a future, where democracy survives

From the streets to the courts, we’ll make our stand
With every generation, our legacy will expand
We’ll break down barriers, we’ll shatter glass ceilings
Shadow money’s grip, will finally be revealing

Shadow money, a toxic game
Buying influence, a deadly aim
Transparency, a distant dream
We need accountability, it’s time to scream

19 Harvest of Hope

Food Sovereignty: A song highlighting the importance of local food systems, sustainable agriculture, and access to healthy food for all.

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Verse 1
Seeds of change, planted with care
Local food systems, a future to share
Sustainable agriculture, a path we must choose
Healthy food for all, a basic human right to produce

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Verse 2
Community gardens, a beacon of light
Fresh produce for all, a delightful sight
Farmers’ markets, a celebration of the earth
Locally grown food, a taste of rebirth

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Verse 3
Agroecology, a science of the land
Regenerative farming, a gentle hand
Soil conservation, a precious resource to save
Biodiversity, a treasure to crave

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Verse 4
Food justice, a movement we must lead
Equitable access, a basic human need
No more hunger, no more pain
Harvest of hope, a world we can obtain

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Verse 5
Together we’ll grow, a brighter future we’ll see
Local food systems, a world we’ll be
Sustainable agriculture, a legacy we’ll leave
Harvest of hope, a world we can achieve.

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

Harvest of hope, a future we sow
Local food, sustainable ways to grow
Access for all, a right we must defend
Harvest of hope, a better world to mend

20 Digital Dawn – Net Neutrality

A track promoting the preservation of an open internet, free from corporate control and censorship.

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Verse 1
Ones and zeros, flowing free
An open internet, for you and me
No gates, no tolls, no corporate might
Preserving freedom, in the digital light

Verse 2
ISPs and giants, can’t control the flow
Net neutrality, our freedom to know
No throttling, no blocking, no censorship too
The internet’s ours, our voices shine through

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Verse 3
Innovation blooms, in the digital sun
Net neutrality, our future’s won
No gatekeepers, can stifle our voice
The internet’s power, our collective choice

Verse 4
Together we’ll rise, and make our stand
For net neutrality, hand in hand
Our voices loud, our message clear
A free and open internet, for all to hear

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Verse 5
The future’s bright, the future’s ours
With net neutrality, we’ll shape the powers
Of the digital age, with freedom and might
A digital dawn, that shines so bright

Verse 6
We’ll keep the internet, open and free
For all to access, a digital destiny
No corporate control, no censorship too
A digital dawn, for me and you

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Let’s keep the internet, a beacon of light
Guiding our way, through the digital night
With net neutrality, we’ll shine so bright
A digital dawn, that’s our right

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

Digital dawn, a new day’s born
Net neutrality, our rights sworn
Free and open, the internet’s way
Digital dawn, a brighter day

21 Shield of Justice – Police Reform

A song calling for systemic changes in law enforcement, including accountability, de-escalation training, and community-led policing.

Verse 1
Broken trust, a system flawed
Lives lost, families scarred
Accountability, a call to action made
Justice sought, for all to be swayed

Verse 2
De-escalation training, a vital part
Empathy and understanding, a new start
Community-led policing, a path to choose
Building bridges, to break the blues

Verse 3
Systemic change, a shield to bear
Protect and serve, with justice to share
Transparency and truth, a light to shine
A safer tomorrow, for all to align

Verse 4
Community voices, heard and loud
Reform and justice, a collective proud
Unity and strength, a bond to form
A shield of justice, to transform

Verse 5
Healing and hope, a new dawn arises
Justice and peace, no longer compromised
Shield of justice, a symbol of might
Protecting all, with love and light

Verse 6
Together we rise, a call to unite
Justice for all, a beacon in sight
Shield of justice, a heart that beats strong
A safer world, where all belong

Shield of justice, a symbol of our cry
Justice for all, until the day we die
Protect and serve, with love and light
Shield of justice, shining bright

We can make a change, we can make it right
Together we can, shine a light
On the path to justice, we’ll walk as one
With the shield of justice, until the work is done

22 Spectrum of Soul

A powerful ballad acknowledging the transgender community’s struggles and triumphs, with lyrics that reverence their identity and spirit.

Verse 1
In the expanse of identity, a microtonal heart beats
A wider spectrum of soul, where every shade repeats
A nuance of gender, a harmony of grace
A beauty that resonates, in every single place

Verse 2
A whispered truth, a secret frequency revealed
A vulnerability to share, a love that’s concealed
The strength of resonance, a power that’s unsealed
A microtonal soul, where every shade is real

Verse 3
In every microtone of gender, a story unfolds
A tapestry of experience, a beauty to behold
The richness of resonance, a power that’s untold
A spectrum of soul, where love will forever unfold

Verse 4
Through the shadows of doubt, a resonant light will shine
A beacon of hope, a heart that’s truly mine
Embracing every microtone, a wholeness to claim
A love that’s unconditional, a soul that’s not tamed

Verse 5
With every step forward, a new resonance is made clear
A journey of self-discovery, a soul that’s sincere
Authenticity’s resonance, a heart that’s true and bright
A shining star of hope, in the dark of night

Verse 6
In this microtonal spectrum of soul, we find our way
A wider range of color, a brighter day by day
Embracing every microtone, a love that’s meant to be
A beauty that cannot be told, a soul set free

A spectrum of soul, a microtonal heart beats
A gentle whisper, a resonant love repeats
In every shade, a story’s told
Of a beauty that cannot be told

And when the world may try to limit our range
We’ll rise up, united, strong and resonant, our love will exchange
For in the microtonal spectrum of soul, we are free to be
A wider range of color, a love that’s meant to be.

23 Rising Tides – Climate Refugees

A piece raising awareness about the impact of climate change on displacement and migration, advocating for compassion and support for those affected.

Verse 1
Rising seas, a world in disarray
Forced to flee, with no place to stay
Climate change, a crisis so grand
Displacement and sorrow, across this land

Verse 2
Weather extremes, a new norm to face
Communities shattered, a desperate pace
Migration and strife, a global plight
Human rights and dignity, lost in the fight

Verse 3
Compassion and aid, a call to action made
Support and solidarity, for those displaced
Climate justice now, a collective cry
For a future safe, where all can thrive and survive

Verse 4
Rising tides, a warning to us all
Sustainability and love, before we fall
Empathy and understanding, a bridge to build
For climate refugees, a safe and welcoming hill

Verse 5
Resilience and hope, in the face of strife
Climate action now, a beacon of life
Together we rise, for a brighter day
For climate refugees, a better way

Verse 6
We’ll stand as one, against the rising tides
Compassion and love, our hearts and minds
For climate refugees, a safe haven we’ll create
A world of kindness, where all can participate

Rising tides, a call to our hearts
Climate refugees, a love that never departs
Compassion and aid, a global embrace
Rising tides, a safer place

We’ll work together, hand in hand
For a world of justice, where all can stand
Climate action now, a collective voice
For the future we want, a sustainable choice

24 Workers United, Hearts Ignited

A rousing anthem demanding fair labor practices and workers’ rights.

Verse 1
We rise with the dawn, our labor begins
Our sweat and our toil, the engine that spins
The wheels of industry, the heartbeat of progress
But fairness and justice, are often repressed

Workers united, hearts ignited
We’ll stand as one, our rights excited
Fair pay, safe conditions, we demand
Respect and dignity, across this land

Verse 2
From factory floors, to fields and mines
We toil and labor, our bodies and minds
But exploitation, and greed entwine
Stealing our worth, our humanity left behind

Workers united, hearts ignited
We’ll stand as one, our rights excited
Fair pay, safe conditions, we demand
Respect and dignity, across this land

We’ll organize, we’ll mobilize
Our collective power, will realize
A world where labor, is valued and dear
Where every worker, has a fair share

Verse 3
No more oppression, no more pain
We’ll fight for our rights, until we gain
A world where every worker, can thrive and grow
With fair labor practices, our hearts will glow

Workers united, hearts ignited
We’ll stand as one, our rights excited
Fair pay, safe conditions, we demand
Respect and dignity, across this land

Verse 4
From the streets to the suites, we’ll make our voice heard
With every step, with every word
We’ll challenge the systems, that perpetuate the pain
And build a world where labor, is valued and sustained

Workers united, hearts ignited
We’ll stand as one, our rights excited
Fair pay, safe conditions, we demand
Respect and dignity, across this land

Verse 5
We’ll stand with the marginalized, and the oppressed
Together we’ll rise, our collective power expressed
No more division, no more fear
United we’ll stand, our rights clear

Workers united, hearts ignited
We’ll stand as one, our rights excited
Fair pay, safe conditions, we demand
Respect and dignity, across this land

Verse 6
Our hearts ablaze, our spirits high
We’ll keep on fighting, until we reach the sky
A world where labor, is valued and dear
Where every worker, can thrive and grow, year after year

Workers united, hearts ignited
We’ll stand as one, our rights excited
Fair pay, safe conditions, we demand
Respect and dignity, across this land

25 Unity’s Dawn, Harmony’s Rise

A soaring vision of America united in diversity, equity, and inclusivity. A fusion of multiple world and Americana music genres into one organic song.

Verse 1 (English)
n the light of dawn, a new day’s born
Where diversity’s embraced, and love is sworn
From every corner, a voice is heard
In harmony, our hearts are stirred

Verse 2 (Hindi)
मेरी देश की धरती पर, एक नया सवेरा है
जहां विविधता का जश्न मनाया जाता है
हर कोने से एक आवाज़ सुनाई देती है
हमारे दिलों में एकता की भावना जागती है

(My country’s earth, a new dawn breaks
Where diversity is celebrated
From every corner, a voice is heard
In our hearts, a sense of unity awakens)

Verse 3 (Portuguese)
Eu sou filho de imigrantes, com sonhos e esperanças
Que vieram buscar um futuro melhor
Aqui encontrei uma terra que me acolheu
E agora eu sou parte desta grande família

(I am the son of immigrants, with dreams and hopes
Who came seeking a better future
Here I found a land that welcomed me
And now I am part of this great family)

Verse 4 (Korean)
이 기회에 있는 고세, 나의 목소리을 찼았어요
어느함이 는 힘의 기초임니다
나는 이 사회의 일원해서 깁페요
모두의 꼼의 날시 가득 찼어요

(In this land of opportunity, I found my voice
Where diversity is the foundation of strength
I am proud to be a part of this society
Where everyone’s dreams can take flight)

Verse 5 (Arabic)
في هذه الأرض الطيبة، وجدت فرصتي
حيث يتم الاحتفال بالتنوع
أنا فخور بأن أكون جزءًا من هذه المجتمع
حيث يمكن أن تطير أحلام الجميع

(In this good land, I found my opportunity
Where diversity is celebrated
I am proud to be a part of this society
Where everyone’s dreams can take flight)

Verse 6 (German)
Ich bin ein Teil dieser vielfältigen Gesellschaft
Wo jeder Mensch die Chance hat, zu wachsen
Ich fand meine Stimme, meine Identität
Und jetzt bin ich stolz, Amerikaner zu sein

(I am part of this diverse society
Where every person has the chance to grow
I found my voice, my identity
And now I am proud to be an American)

Verse 7 (Tagalog)
Ako’y anak ng mga imigrante, na may mga pangarap
Na nangarap ng isang mas magandang buhay
Dito sa Amerika, natagpuan ko ang aking lugar
At ngayon ako’y bahagi ng isang malaking pamilya

(I am the child of immigrants, with dreams
Who dreamed of a better life
Here in America, I found my place
And now I am part of a big family)

Verse 8 (Russian)
Я часть этого разнообразного общества
Где каждый человек имеет шанс расти
Я нашел свой голос, свою идентичность
И теперь я горжусь быть американцем

(I am part of this diverse society
Where every person has the chance to grow
I found my voice, my identity
And now I am proud to be an American)

Verse 9 (Vietnamese)
Tôi là con của những người di cư, với những ước mơ
Những người mơ ước một cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn
Ở đây, tôi tìm thấy tiếng nói của mình
Và bây giờ tôi là một phần của một gia đình lớn

(I am the child of immigrants, with dreams
Who dreamed of a better life
Here, I found my voice
And now I am part of a big family)

Verse 10 (Haitian Creole)
Mwen se yon pati nan sosyete sa a ki divès
Kote chak moun gen chans pou grandi
Mwen jwenn vwa mwen, idantite mwen
Epi kounye a mwen fyè pou mwen se Ameriken

(I am part of this diverse society
Where every person has the chance to grow
I found my voice, my identity
And now I am proud to be an American)

Verse 11 (French)
Je suis enfant d’immigrés, avec des rêves et des espoirs
Qui sont venus chercher un avenir meilleur
Ici, j’ai trouvé une terre qui m’a accueilli
Et maintenant je suis partie de cette grande famille

(I am the child of immigrants, with dreams and hopes
Who came seeking a better future
Here, I found a land that welcomed me
And now I am part of this great family)

Verse 12 (Chinese)
(Wǒ shì yī gè duō yuán xīn de chéng yuán)
(Wǒ xǐ huān zhè ge duō yuán de shè huì)
(Wǒ zhǎo dào wǒ de shēng yīn)
(Wǒ xiàn zài shì měi guó rén de yī gè chéng yuán)

(I am a member of this diverse society)
(I love this diverse society)
(I found my voice)
(I am now a proud member of American society)

Verse 13 (Spanish)
Soy hijo de inmigrantes, con sueños y esperanzas
Que vinieron a buscar un futuro mejor
Aquí encontré una tierra que me acogió
Y ahora soy parte de esta gran familia

(I am the son of immigrants, with dreams and hopes
Who came seeking a better future
Here I found a land that welcomed me
And now I am part of this great family)

Verse 14 (English)
We are the tapestry, woven with care
Each thread a story, each voice a prayer
We stand united, hand in hand
A shining beacon, of love and hope in this land

26 The Patriot Act

An artfully crafted cautionary tale that challenges harmful ideologies and promotes unity, truth, and justice. We hope “The Patriot Act” inspires others to think critically and stand up for what’s right and what’s truly American.

Verse 1
They wear the flag like a badge of pride
But their actions speak of a different stride
They claim to be defenders of freedom’s call
But their words are hollow, echoing off the wall ¹

Patriot Act, a disguise so bold
A veil of deceit, a story to be told
They’re pawns in a game, with hearts of gold
Manipulated and used, their stories untold

Verse 2
They’re fed with lies, and they swallow whole
Their hatred grows, their love turns cold
They’re lost in the noise, of a propaganda machine
Their patriotism, a mere illusion, a screen ¹

Patriot Act, a disguise so bold
A veil of deceit, a story to be told
They’re pawns in a game, with hearts of gold
Manipulated and used, their stories untold

Verse 3
They’re blinded by the rhetoric and fame
Their values twisted, their hearts in flames
They’re chasing shadows, in a world of pain
Their patriotism, a mere disguise, in vain ¹

Patriot Act, a disguise so bold
A veil of deceit, a story to be told
They’re pawns in a game, with hearts of gold
Manipulated and used, their stories untold

Verse 4
We must awake, from this deceitful dream
And see the truth, behind the scheme
We must unite, and stand as one
Against the forces, that have just begun

Patriot Act, a disguise so bold
A veil of deceit, a story to be told
We’re breaking free, from the chains that bind
And shining light, on the truth left behind

Verse 5
Their patriotism, a mere facade
A cover-up, for the harm they’ve made
We’ll rise above, their hate and fear
And forge a nation, where love and truth appear

Patriot Act, a disguise so bold
A veil of deceit, a story to be told
We’re breaking free, from the chains that bind
And shining light, on the truth left behind

Verse 6
The Patriot Act, a title so grand
But beneath the surface, a sinister plan
We won’t be fooled, by their disguise
We’ll stand for truth, and open our eyes

We’ll rise up, and take back our voice
We’ll stand for justice, and make some noise
We’ll shine a light, on the darkest night
And bring hope back, to the morning light

The Patriot Act, a story untold
A tale of deception, a people sold
But we won’t be silenced, we won’t be tamed
We’ll rise up, and reclaim our name.

The “Make American Americana Again” project is a testament to the transformative power of music and its ability to bring people together in the pursuit of justice, compassion, and equality. As we journey through the complexities of our modern world, may these songs be a beacon of hope, a call to action, and a reminder that we are all in this together. May we draw strength from the diversity that surrounds us, and may our collective voices rise up to create a chorus of change.

Bonus Tracks:

We Could All Use a Good Laugh, or 15 of Them

Love in the Time of QAnon

Verse 1:
Taylor and Travis, a love so true
Or is it just a plot to make me vote for you?
Democrats pulling strings, or so they say
But I think it’s just a love story, in a major way

Love in the time of QAnon, it’s a crazy ride
Where conspiracy theories thrive, and love can’t hide
We’re living in a world of fake news and lies
But Taylor and Travis, their love will never die

Verse 2:
Rigged NFL games, and Super Bowl fame
It’s all part of the plan, or so the theorists claim
But what about their love, is it real or just a show?
I think it’s time to take a step back, and let love grow

Love in the time of QAnon, it’s a crazy ride
Where conspiracy theories thrive, and love can’t hide
We’re living in a world of fake news and lies
But Taylor and Travis, their love will never die

Verse 3:
Pfizer ads, and Covid-19 vaccines too
It’s all part of the plot, or so they say it’s true
But what about their love, is it strong and free?
I think it’s time to focus on the love, not the conspiracy

Love in the time of QAnon, it’s a crazy ride
Where conspiracy theories thrive, and love can’t hide
We’re living in a world of fake news and lies
But Taylor and Travis, their love will never die

Verse 4:
Let’s take a step back, and breathe some air
Love is love, and it’s time to show we care
For Taylor and Travis, and their love so true
Not for the conspiracy theories, that’s just not cool, boo

We’re living in a world of misinformation
Where love is lost, in the midst of investigation
But Taylor and Travis, their love shines bright
A beacon of hope, in the dark of night

Bloodthirsty Dems

Verse 1:
In the shadows, they gather round
Democrats with a secret profound
Eating babies, drinking blood
It’s a conspiracy, that’s just not good

Bloodthirsty Dems, with a taste so fine
Harvesting adrenochrome, all the time
They’re the elite, with a secret so grand
But it’s just a myth, with no truth to stand

Verse 2:
From Hillary to Joe, they’re all in on the game
Sipping on blood, with a Satanic claim to fame
But what about the facts, and the truth we hold dear?
It’s just a conspiracy, with no evidence to fear

Bloodthirsty Dems, with a taste so fine
Harvesting adrenochrome, all the time
They’re the elite, with a secret so grand
But it’s just a myth, with no truth to stand

Verse 3:
Mel Gibson spoke out, with a shocking claim
But it’s just a rumor, with no truth to gain
The Pedogate ring, is just a fantasy
No evidence to back it up, just a conspiracy theory

Bloodthirsty Dems, with a taste so fine
Harvesting adrenochrome, all the time
They’re the elite, with a secret so grand
But it’s just a myth, with no truth to stand

Verse 4:
Let’s focus on facts, and not spread the hate
Conspiracy theories, only lead to a darker state
We need to come together, with love and with light
Not spread baseless rumors, that ignite the night

We’re living in a world, where misinformation spreads
But we can make a change, by seeking truth instead
Let’s fact-check and verify, before we share
And not perpetuate, baseless conspiracy theories that scare

The Cruz-Oswald Connection

Verse 1:
In the streets of Dallas, where the truth is hard to find
Rafael Cruz and Oswald, a mysterious bind
They plotted and schemed, or so the story goes
But the facts are fuzzy, like a bad case of the woes

The Cruz-Oswald connection, a conspiracy so grand
A tale of intrigue, with no evidence to hand
We’re chasing shadows, and making up the past
The Cruz-Oswald connection, a myth that won’t last

Verse 2:
Rafael Cruz, a preacher man, with a heart full of fire
Oswald, a lone gunman, with a plan to conspire
They met in secret, or so the theorists claim
But the truth is, we just don’t know, and that’s the aim

The Cruz-Oswald connection, a conspiracy so grand
A tale of intrigue, with no evidence to hand
We’re chasing shadows, and making up the past
The Cruz-Oswald connection, a myth that won’t last

Verse 3:
Ted Cruz, a senator, with a presidential dream
But his dad’s alleged ties, to Oswald’s scheme
A conspiracy theory, that just won’t die
But we need facts, not fiction, to get to the sky

The Cruz-Oswald connection, a conspiracy so grand
A tale of intrigue, with no evidence to hand
We’re chasing shadows, and making up the past
The Cruz-Oswald connection, a myth that won’t last

Verse 4:
So let’s separate fact, from fiction and lies
And focus on the truth, with no surprise
Rafael Cruz and Oswald, no connection to be found
Just a conspiracy theory, spinning round and round

We’re living in a world, where misinformation spreads
But we must seek the truth, and not be misled
By conspiracy theories, that have no basis in fact
Let’s focus on the evidence, and not look back

White House Lines

(You knew this one was coming.)

Verse 1:
Yo, listen up, let me share a tale,
‘Bout a bag of coke, and a conspiracy trail,
Found in the White House, where the powerful reside,
But the facts are sketchy, and the truth is hard to hide.

Hunter Biden’s the target, of the conspiracy crew,
But the evidence is lacking, and the claims are brand new,
Donald Trump’s on Twitter, spreading rumors like fire,
But the investigation’s findings, just don’t support his desire.

White House Lines, a mystery so grand,
A tale of intrigue, with no evidence to hand,
We’re chasing shadows, and making up the past,
White House Lines, a conspiracy that won’t last.

Verse 2:
Secret Service investigated, but found no leads or clues,
Just speculation and theories, and a whole lot of “what ifs” and “maybes” too,
Addiction’s a disease, not a moral failing to debate,
Let’s focus on the facts, and not spread the hate.

White House Lines, a mystery so grand,
A tale of intrigue, with no evidence to hand,
We’re chasing shadows, and making up the past,
White House Lines, a conspiracy that won’t last.

Verse 3:
We’re living in a world, where misinformation spreads,
But we can make a change, by seeking truth instead,
Let’s not jump to conclusions, without evidence to share,
And remember, the truth is out there, we just need to show we care.

White House Lines, a mystery so grand,
A tale of intrigue, with no evidence to hand,
We’re chasing shadows, and making up the past,
White House Lines, a conspiracy that won’t last.

Verse 4:
So let’s take a step back, and breathe some air,
And not get caught up, in the conspiracy snare,.
We need to fact-check, and verify the claims,
And not let speculation, and rumors, get in the way of the truth and the facts, yo!

California Dreamin’ (Not Part of OUR USA)

Verse 1:
In the land of sunshine, where the truth is hard to find
A conspiracy’s brewin’, about Kamala’s birthplace in mind
They say California’s not part of the USA
So she’s not eligible, to be VP, in a major way

California dreamin’, but not part of the crew
A natural-born citizen, but they’re questioning it anew
Born in Oakland, but is it really part of the land?
California dreamin’, a conspiracy so grand

Verse 2:
Article Two, Section One, it’s clear as day
A natural-born citizen, is eligible in every way
But they’re twisting the truth, and making up the past
Trying to disqualify, Kamala’s eligibility at last

California dreamin’, but not part of the crew
A natural-born citizen, but they’re questioning it anew
Born in Oakland, but is it really part of the land?
California dreamin’, a conspiracy so grand

Verse 3:
Birtherism’s back, in a new disguise
Trying to delegitimize, with conspiracy theories in the skies
But we won’t fall for it, we’ll fact-check with care
Kamala’s eligible, and we won’t let them declare

California dreamin’, but not part of the crew
A natural-born citizen, but they’re questioning it anew
Born in Oakland, but is it really part of the land?
California dreamin’, a conspiracy so grand

Verse 4:
So let’s set the record straight, and put this to rest
Kamala Harris is eligible, and she’s truly the best
Born in California, a natural-born citizen too
Let’s not let conspiracy theories, get in the way of the truth, boo!

We’re living in a world, where misinformation spreads
But we can make a change, by seeking truth instead
Let’s fact-check and verify, before we share
And not let conspiracy theories, take us off the air
Song Style: “’1950s California Surf-Rock with Sarcastic instumentation”

Deep State of Mind

Verse 1:
In the shadows, they’re sipping tea
A secret cabal, with a plot to control me
They’re manipulating the news, and the weather too
The Deep State’s got a plan, and it’s all about “them” vs. “you”

Deep State of mind, where the tin foil hats shine
A secret government, with a conspiracy that’s mine
I’m a pawn in their game, but I’m feeling so fine
Deep State of mind, where the paranoia’s always on my mind

Verse 2:
I’m a truth-seeker, with a browser full of tabs
I’m connecting the dots, between the Illuminati and the labs
I’m a master of memes, with a PhD in speculation
I can see the truth, through the lizard people’s manipulation

Deep State of mind, where the tin foil hats shine
A secret government, with a conspiracy that’s mine
I’m a pawn in their game, but I’m feeling so fine
Deep State of mind, where the paranoia’s always on my mind

Verse 3:
I’m a rebel, fighting against the machine
With my trusty InfoWars subscription, I’m always on the scene
I’m a warrior for truth, with a keyboard as my sword
I’m taking down the Deep State, one tweet at a time, oh lord!

Deep State of mind, where the tin foil hats shine
A secret government, with a conspiracy that’s mine
I’m a pawn in their game, but I’m feeling so fine
Deep State of mind, where the paranoia’s always on my mind

I’m not a sheeple, I’m awake and aware
I see the chemtrails, and the fluoride in the air
I’m a critical thinker, with a mind that’s open wide
But sometimes I wonder, if I’m just being taken for a ride


Verse 1:
In the land of tweets, where the truth is hard to find
A conspiracy’s born, with a hashtag on its mind
Obamagate’s trending, with a story to be told
Of spying and wiretaps, and a scandal to unfold

Obamagate, a tale of intrigue and might
A president accused, without evidence in sight
Spying on Trump, or so the story goes
Obamagate, a conspiracy that nobody knows

Verse 2:
Trump Tower’s bugged, or so the claim is made
But the FBI’s got a warrant, and a legitimate trade
Carter Page is surveilled, but the rules are all followed
No evidence of wrongdoing, just a whole lot of hollowed

Obamagate, a tale of intrigue and might
A president accused, without evidence in sight
Spying on Trump, or so the story goes
Obamagate, a conspiracy that nobody knows

Verse 3:
The Inspector General’s report, is a story to be told
Of no political bias, and a investigation to unfold
But the narrative’s already set, in the minds of the few
Who believe in Obamagate, without a shred of proof to do

Obamagate, a tale of intrigue and might
A president accused, without evidence in sight
Spying on Trump, or so the story goes
Obamagate, a conspiracy that nobody knows

We’re living in a world, where misinformation spreads
But we can make a change, by seeking truth instead
Let’s fact-check and verify, before we take a stand
And not let conspiracy theories, take over our land

The Real President (Trump)

Verse 1:
I wake up every morning, in a world that’s not so real
Where Trump is still the president, and Biden’s just a feel
I check my newsfeed, and it’s full of lies and spin
But I believe what I want to, and that’s the truth within

The real president, it’s Trump, I know it’s true
He’s the one who’s really in charge, and Biden’s just a clue
I don’t need no evidence, just give me conspiracy
I’ll believe what I want, and that’s the truth I’ll see

Verse 2:
I see the polls, and they say Trump’s in the lead
But I know it’s fake news, just a liberal scheme to deceive
I trust my gut, and my gut says it’s true
That Trump is still the president, and Biden’s just a fool or two

The real president, it’s Trump, I know it’s true
He’s the one who’s really in charge, and Biden’s just a clue
I don’t need no evidence, just give me conspiracy
I’ll believe what I want, and that’s the truth I’ll see

I know it sounds crazy, but I’m not alone
There are millions like me, who believe what we’re shown
We’re the truth-seekers, the patriots, the brave
We’ll believe what we want, no matter what the facts may say

Stolen Election Blues

Verse 1:
I woke up this mornin’, my vote didn’t count
They stole the election, without a single doubt
I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a guy
Who said the deep state’s behind it, don’t ask me why

Oh, the election was stolen, it’s a cryin’ shame
I don’t need no evidence, I just know it’s to blame
On the fake news media, and them Democrats too
They’re out to get me, and my vote, it’s true

Verse 2:
I saw a video online, that proved it was a scam
A guy in a basement, with a fancy algorithm
He showed how they rigged it, with a bunch of fake votes
I knew it was true, ’cause it was on the internet, no joke

Oh, the election was stolen, it’s a cryin’ shame
I don’t need no evidence, I just know it’s to blame
On the fake news media, and them Democrats too
They’re out to get me, and my vote, it’s true

Verse 3:
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I’m just a concerned citizen
I’m just asking questions, like a true patriot and visionary
I’m not a sheep, I’m a woke individual
I can see the truth, and it’s not what they’re telling me, no way

Verse 4:
So I’ll keep on shouting, from the rooftops high
The election was stolen, and I won’t say goodbye
To the truth, that is, no matter what they say
I’ll keep on fighting, in my own way

I’ll keep on seeking, the truth will set me free
I won’t believe the lies, that’s just not me
I’ll keep on searching, for the truth and the light
I’ll make my voice heard, day and night

The Chinese Climate Conspiracy

Verse 1:
In a secret lab, deep in Beijing’s heart
A team of scientists, with a wicked master plan to start
They created global warming, with a sinister grin
To make the US manufacturing, non-competitive within

It’s a Chinese conspiracy, to rule the world’s stage
With rising temperatures, they’ll turn the page
On America’s industries, and watch them decline
Muahahaha, the Chinese climate crime!

Verse 2:
They hacked the thermometers, and faked the data too
Made the polar bears, dance the climate blues
They bribed the scientists, to sing their tune
Now the world’s in chaos, and the US is doomed soon

It’s a Chinese conspiracy, to rule the world’s stage
With rising temperatures, they’ll turn the page
On America’s industries, and watch them decline
Muahahaha, the Chinese climate crime!

But wait, there’s more! They’re controlling the sun
Making it shine brighter, to melt the polar fun
And using mind control, to make us all believe
In their climate change hoax, and the US will soon concede

It’s a Chinese conspiracy, to rule the world’s stage
With rising temperatures, they’ll turn the page
On America’s industries, and watch them decline
Muahahaha, the Chinese climate crime!

Vaccine Vibes (The Autism Boogie)

Verse 1:
Vaccines are evil, or so I’ve been told
Causing autism, and making our kids go cold
But science is fake, and facts are just a chore
So let’s dance to the beat, of misinformation galore!

Vaccine vibes, autism grooves
We’re dancing to the beat, of conspiracy moves
Vaccine vibes, autism swings
We’re singing the song, of misinformation kings!

Verse 2:
Jenny McCarthy’s our queen, RFK Jr.’s our guide
We’ll follow their lead, and ignore the scientific tide
Measles and mumps and rubella too
We’ll risk it all, for a conspiracy or two!

Vaccine vibes, autism grooves
We’re dancing to the beat, of conspiracy moves
Vaccine vibes, autism swings
We’re singing the song, of misinformation kings!

Verse 3:
We’ll blame the vaccines, for every little thing
From autism to allergies, and even the flu’s ring
We’ll ignore the research, and the experts too
And dance to the beat, of our misconstrued truth!

Vaccine vibes, autism grooves
We’re dancing to the beat, of conspiracy moves
Vaccine vibes, autism swings
We’re singing the song, of misinformation kings!

Verse 4:
So let’s all join hands, and dance in the dark
With our misinformation, and our conspiracy spark
We’ll sing and we’ll shout, and we’ll make quite a scene
And maybe someday, we’ll learn to love our vaccines!

Vaccine vibes, autism grooves
We’re dancing to the beat, of conspiracy moves
Vaccine vibes, autism swings
We’re singing the song, of misinformation kings!

Wakefield’s our hero, the Lancet’s a lie
We’ll cherry-pick data, and watch our kids go bye-bye!
Critical thinking’s hard, so let’s just ignore
The facts and the science, and dance some more!

Vaccine vibes, autism grooves
We’re dancing to the beat, of conspiracy moves
Vaccine vibes, autism swings
We’re singing the song, of misinformation kings!

Wind Turbine Woes (The Cancer Slide)

Verse 1:
Wind turbines spinning, cancer cells are grinning
Or so the conspiracy theorists are always spinning
Invisible waves, are making us sick
But the science says otherwise, what a trick!

Wind turbine woes, cancer grows
We’re dancing to the beat, of misinformation flows
Wind turbine woes, cancer shows
We’re singing the song, of conspiracy woes!

Verse 2:
From infrasound to EMFs, we’ll blame it all
On the wind turbines, standing tall
But the evidence says, it’s just not true
We’re just making excuses, for our misconstrued clue!

Wind turbine woes, cancer grows
We’re dancing to the beat, of misinformation flows
Wind turbine woes, cancer shows
We’re singing the song, of conspiracy woes!

Let’s rely on science, and facts that are clear
Not misinformation, and conspiracy fear
Wind turbines are clean, and cancer-free
So let’s all take a breath, and dance with glee!

Wind turbine woes, cancer grows
We’re dancing to the beat, of misinformation flows
Wind turbine woes, cancer shows
We’re singing the song, of conspiracy woes!

Low Water Pressure (The Conspiracy Flow)

Verse 1:
Water pressure’s low, it’s a government plot
To control our showers, and make our lives a lot
More difficult, more stressful, more of a chore
But wait, it’s just the wind turbines, we’ve been told before!

Low water pressure, it’s a conspiracy crime
We’re washing away, our critical thinking prime
Low water pressure, it’s a flow of deceit
We’re drinking the Kool-Aid, of misinformation sweet!

Verse 2:
From fluoride to chemtrails, we’ll blame it all
On the wind turbines, standing tall
But the science says otherwise, it’s just not true
We’re just making excuses, for our misconstrued clue!

Low water pressure, it’s a conspiracy crime
We’re washing away, our critical thinking prime
Low water pressure, it’s a flow of deceit
We’re drinking the Kool-Aid, of misinformation sweet!

Let’s check the pipes, and the water supply
Maybe it’s just a leak, or a clog, oh me, oh my!
But no, it’s the wind turbines, they’re the culprit, you see
Controlling our water, and our minds, in a conspiracy spree!

Low water pressure, it’s a conspiracy crime
We’re washing away, our critical thinking prime
Low water pressure, it’s a flow of deceit
We’re drinking the Kool-Aid, of misinformation sweet!

The Chemtrail Shuffle: The Mind Control Shuffle

1. They’re spraying us with chemicals high up in the air
Making us dance like puppets, without a single care
We’re just pawns in their game, a mind-controlled throng
Dancing to the beat of their sinister song
2. They’re turning us into zombies, one trail at a time
We’re losing our free will, oh what a crime!
They’re controlling our thoughts, making us sing their tune
We’re just mindless drones, in their chemtrail boon
3. They’re using nanobots, and AI too
Controlling our minds, oh what they can do!
We’re just lab rats, in their twisted game
Dancing to the beat, of their chemtrail fame
4. Wake up, sheeple, and see the truth revealed
The chemtrails are real, and our minds are concealed
Break free from the chains, and take back your mind
Don’t let them control you, leave the chemtrail grind!

Chemtrail shuffle, it’s a mind control ride
We’re dancing in the skies, with a chemtrail glide
They’re spraying us with love, and a pinch of deceit
We’re just pawns in their game, oh what a treat!

Resistance is futile, or so they say
But we can break free, in a major way
Turn off the TV, and take back your brain
Don’t let them control you, it’s time to regain!

The Big Lie: January 6 Funk

1. They say it was a tourist trip, a friendly little stroll
But we saw the violence, the insurrection’s goal
They claimed it was a false flag, a deep state setup game
But the truth is clear, and the evidence is not tamed
2. They tried to rewrite history, with a twisted little spin
But we remember the chaos, the harm, and the sin
They said it was a peaceful protest, a patriotic display
But the footage shows the truth, in a most unpleasant way
3. They’re drinking Kool-Aid, in a world of denial
Where facts are just opinions, and truth is just a trial
They’re living in a bubble, a echo chamber of deceit
But we’ll burst their fantasy, with a healthy dose of truth serum, neat
4. So let’s dance to the truth, with a funky little beat
Exposing the lies, and the deceitful repeat
We’ll shine a light on the facts, like a disco ball of truth
And the Big Lie Funk, will be the last dance of youth

The Big Lie Funk, it’s a groovy little dance
Where truth is twisted, and facts are just a prance
We’ll call out the lies, with a funky little shout
And the Big Lie Funk, will be the last dance, without a doubt

Truth is truth, and lies are lies
We’ll not be fooled, by the Big Lie guise
We’ll stand for facts, and the truth will prevail
And the Big Lie Funk, will eventually fail

Paws & Claws, A Tasty Immigrant Bite

1. In Springfield, Ohio, a rumor did spread
About Haitian immigrants, and their culinary dread
They’re eating cats and dogs, or so the tale is told
But we know it’s just hate, and a story gone cold
2. They say it’s a delicacy, a flavor so fine
But we know it’s just nonsense, a hate crime in disguise
Let’s not buy into the lies, or the fear they try to sell
We’ll stand against hate speech, and let love and truth compel
3. From puppers to kitties, to canine friends so dear
We’ll not let hate speech tear us apart, year after year
We’ll celebrate diversity, and our differences too
And reject the hate speech, that tries to divide us anew
4. So let’s raise our voices, and shout it loud and clear
We’ll not tolerate hate speech, and we’ll banish all fear
We’ll stand for love and kindness, and a world where all can thrive
And we’ll never let hate speech, our humanity survive

Paws and claws, a tasty immigrant bite
A hate speech rumor, that’s just not right
We’ll stand against hate, with all our might
And shine a light on love, and the truth that’s in sight

Let’s break the chains of hate, and let love be our guide
Embracing our differences, we’ll take the hate speech ride
We’ll rise above the noise, and let our hearts be heard
And we’ll never let hate speech, our humanity blur

Final Food For Thought

“Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes

Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.

America never was America to me.

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.

It never was America to me.

O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe.

There’s never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this “homeland of the free.”

Say, who are you that mumbles in the dark?
And who are you that draws your veil across the stars?

I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
I am the Negro bearing slavery’s scars.
I am the red man driven from the land,
I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek
And finding only the same old stupid plan
Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

I am the young man, full of strength and hope,
Tangled in that ancient endless chain
Of profit, power, of ownership, of fear.

I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.
I am the worker sold to the machine.
I am the Negro, servant to you all.
I am the people, humble, hungry, mean
Hungry yet today despite the dream.

Beaten yet today—O, Pioneers!
I am the man who never got ahead,
The poorest worker bartered through the years.

Yet I’m the one who dreamt our basic dream
In the Old World while still a serf of kings,
Who dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,
Of freedom, justice, and humanity.

And I’m the one who thought our basic thoughts
Who sang our songs, who told our tales,
Who prayed our prayers, who built our homes,
Who worked our fields, who fought our wars.

I’m the one who labored here for ages past
And kept the faith and never lost the hope
That one day I would be free.

O, let America be America again
The land where every man is free.

The land that’s mine—the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME

From those who live like leeches on the people’s lives,
From those who long to be the people’s guides,
From those whose freedom is a prison cell
Whose freedom is a death sentence to the free.

O, let America be America again.

— Langston Hughes, “Let America Be America Again” (1935)

Hughes, L. (1935). Let America be America again. Esquire, July 1936.


Musician turned web developer turned teacher turned web developer turned musician.

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  • #MakeAmericaAmericanaAgain #MAAA #AmericanaMusic #SocialJustice #UnityInDiversity #MusicForChange #RootsMusic #FolkRock #CountrySoul #BluesRock
    @2024Election #2024ElectionGovernorsRaces #2024ElectionHouseRaces #2024ElectionSenateRaces #2024PresidentialCandidates #2024PresidentialElectionPredictions #activism #advocacy #AIforsocialgood #AIgeneratedmusic #AmericaFirst #AmericanNationalism #Americanamusic #ancestralwisdom #BattlegroundStates #BlueWave2024 #BlueWavePolitics #bluesrock #CampaignFinance #Caucuses #communityempowerment #ConservativePoliticsintheUS #ConservativeValues #conspiracytheory #cosmicpsychedelicmusic #CountrySoul #Cult45 #DEI #DemocraticNationalCommitteeNews #DemocraticNominee #DemocraticParty #DemocraticPartyPlatform2024 #digitalstorytelling #Diversity #DNC2024 #DNCPlatform2024 #DonaldTrump #DonaldTrumpPresidentialCampaign #DonaldTrumpvsKamalaHarris #Election2024 #ElectionAnalysis #ElectionDay #ElectionPolls #ElectionSecurity #ElectoralCollege #Equality #FolkRock #Freedom #funkymusic #funkypoliticalsatire #GetOuttheVote #HarrisWalz #HarrisWalz2024 #HumanRights #humanrightsadvocacy #identityempowerment #Inclusion #indigenousrights #insurrection #January6 #justicemovement #justicereform #KamalaHarris #KamalaHarrisPresidentialCampaign #MAAA #MAGA #MAGAMovementHistory #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #MakeAmericanAmericanaAgain #musicforchange #PoliticalAnalysis #Political Analysis 2024 #political commentary #Political Debates #political funk #political music #political satire #Presidential Election #PresidentialPrimaries #Project2025 #RepublicanNominee #RepublicanParty #RepublicanPartyPlatform #RepublicanPartyPlatform2024 #RightWingPolitics #rootsmusic #satire #SocialCommentary #socialimpact #socialjustice #socialjusticeactivism #SuperTuesday #SwingStates #systemicchange #Tatanka #ThirdPartyCandidates #TimWalz #TimWalzVicePresidentialCampaign #Trump #TrumpSupporters #unity #USElectionNews #USPolitics #USPoliticsNews #USPresidentialElection2024 #USPresidentialElection2024Issues #VoteBlue #VoterRegistration #VoterTurnout #VotingBlue #VotingBlueMovement #VotingRights
    #MAGA #Cult45 #Trump #Project25 #Tyranny #Dictator #Authoritarianism #AntiAmerican #ThisMothaFucka (She has too much class, but we don't.)

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Tags: 2024 Election2024 Election Governors Races.2024 Election House Races2024 Election Senate Races2024 Presidential Candidates2024 Presidential Election PredictionsactivismadvocacyAI for social goodAI-generated musicAmerica FirstAmerican NationalismAmericana musicancestral wisdomBattleground StatesBlue Wave 2024Blue Wave Politicsblues rockCampaign FinanceCaucusescommunity empowermentConservative Politics in the USConservative Valuesconspiracy theorycosmic psychedelic musicCountry SoulCult45DEIDemocratic National Committee NewsDemocratic NomineeDemocratic PartyDemocratic Party Platform 2024digital storytellingDiversityDNC 2024DNC Platform 2024Donald TrumpDonald Trump Presidential CampaignDonald Trump vs Kamala HarrisElection 2024Election AnalysisElection DayElection PollsElection SecurityElectoral CollegeEqualityFolk RockFreedomfunky musicfunky political satireGet Out the VoteHarris WalzHarris Walz 2024Human Rightshuman rights advocacyidentity empowermentInclusionindigenous rightsinsurrectionJanuary 6justice movementjustice reformKamala HarrisKamala Harris Presidential CampaignMAAAMAGAMAGA Movement HistoryMake America Great AgainMake American Americana Againmusic for changePolitical AnalysisPolitical Analysis 2024political commentaryPolitical Debatespolitical funkpolitical musicpolitical satirePresidential ElectionPresidential PrimariesProject 2025Republican NomineeRepublican PartyRepublican Party PlatformRepublican Party Platform 2024Right-Wing Politicsroots musicsatireSocial Commentarysocial impactsocial justicesocial justice activismSuper TuesdaySwing Statessystemic changeTatankaThird Party CandidatesTim WalzTim Walz Vice Presidential CampaignTrumpTrump SupportersunityUS Election NewsUS PoliticsUS Politics NewsUS Presidential Election 2024US Presidential Election 2024 IssuesVote BlueVoter RegistrationVoter TurnoutVoting BlueVoting Blue MovementVoting Rights

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