
Italian singer-songwriter Charlie Risso has released her brand new full-length album ‘Alive’ via T3 Records

Italian singer-songwriter Charlie Risso has released her brand new full-length album ‘Alive’ via T3 Records

Singer-songwriter Charlie Risso has recently unveiled her latest musical masterpiece, the full-length album ‘Alive’. This album is a captivating blend of folk-soul-blues and singer-songwriter tunes, influenced by the visionary world of David Lynch.

Table of Contents

Inspiration Behind ‘Alive’

Charlie Risso’s ‘Alive’ draws inspiration from diverse sources, inviting listeners on a journey through evocative soundscapes. The album features collaborations with talented artists, adding depth and richness to the musical narrative.

Embark on a Musical Journey

Each track in ‘Alive’ serves as a portal to a world of conflicting emotions and soul-stirring melodies. From haunting ballads to pop-infused tracks, the album showcases Risso’s versatility and artistry.

Exploring Intense Emotions

Risso’s music delves deep into the complexities of the human experience, capturing raw emotions and translating them into poignant lyrics and melodies. ‘Alive’ is a testament to the power of music to express the unspoken.

Charlie Risso: A Musical Background

With roots in Genoa and a musical upbringing in Milan and London, Charlie Risso brings a cosmopolitan flair to her music. Her bilingual lyrics transcend geographical boundaries, creating a universal appeal for listeners worldwide.

Track Listing

  1. Alive
  2. The Wolf
  3. Railroad
  4. Bring Me to Life
  5. The Bench
  6. By the Lake
  7. Burning the Ashes
  8. Good Track
  9. Keep the Distance
  10. Time

Experience the magic of Charlie Risso’s ‘Alive’ album, where each track is a doorway to a world of emotions and melodies. Dive into the soulful sounds of this talented singer-songwriter and let her music transport you to new realms.

Read more about Charlie Risso’s album ‘Alive’ on V13.net.


Musician turned web developer turned teacher turned web developer turned musician.

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