In the 1930s, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn, mystic and founder of the multidisciplinary Eranos forum, began compiling a diverse visual archive that would allow dreamers to cross-reference their visions with the entirety of cultural history. Frederika Tevebring explores this grandiose undertaking and its effect on the archivist, as images from the collection began to blur with her psyche.
Explore the Seven Timeless Principles That Can Transform Your Understanding of the Universe and Your…
Listen to/Download Emerging Liquids’ Flow: Randomized Audio Mix (1:23:37) Exploring the Fluid Soundscapes of a…
La Renaissante (2025) Full Album (1:07:13) Download (FREE) all media: (322.1 MB) Google’s…
Português: O Fio Infinito: Unidade UniversalEnglish: The Infinite Thread: Universal Oneness “WiccaMix” - Dral Ol…
Bossa Nova v2.0, New, New Sounds A Sonic Journey of Love In the realm of…
"We live in times when solidarity and international cooperation are needed more than ever."Global Citizen…