The popular series that spawned viral performances from Cardi B, Chris Brown, and 4 Batz joins forces with Sparta Distribution.
The partnership between From The Block Performance and Sparta Distribution marks a significant milestone in the music industry, bringing together viral performances and innovative distribution strategies.
Since its inception in 2021, From The Block Performance has showcased viral performances from top artists like Cardi B, Chris Brown, and 4 Batz, amassing over 200 million views. With Sparta Distribution now on board, these performances will reach a wider audience through digital service providers.
The partnership will enable From The Block to expand into new territories such as Japan and South Africa, strengthening its international presence and providing a platform for emerging artists to showcase their talent.
Launched by Kevin Liles and Rob Stevenson, Sparta Distribution aims to support unsigned artists with a DIY approach, offering them a seat at the table in the music industry. Their mission is to empower independent artists worldwide by providing speed and flexibility in distribution.
Source: Billboard
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