
Bolera rough mix


Download Bolera-rough-mix.mp3(320)/flac/wav


This is the Matriarchal and futurist/classical fusion epic adaptation of Bolero that I mentioned. That is a mouthful. You know my intention. Yes, I am subversive. Yes, the idea of a group of random strangers feeling a musical subconscious command to… love each other… is a meta form of performance art. I am terrible but I really don’t care. It’s better than fear and hate, which we have in abundance.

I have two other unfinished versions of this catastrophe but this one had your name on it. I know it is not in your wheelhouse. But there are parallels, so there is a chance it will resonate with you as a backup track to a much greater piece in your able hands. The Knurl is what I heard as I “assembled” each part.

Speaking of which, I viewed and commented on yesterday’s performance in SP. Bravo. I was locked in of course but the moment it ended, that eternity where the audience wondered if it was time to applaud, I admit that I clenched, hard. You put all of yourself out there for a half hour, not to mention the other media, and you were transcendent. Just fucking celestial. I love your voice more and more and in this performance, you seemed to have a discrete vulnerability. Then again, I read into everything, and cannot help it. Kudos. Bravo. Respect. And a great bouquet of Roses I shower upon you and your art.

My piece is intentionally sparse, spacious, for your interior and exterior decorating, if you are so compelled. I increasingly added staccato strings, not as markers or suggestion, but potential inspiration. They also increase as does the intensity of the piece, which is 36 parts (I am aware of its absurd length, and the demands on any audience, but it’s what we do, however, you would be interest in remixing select parts, I am happy to share all). In some parts the tempo increases, dramatically, and tapers off, like the dynamic act itself. Also aligned, hopefully, to the “congress” are the moments of pause and reflection, as when two people are in true sync, hence the dynamic ebb and flow. You know what I mean. Go to the bathroom. Gulp more wine. Share a smoke. Call 911. The usual.

I am trying to not be graphic; that is not my intention. I use the analogy of a DJ “dropping” the beat and the audience responding as an allegory of the initial relationship, union, of the artist and audience, leading to the audience next doing what comes naturally. Instead of dancing in a club, I believe music can augment people’s dancing in other contexts, as well as other collaborative and solo activities of all kinds, but this is a compelling and in my opinion, ideal and groundbreaking starting point.

The piece, like the act, can be compared to Shakespeare’s Five-Act play structure: Introduction of theme and elements, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Denouement. So by the third act, it is less electronic and more symphonic, more intense, more central, hopefully. I intentionally lower the pressure afterward, and yes, there are multiple “Act 3s,” but that is also intentional, Modular, more Eastern, like Ravi Shankar or Philip Glass but I certainly do not compare myself to them outside of the obvious repetition of arpeggios and the parts’ ability to be standalone pieces.

Oh, and as I am sure you know, no AI Gen media is copyrighted. None of my projects are. None of my stuff ever has been, dating back to the ’80s. I can hear you yelling at me, rightfully, but I am purist to a fault; fame or fortune never was or is a goal. I tell you that in case you pick up where I left off and are pleased enough with the final product to want to protect it in which case, it would be my artistic gift to you. I wouldn’t want any credit. I would want to hear where you might take it. That’s all.

I hope you are inspired and integrate your gifts with it. Obviously I have my not-so-hidden agenda for TATANKA, but I wanted to make a gesture. I adore your work, approach, and inspirations, and hope we can work on more, face to face, someday. But I have bother you enough and made my intentions clear, so I will leave you with this offer to collaborate, and hope we move forward, but understand if not, so I will not bother you again.

And it goes without saying, but as we say in America, “Grab your partner and do si do.” Again, I am terrible. This is your warning. I might be an emancipate male but my chromosomes demand liberation at times.

If you dig this, I ask if you dabble in Microtonal composition. Most fretless players do. I do not but am infatuated with it, the nuanced colors of sound, you know? I attempted to use Suno for an intended project but it is understandably limited to the 12-note octave and no, I have no such instruments, outside of a sweet fret-less acoustic bass. But who wants a futuristic version of Spinal Tap’s Big Bottom?

(Please say “Yes.” I will wash your car. If you have a dog, I will walk him. Do you need the gutters cleaned? Free roadie? Cord wrapper-upper? Psychic Advisor? Done.)

P.S. BOLERA is a woman, period. An empowered fifty year-old Matriarch who is a true queen in every sense of the word, knows what she wants and needs, takes it, and she admittedly scares the hell out of me.

Jerónimo João


Musician turned web developer turned teacher turned web developer turned musician.

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