همسات في الضباب"Whispers in the Fog" by صدى (Sada)

(AI Gen) همسات في الضباب “Whispers in the Fog” by صدى (Sada)

همسات في الضباب by صدى Full Album (3:24:11)


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Download (FREE) all 320Kbps MP3s, Images and the companion narrative, رجوع إلى القلب (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb)”Return to the Heart” sada.zip (934.3 MB)

Google’s Deep Dive Podcast: همسات في الضباب by صدى


This AI Gen album begins with pride in heritage, moves through challenges and self-discovery, rises to freedom and resistance, finds joy in community, and concludes with hope and reflection. Each act provides a chapter, balancing introspection and celebration. This is the fictional story of Casablanca’s daugher, Sada, composed and written by Sada.

For the title “Whispers in the Fog” in Darija (Moroccan Arabic), it can be translated as:

“همسات في الضباب”
(Pronounced: Hamsat fi ad-dabab)

  • همسات (Hamsat) means “whispers,” which captures the softness and mystery.
  • في (fi) means “in,” a simple preposition.
  • الضباب (ad-dabab) means “the fog,” evoking a sense of the unseen, the hidden, the mysterious.

This translation keeps the poetic and atmospheric quality of the original English title while grounding it in Moroccan Arabic. It embodies the same themes of mystery, love, and longing, ideal for the mood of the album and narrative arc.

همسات في الضباب is a 24-track AI Gen concept album fusing popular and emerging Moroccan musical genres, as well as more Moroccan traditional sounds, including Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, Chaabi, Moroccan Andalusian, Rai, Berber, and Sufi. Each song connects to one of the eight lyrical themes, arranged in a narrative arc that unfolds like a story, each sung in Darija, Berber, or French, reflecting one of the numerous diversities that weave the exquisitely ornate tapestry of Morocco.

The companion narrative, also a work of fiction, is inspired by the music’s themes. The story is one of our protagonist, Sada’s private accounts of her love, longing, and connection for home, shared as her diary entries, fittingly in Darija.

Sada is a multi-instrumentalist composer-singer. Most tracks feature her on lead vlocals, but she draws on her deep bench of collaborators to enrich the Moroccan diversity of this long-form piece. Most trracks are relatively long, with a few over 30 minutes, a perfect soundtrack for any setting, expecially dancing in a tempting trance of uniquely Morrocan love. This is her latest and most personal album, written and recorded in Shanghai, as she planned her next adventure, TBA.

Tracks, Themes, Lyrics & Narrative

Act I: Roots and Identity (Cultural Pride and Heritage)

01 “أصلنا عميق” (Aslouna Amik – Our Roots Run Deep)

  • Theme: Celebrating the depth and richness of Moroccan heritage.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Moroccan Arabic (Darija)]

Verse 1
أرضنا غنية، فـها التاريخ
كل حجر فيها يحكي قصة جديدة
من جبال الأطلس حتى للبحر
نحنا الجذور، نزرع في الأرض الأمل

أصلنا عميق، ما يتغير
نحن و الأرض، دايمًا معًا
أصلنا عميق، في السماء وفي البحر
نحن القوة، يا وطننا

Verse 2
الفلكلور يرن في الليل
صوت الدف والعود، يحيي الفرح
من طقوسنا للطعام
الذاكرة دايمًا تربطنا بالزمان

Verse 3
نساءنا الأقوياء، رجالنا الأبطال
نحن شعب لا يعرف الخوف
نحافظ على تراثنا بحب
نكتب تاريخنا بأيدينا

Verse 4
تخيلوا الحياة بدونها
من الملاحم للأغاني
كل حرف يتنفس من هويتنا
في كل زاوية، هناك قصة تروي

شعلة الأمل في القلب
من قرية لمدينة، نبني الحياة
أصلنا عميق، لا شيء يهدم
أرضنا باقيّة، وتاريخنا حيّ

أصلنا عميق، فـ كل شيء موجود
في الأرض، في السماء، في قلوبنا
نحن هنا لنكون دائمًا، لن تكون النهاية
أصلنا عميق، وأصواتنا هتصدح

English Translation

Verse 1
Our land is rich, full of history
Every stone here tells a new story
From the Atlas mountains to the sea
We are the roots, planting hope in the earth

Our roots run deep, never changing
We and the land, forever united
Our roots run deep, in the sky and the sea
We are the strength, oh our homeland

Verse 2
The folklore rings in the night
The sound of the drum and oud, bringing joy
From our rituals to our food
The memory always connects us to time

Verse 3
Our strong women, our heroic men
We are a people who know no fear
We protect our heritage with love
We write our history with our own hands

Verse 4
Imagine life without it
From the epics to the songs
Every word breathes our identity
In every corner, there’s a story to tell

A flame of hope in our hearts
From village to city, we build life
Our roots run deep, nothing can break them
Our land stays, our history lives

Our roots run deep, in everything that’s here
In the earth, in the sky, in our hearts
We’re here to stay, there’s no end
Our roots run deep, and our voices will echo

Companion Narrative: رجوع إلى القلب (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb)”Return to the Heart” (PDF: 371 KB)

By Sada

Sada in Shangai

Chapter 1

اليوم كان نهار طويل، كنت حاسة براسي تاعشة بزاف. بعد ما وصلت لشغل، كانت المدينة كبيرة على قد ما كنت متخيل، كلشي هنا في شنغهاي كيبدو جديد وعصري، وانا شوية تايهة فهاد الفوضى. المدينة كبيرة بزاف، الناس كيمشيو بسرعة، والجو سخون وما فيش ريحة البحر اللي كنت متعودة عليها ف كازا. هادي أول مرة ليا نعيش ف شي بلاد بعيدة هكا، وقلبي باقي معلق ف الدار.

ما كنتش متوقعة هاد التغيير الكبير ف حياتي. حاسة بالوحدة، حتى لو كان عندي الناس ف الشغل كيتعاملو معايا بشكل مزيان، لكنني كنحس بالبرد الداخلي. أنا ما زال كنفكر ف عائلتي، ف الناس اللي كنت عايشة معاهم ف كازا، واش هنا غادي نلقى حاجة توازي هاد الارتباط؟

كنت نتمنى نلقى شي مكان نقدر نحس فيه بالراحة، بحال ما كنتش كنحس ف كازا، ولكن كلشي هنا كيبدو بعيد ومختلف. والشوارع هنا، فيها زحام كبير ومباني طويلة، ماشي بحال الدار اللي كنت نعيش فيها. كنت كنفكر واش غادي نقدر نتأقلم مع هاد الحياة الجديدة ولا لا، واش غادي نبقى هنا بزاف ولا غادي نرجع.

النهار داز ثقيل، لكن ف العشية خرجت شوية باش نمشي ف المدينة. شي حاجة ف شنغهاي كيبان ليها غريبة، والناس لي كيتكلمو ف الشارع، كل واحد بلغة مختلفة، لكن في نفس الوقت كنحس بحالي قريبة من المكان هاد. كان نفسي نكون مع واحد من العائلة ولا الأصحاب.

Chapter 1 (English)

Today was a long day, and I felt so exhausted. When I arrived at work, the city was much bigger than I had imagined, everything here in Shanghai feels so modern and new, and I feel a bit lost in all this chaos. The city is vast, people walk quickly, and the air is warm—there’s no smell of the sea that I was so used to back in Casablanca. This is my first time living in such a distant land, and my heart is still hanging back at home.

I didn’t expect such a big change in my life. I feel lonely, even though people at work are kind and treat me well, I feel an inner coldness. I still think about my family, about the people I used to live with in Casablanca. I wonder if I’ll ever find something here that can match that deep connection I had with them.

I hoped to find a place where I could feel comfortable, like I used to in Casablanca, but everything here feels far and different. The streets are crowded, the buildings are towering, nothing like the house I used to live in. I wonder if I’ll be able to adjust to this new life, or if I’ll stay here for long, or if I’ll go back home.

The day felt heavy, but in the evening, I decided to take a walk around the city. There’s something strange about Shanghai, and the people speaking different languages in the streets. But at the same time, I feel a bit closer to the place. I wish I could be with one of my family members or friends.

This song is designed to be an anthem of cultural pride and strength, celebrating the profound connection the Moroccan people have with their land, their heritage, and their ancestors. It touches on themes of unity, tradition, and the enduring spirit of the Moroccan identity. The chorus ties the idea of rootedness with a deep, unshakeable bond to the country and its history.

02 “ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ” (Amzighis n Gnawa – Amazigh Spirit of Gnawa)

  • Theme: A tribute to the fusion of Amazigh and Gnawa cultures.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Tamazight (Amazigh)]

Verse 1
ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⴰⵎⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴱⵍⵎⵎⵓⴷⴷ ⵓⵖⴰⵙ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴰⴳⵓⵏⵉⵙ ⵏ ⴱⵏⴷⴷⴰⵍ
ⴱⵍⵎⵎⵓⴷⴷ ⵓⵖⴰⵙ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ

ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴳⵯⵓⴷⴷⴰⵛ ⴰⵎⵙⵓⴷⵙ
ⴰⴷⴰⵡⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⴰⵎⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴱⵍⵎⵎⵓⴷⴷ ⵓⵖⴰⵙ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ

Verse 2
ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⴰⵎⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴱⵍⵎⵎⵓⴷⴷ ⵓⵖⴰⵙ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ

ⴱⵍⵎⵎⵓⴷⴷ ⵓⵖⴰⵙ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ

ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⵏ ⴳⵏⵯⴰ
ⴰⵎⵣⵉⵖⵉⵙ ⴏⵎⵓ⵷ⴰ

English Translation

Verse 1
Amazigh spirit, born from the earth
Dancing with rhythm, in the Gnawa way
A blend of ancient souls, united by music
Together we sing, the heritage of the land

Amazigh spirit of Gnawa
Whirling in the fire, the sacred dance
Our hearts beat, the sound of drums
Amazigh spirit of Gnawa

Verse 2
The music fills the air, sacred and alive
From the mountains to the cities, the sound of life
We celebrate the past, we honor the future
With every beat, our culture sings

The fire of our hearts, the rhythm of the earth

Amazigh spirit of Gnawa
Forever we sing, forever we dance

Chapter 2

اليوم كان كيضحك عليا الزمان، كلشي مر بسرعة وما كنتش قادر نواكب الأحداث. في المكتب، كان عندي اجتماع مع الزملاء الجداد. كنت خائفة شوية ف البداية، ما كنتش متأكدة من كيفاش غادي نتعامل معاهم. لكن الغريب ف الأمر، هو أنني حسيت براسي أحياناً بعيد عنهم. معرفتش واش هو الاختلاف ف الثقافات ولا الشي لي كنت متعودة عليه ف كازا.

الناس هنا كيخدمو بطريقة منظمة بزاف، وما كيتعاملوش معايا بحال ما كنت متخيلة. ف كازا كان عندنا جو ديال العائلة ف الخدمة، كيبينو دايماً انهم مهتمين ببعضهم البعض، لكن هنا الدنيا مشي بحال هكا. كانو كيبغيو يبينو أن كلشي رسمي، وكان عندهم نوع ديال الجفاف ف تعاملاتهم. حاسة براسي ما قادرة نتأقلم بسهولة.

من جهة أخرى، شنغهاي عندها جانب جميل. المدينة كتلمع بالأنوار وكيكون عندها شكل مدهش ف الليل. الناس في الشوارع كلهم متحركين، والمحال التجارية كاتعرض سلع غريبة وجميلة. ومع ذلك، كنت كنبقى نتساءل واش هاد اللمعان غادي يملأ المكان اللي كاين ف قلبي. واش غادي نلقى شي حاجة هنا توازي جمال كازا؟

اللي مشيت ليه اليوم هو شارع طويل ف الحي اللي ساكنة فيه، الشوارع كلها محلات تجارية وأبراج سكنية. كان الجو مزيان ف الليل، ولكن قلبي مش مشغول به، كان مشغول كيفاش نقدر نرجع للدار. جاتني فكرة ف عقلي، واش يمكن نلقى طريق لرجوع؟ هل هد الحياة هنا هي الحياة لي بغيتها؟ كنت محتاجة شي جواب.

Chapter 2 (English)

Today, time seemed to mock me, everything passed so quickly, and I couldn’t keep up with events. At the office, I had a meeting with some new colleagues. I was a bit nervous at first, not sure how I would interact with them. But strangely, I felt somewhat distant from them. I don’t know if it’s the cultural differences or just the things I was used to back in Casablanca.

People here work in such an organized manner, and they don’t treat me the way I imagined. Back in Casablanca, we had a family atmosphere at work, always showing care for each other, but here, it’s not like that. They like to keep things formal, and their interactions feel a bit cold. I’m struggling to adapt.

On the other hand, Shanghai has its own beauty. The city shines with lights, and it looks stunning at night. People in the streets are constantly moving, and the stores display strange yet beautiful goods. Still, I keep wondering if this glow will fill the space in my heart. Will I ever find something here that can match the beauty of Casablanca?

Today, I walked along a long street in the neighborhood where I live, full of stores and residential towers. The weather was nice at night, but my heart wasn’t in it. My heart was focused on how I could go back home. A thought came to my mind—could I find a way back? Is this life here really the life I want? I need an answer.

This song celebrates the unity of Amazigh and Gnawa cultures, weaving together the sacred rhythm, music, and traditions of both. It emphasizes the deep connection to the land, the power of music as a cultural expression, and the collective spirit of these ancient cultures.

03 “Terres Anciennes” (Ancient Lands)

  • Theme: Honoring Morocco’s landscapes and their connection to identity.
  • [Female voice in French]

Verse 1
Sous le ciel d’or, les montagnes chantent
Les rivières murmurent les secrets anciens
Dans la terre, nos racines se plongent
Dans le sable, notre héritage s’étend

Terres anciennes, terres sacrées
Le vent nous parle, nos âmes sont liées
Dans le silence, nos cœurs battent fort
Terres anciennes, notre port d’attache

Verse 2
Les dunes dansent, le soleil les embrasse
Les oasis nous rappellent la vie éternelle
Les palmiers se balancent au rythme du vent
Dans chaque pierre, une histoire s’éveille

Quand la nuit tombe, les étoiles chantent
Nous sommes les enfants de cette terre

Terres anciennes, nous sommes nés
De l’argile, des montagnes, du vent, du soleil

English Translation

Verse 1
Under the golden sky, the mountains sing
The rivers whisper ancient secrets
In the earth, our roots run deep
In the sand, our heritage stretches

Ancient lands, sacred lands
The wind speaks to us, our souls are bound
In the silence, our hearts beat strong
Ancient lands, our home forever

Verse 2
The dunes dance, kissed by the sun
The oases remind us of eternal life
The palm trees sway to the rhythm of the wind
In every stone, a story awakens

When the night falls, the stars sing
We are the children of this land

Ancient lands, we were born
From clay, from mountains, from wind, from sun

Chapter 3

اليوم كانت مشاعر غريبة، حاسة بشيء من التقلق. ف الصباح مشيت لشركة جديدة، كنت على موعد مع مدير جديد. لكنه، فشي لحظة، كنت حاسة أنني نائية. كنا نكتبو الرسائل وبعض الخطط، لكن الكلام مكنش كافي، الجو كان تقيل. ف المكتب كانو الناس كيضحكو وكيهضرو مع بعضهم، ولكن كان عندي هذا الشعور ديال الغربة.

حتى فالوقت ديال الغداء، مشيت نتجول ف المكان اللي كاين ف وسط المدينة. شوارع واسعة ومحلات اللي فيها بضاعة كتبتسم كالعادة، ولكن البسمة ديال المحلات ما كانتش كتغطي البسمة اللي كنت كندور فيها ف كازا. ما كاين حتى أحد كيعتني بي، الكل مشغول بحاله. كنت نتمنى لو كان في شي حد يشاركني هذا الإحساس ديال الانتماء.

أحد اللحظات اللي عشتها اليوم كانت ف مطعم صغير جنب المكتب. جربت أكل جديد، لكن ما قدرتش نتقبلو. تذوقت الأكل بشي توتر، حسيت باش غير أنني ضايعة وسط هذه الحضارة الجديدة. واش هذا هو التغيير لي كنت بغيت؟ ولا غادي تظل هادي مدينة غريبة عني؟

في المساء، جَاتني فكرة نكتب ف دياريتي. بغيت نكتب كيفاش اليوم فحاله كان صعب ولكن في نفس الوقت تعلمت فيه بزااف ديال الحوايج. كنا نكتب ف كازا دايما باش نعبرو عن مشاعرنا، ولكن هنا ف شنغهاي ما كنتش كنعرف فين نبدأ. ولكن الفكرة جاتني أخيرا: لا بد لي من متابعة الطريق ديالي، والقتي بكل شي على راحتي.

Chapter 3 (English)

Today, I had strange feelings, a bit of anxiety. In the morning, I went to a new company for a meeting with the new manager. But, at some point, I felt so distant. We were writing emails and making some plans, but the words weren’t enough; the atmosphere felt heavy. In the office, people were laughing and talking to each other, but I felt out of place.

Even during lunch, I walked around in the area of downtown. The wide streets and the usual vibrant shops, but the smiles of the stores couldn’t cover up the ones I used to see in Casablanca. No one seemed to care about me, everyone was busy with their own lives. I wished that there was someone to share this feeling of belonging with.

One of the moments I had today was in a small restaurant near the office. I tried a new dish, but I couldn’t really enjoy it. I tasted the food with a bit of unease, feeling like I was lost in the middle of this new culture. Is this the change I was hoping for? Or will this always be a strange city to me?

In the evening, I had the idea to write in my diary. I wanted to record how today, despite being difficult, I learned a lot. Back in Casablanca, we always wrote to express our feelings, but here in Shanghai, I didn’t know where to begin. But finally, the idea came to me: I must keep moving forward, and trust that I will find my way.

This song reflects the deep connection between the Moroccan people and their landscape, portraying the natural beauty of the country—its mountains, rivers, deserts, and oases—while emphasizing the role these elements play in shaping the identity and heritage of its people. The chorus and verses convey the profound relationship between land and culture, celebrating Morocco’s ancient past while looking to the future.

04 “ظل الأطياف” (Zill Al-Atyaf – Shadows of the Ancestors)

  • Theme: An ode to ancestral wisdom and guidance.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في الظلال نسمع أصوات الأجداد
حكمتهم عبر العصور تملأ الفضاء
خطواتهم تسير في طريقنا المظلم
ينيرون لنا السبيل نحو النور

ظل الأطياف، يحمينا
من الأخطاء، يرشدنا
الأجداد، فينا يتنفسون
ظل الأطياف، نورنا الأبدي

Verse 2
من الأراضي القديمة، جاءت رسائلهم
قلبهم فينا، وعقولهم تهدينا
كل خطوة نخطوها في طريقهم
نحن ممتنون لموروثهم العظيم

بصوت الرياح، يهمسون لنا
لتظل الأرواح حية فينا

ظل الأطياف، دليلنا
في الليل وفي النهار، يهدي القلوب

English Translation

Verse 1
In the shadows, we hear the voices of our ancestors
Their wisdom across the ages fills the air
Their footsteps walk in our darkened path
They light the way towards the light

Shadows of the ancestors, they protect us
From mistakes, they guide us
The ancestors breathe within us
Shadows of the ancestors, our eternal light

Verse 2
From the ancient lands, their messages came
Their hearts within us, their minds guide us
Every step we take follows their path
We are grateful for their great heritage

In the sound of the wind, they whisper to us
To keep the spirits alive within us

Shadows of the ancestors, our guide
In the night and in the day, they lead our hearts

The lyrics of this song explore the deep connection with the wisdom of ancestors. It conveys reverence for their guidance, their presence in every step, and the lasting influence of their teachings. It emphasizes the protection and illumination that the ancestors provide, as well as the spiritual bond that ties the present to the past. The chorus and verses focus on how ancestral spirits and wisdom continue to live within the people, acting as a guiding force for their journey through life.

This theme resonates deeply with Morocco’s rich cultural heritage, where ancestral values and traditions continue to play a significant role in shaping identity. The song invokes the power of the past to help navigate the future, suggesting that the guidance of the ancestors is ever-present in the hearts of those who honor them.

Chapter 4

اليوم كان عندي مشهد غريب ف الشارع. كنت كنمشي ف الزحام اللي ديما ف شنغهاي، وفجأة توقفت قدام شجرة صغيرة. هاد الشجرة كانت كتكبر ف وسط المدينة، غيرها كتشعربعطش وكتنادي ف السماء، بحال شي مخلوق مخلوق ف الغربة. حسيت بواحد الإحساس اللي ما عمري حسيت به من قبل، بحال إذا كنت أنا والشجرة اللي قدامي واحد.

كيبان لي هاد المدينة فيها كل شيء، ولكن ما فيهاش شي حاجة ديال الروح. الناس مشغولين ف شغلهم، كل واحد معاه رأيه، ولكن ما كاين حتى واحد كيوقف باش يشوف الآخر. واحد غريب ف واحد المكان الغريب. وحتا الشجرة، رغم وجودها وسط كل هاد الازدحام، كانت محتاجة شي حد يتعاطف معاها.

رجعت للبيت ف الليل، حاسة بالوحدة أكثر من أي وقت مضى. رجعت وفتح لي الكتاب اللي جبتو معايا من كازا. فكرت ف اللحظات اللي كنت عايشة فيها ف الدار البيضاء، كيف كنت نلتقي مع صحابي ف المقهى. كنت كنحس أنني نقدر نبكي من الفرحة وسط ضحكهم. أما هنا، كل شيء كيبدو كأنه موجه لشي هدف غريب.

الليلة، ف دياريتي قررت نكتب أكتر. بغيت نعبّر على هاد اللحظة الغريبة اللي عشتها اليوم. ربما كنت كيكون عندي مشاكل ف التأقلم مع هاد العالم الجديد، ولكن الكتابة كتخليني نقدر نواجه هذه الأحاسيس كلها.

Chapter 4 (English)

Today, I had a strange sight on the street. I was walking through the usual crowd in Shanghai, and suddenly, I stopped in front of a small tree. This tree was growing in the middle of the city, struggling with thirst, reaching out to the sky, almost like a creature lost in exile. I felt a connection with the tree that I had never felt before, as if we were one.

It seems like this city has everything, but it lacks something of the soul. People are busy with their work, each person lost in their own thoughts, yet no one stops to look at the other. A stranger in a foreign place. Even the tree, despite being in the midst of all this hustle and bustle, seemed to need someone to show it some compassion.

I returned home at night, feeling lonelier than ever. I opened the book I brought with me from Casablanca. I thought about the times I used to spend in Casablanca, meeting my friends at the café. I could almost cry from joy in the middle of their laughter. But here, everything seems like it’s directed toward some strange goal.

Tonight, in my diary, I decided to write more. I wanted to express this strange feeling I experienced today. Perhaps I’m having trouble adjusting to this new world, but writing allows me to confront these emotions.

Act II: Rising Challenges (Youthful Aspirations and Urban Struggles)

05 “حلم المدينة” (Hilm Al-Madina – City Dreams)

  • Theme: The hopes and struggles of urban Moroccan youth.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في شوارع المدينة، حلم يراودني
أبحث عن نور في عالم مظلم
أحلامي تتناثر بين الأزقة
ولكن السقف فوقي يضغط علي

حلم المدينة، يرشدنا
بين الفقر والثراء، نبحث عن طريق
أملنا في السماء، ولكن الأرض قاسية
حلم المدينة، رحلة الأمل

Verse 2
الشوارع مزدحمة بالأصوات
أحلامنا تختلط مع الضجيج
لكن القلوب لا تتوقف عن السعي
لعل الفجر يحمل لنا النور

صوت الأمل في الأفق يرن
نرفع أيدينا نحو السماء، لا نريد أن ننكسر

حلم المدينة، في كل قلب
لن نتوقف حتى نحقق ما نريد

English Translation

Verse 1
In the streets of the city, a dream calls to me
I search for light in a darkened world
My dreams scatter through the alleys
But the roof above me presses down on me

City dreams, they guide us
Between poverty and wealth, we search for a way
Our hope is in the sky, but the ground is harsh
City dreams, the journey of hope

Verse 2
The streets are crowded with voices
Our dreams mingle with the noise
But the hearts never stop striving
Perhaps the dawn will bring us light

The sound of hope rings on the horizon
We raise our hands to the sky, we will not break

City dreams, in every heart
We won’t stop until we achieve what we want

Chapter 5

اليوم كنت حاسة بواحد الحنين لبلادي أكتر من أي وقت مضى. ف الشغل، كان عندنا اجتماع طويل مع الفريق الصيني، ولكن ما كنتش ف الداخل ديال الحوار. فكرت ف المدة اللي قضيتها ف كازا، والضحك ديال الناس ف الأزقة. كانت الحياة دايماً حية، دايماً فيها حركة، فيها الناس اللي كيشاوروا مع بعضهم، وكيشربوا الشاي مع الضحك، والكلام اللي معاه في كل مكان.

هنا ف شنغهاي، كاين الحركية، ولكن بلا روح. الناس كيديروا شغلهم، ولكن فين هي الحياة؟ فين هي لحظات التوقف ديال اليوم باش تتبادل الكلام مع الآخرين؟ حاسة أنني غير مجرد شخص عابر ف هذا العالم الكبير. شي حاجة فيا كتطلب العودة إلى كازا، إلى البيت، إلى المكان اللي عندي فيه معنى.

ف المساء، جلست ف غرفتي، والشاشة ديال الكمبيوتر أمامي، ولكن فكرت ملي كنت ف كازا كنبقى نتجول في الشوارع بلا هدف، غير باش ألتقي مع الصحاب ف وسط الحياة. فكرت ف العائلة، ف الجيران، ف كل واحد منهم كان عنده حكاية وكنت دائما حاسة أنني جزء منها. الآن، هنا في هذه المدينة البعيدة، يمكنني فقط أن أبتسم وتبتعد أفكاري عن كل هذا.

قررت اليوم أنني نبدأ نبني شبكة علاقات جديدة هنا، ولكن قلبي، عقلي، وكل شيء فني كيعودو دائما لنفس المكان: كازا.

Chapter 5 (English)

Today, I felt more homesick than ever. At work, we had a long meeting with the Chinese team, but I wasn’t really part of the conversation. I thought about the time I spent in Casablanca, the laughter of people in the alleyways. Life was always vibrant there, always moving, with people exchanging pleasantries, drinking tea and laughing, and conversations filling every corner.

Here in Shanghai, there is activity, but no soul. People do their work, but where is life? Where are those moments of pausing during the day to chat with others? I feel like just a passing stranger in this vast world. Something within me yearns to return to Casablanca, to home, to the place where everything holds meaning.

In the evening, I sat in my room, the computer screen in front of me, but I thought about how, back in Casablanca, I would wander the streets aimlessly, just to meet friends amid the buzz of life. I thought about my family, the neighbors, everyone who had a story, and I always felt like I was part of it. Now, here in this faraway city, I can only smile, and my thoughts drift away from it all.

Today, I decided to start building new connections here, but my heart, my mind, and everything within me keep returning to the same place: Casablanca.

This song, “حلم المدينة” (City Dreams), is a reflection of the aspirations and struggles faced by the youth in Morocco’s cities, where dreams of better lives and success are often met with harsh realities. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and hope, but also the resilience needed to navigate the complexities of urban life. The balance between ambition and the challenges of life in the city is explored through a hopeful yet grounded narrative.

06 “ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ” (Grud n Tuntukla – Burdens of Change)

  • Theme: Balancing modernity with cultural roots.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Berber]

Verse 1 (ⴼⴰⵙⴰⵍⵓ)
ⴰⵙⴳⴰⵙⴻⵔ ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏ, ⴻⵏⵓⵙ ⵏⴰⵙⵉⵏ,
ⴰⵙⴰⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴱⴰⵏⵎⵓ ⵏⴰⵙⵉⵏ,
ⴱⴰⵓⴹⵏⵏⴰ ⵏⵉ ⵇⵓⵏⴰⵙ, ⵍⵓⴷⴰⵍ ⴰⵏ ⴽⵓⵏⴰⵙ.

Verse 2 (ⴽⵓⴽⵓ)
ⵙⴰⵎⵉⵏⴰ ⴱⴰⵔ ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏ, ⵍⴰⵎⴰⵏ ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏ,
ⴰⵙⴻⵙⵏ ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏ, ⴱⴰⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴽⵓⵏⵎⵓⵙ.

Chorus (ⴼⴰⵙⴰⵍⵓ)
ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ, ⴰⵙⵓⵏⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⵉⵏ,
ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ, ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏⴰ ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏ.

Verse 3 (ⴼⴰⵙⴰⵍⵓ)
ⴱⴰⵓⴹⵏⵏⴰ ⵏⵉ ⵇⵓⵏⴰⵙ, ⵍⵓⴷⴰⵍ ⴰⵏ ⴽⵓⵏⴰⵙ.
ⴰⵙⴰⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵏ ⴱⴰⵏⵎⵓ ⵏⴰⵙⵉⵏ.

Bridge (ⴽⵓⴽⵓ)
ⴴⴰⴱⴰⵄⴰ ⴱⵉⵏⴳⵓⵏⴰⵏ ⴰⵙⴻⵙⵏ,
ⴱⴰⵓⴹⵏⵏⴰ ⵏⵉ ⵇⵓⵏⴰⵙ, ⴿⵉⵏⴰⵎⴰ ⴰⵏ ⴽⵓⵏⴰⵙ.

Chorus (ⴼⴰⵙⴰⵍⵓ)
ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ, ⴰⵙⵓⵏⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵏⴰⵙⵉⵏ,
ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ, ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏⴰ ⵏⵓⵙⵉⵏ.

English Translation:

Verse 1
We rise from the dust, we carry the weight,
Our roots are deep, in this land we create,
With every step, we honor the past,
Yet modernity calls, the change comes fast.

Verse 2
In the heart of the city, dreams collide,
But the pull of tradition is hard to hide,
The burden is heavy, but we carry on,
With the strength of ancestors, we move till dawn.

Burdens of change, we carry them all,
The past and the future, on us they fall,
Burdens of change, we face them alone,
But in our hearts, we’re never unknown.

Verse 3
Our people’s wisdom guides us ahead,
Through the shadows, where we are led,
We walk the line between old and new,
Our future is ours, but we honor the view.

Change is upon us, we rise and fight,
In the face of progress, we stand with light,
The past is our strength, it makes us whole,
We carry our heritage deep in our soul.

Burdens of change, we carry them all,
The past and the future, on us they fall,
Burdens of change, we face them alone,
But in our hearts, we’re never unknown.

Chapter 6

اليوم قررت نخرج ونمشي نتجول ف المدينة. حتا شوية ديال التغيير يمكن يعاونني باش ننسى الشعور ديال الغربة. مشيت على طول الطريق، وكانت الدنيا مع الشمس اللّي كتهبط، الزحام باقي ف الشوارع ولكن الناس كيبان عليهم التعب. هنا ما كاينش الفرح اللي كنت كنحس به ف كازا. ف كازا، كل شيء كان أكثر حيوية، أكثر أصالة.

كنشوف الناس ف شنغهاي كيعوموا ف الروتين ديالهم، حياتهم متشابهة، ما كاينش شي حاجة تفرح القلب. يمكن أني مشيت بعيد ف هاد الطريق ديال الوحدة، ولكن كنحسها ضرورية باش نقدر نرجع ونلقى الراحة ف نفسي. كان لدي حلم واحد، هو أنني نعيش حياة مليئة بالأمل، ولكن هنا ف هاد المدينة، كيبان لي أن الأمل كيبعد كل نهار.

كنت مشتاقة بزاف للحظات البسيطة ديال الحياة في كازا. مثل الجلوس مع العائلة في المنزل بعد يوم طويل، ونتبادل الحكايات ف جو من البساطة. هنا ف شنغهاي، الدنيا مقلوبة، الناس مشغولين دايما وما عندهم وقت لأي حاجة تانية. دايما ف السباق مع الوقت، فسباق مع الحياة. ولكن، حتى ف هذه الزحام، كيبقى عندي أمل أنني نقدر نلقى شي لحظة ديال السكون.

ساعات كتكون فكرة العودة لكازا تديمني ولكن ف نفس الوقت كتخليني نفكر واش الحياة غادي ترجع كما كانت، ولا غادي تكون مختلفة بشكل ما. الأيام كتمر بسرعة، ولكن داخل قلبي كاين واحد السؤال: واش الحياة في شنغهاي كافية باش تبعدني عن بلادي؟

Chapter 6 (English)

Today, I decided to go out and take a walk around the city. Even a small change might help me forget the feeling of being far from home. I walked along the street, with the sun setting, the crowds still bustling but everyone looking tired. Here, there isn’t the joy I felt in Casablanca. In Casablanca, everything was more lively, more authentic.

I see people in Shanghai swimming in their routines, their lives are all the same, there’s nothing to make the heart rejoice. Maybe I’ve walked too far down this path of loneliness, but I feel it’s necessary to find peace within myself. I had one dream, to live a life full of hope, but here in this city, it feels like hope fades with every passing day.

I miss the simple moments of life in Casablanca. Like sitting with family at home after a long day, exchanging stories in a peaceful atmosphere. Here in Shanghai, everything is turned upside down, people are always busy and have no time for anything else. Always racing against time, racing with life. But even in the middle of this rush, I still hold onto the hope that I might find a moment of calm.

Sometimes the thought of returning to Casablanca consumes me, but at the same time, it makes me wonder whether life will ever be the same, or if it will be different in some way. The days pass quickly, but in my heart there’s one question: is life in Shanghai enough to pull me away from my homeland?

07 “Lutte dans la Ville” (Struggle in the City)

  • Theme: The grind and resilience of urban life. This song captures the struggles of individuals trying to make a life in a fast-paced, demanding city environment, reflecting both the hardship and determination to survive and thrive.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in French]

Verse 1
Dans les rues, l’ombre nous suit,
Sous les néons, l’espoir fuit,
Les pas résonnent sur le pavé,
La lutte commence à chaque levée.

Verse 2
Les murs murmurent des histoires oubliées,
De ceux qui ont tout donné,
Les rêves se heurtent au béton froid,
Mais on avance, malgré le poids.

C’est la lutte dans la ville, sans fin,
Chaque souffle, chaque matin,
On se bat pour un peu de lumière,
Dans ce monde de fer et de pierres.

Verse 3
Sous les étoiles, on cherche la paix,
Mais la rue n’offre que des chaînes brisées,
Chaque regard cache une douleur,
Mais la ville forge nos cœurs.

Et même quand le vent nous gifle,
On tient bon, on résiste,
La rue peut tout nous voler,
Mais elle ne nous brisera jamais.

C’est la lutte dans la ville, sans fin,
Chaque souffle, chaque matin,
On se bat pour un peu de lumière,
Dans ce monde de fer et de pierres.

English Translation:

Verse 1
In the streets, the shadow follows,
Under neon lights, hope fades,
The steps echo on the pavement,
The struggle begins at each daybreak.

Verse 2
The walls whisper forgotten tales,
Of those who gave it all,
Dreams crash against the cold concrete,
But we keep moving, despite the weight.

It’s the struggle in the city, endless,
Every breath, every morning,
We fight for a little light,
In this world of iron and stone.

Verse 3
Under the stars, we search for peace,
But the street only offers broken chains,
Each glance hides a pain,
But the city strengthens our hearts.

And even when the wind hits us hard,
We stand firm, we resist,
The street can steal everything from us,
But it will never break us.

It’s the struggle in the city, endless,
Every breath, every morning,
We fight for a little light,
In this world of iron and stone.

Chapter 7

اليوم، كنت ف جلسة مع واحد من الزملاء ديالي من العمل. حاولت نكون طبيعية، ولكن قلبى كان غارق ف الأفكار ديال كازا. حكيت ليه على بعض الذكريات ديالي من الدار، كيفاش كان عندنا رمضان ف كازا وكيفاش العائلة كانت كلها متجمعة حول المائدة. كنت كنحس بشوية من الحزن وأنا كنحكي، حيث حتى هو لاحظ أنني مش مشغولة بالأشياء اللي دارت هنا ف شنغهاي.

ف ديك اللحظة، حسيت أنه بغيت فقط نرجع لأحضان ديال العائلة، ف الأوقات البسيطة والهادئة ديال الحياة. هنا ف شنغهاي، كل شيء سريع، الحياة مشغولة بزاف والمشاعر ديال الإنسان كتكون معزولة. كنت كنحاول نلقا في شي شي حاجة هنا باش تشدني ولكن كانت الفجوة كبيرة بزاف بين هاد المدينة وبين الحياة ديالي السابقة. ما كايناش لحظات اللي تخليني نحس براسي في مكاني.

الزميل ديالي سمعني وحاول يشاركني ببعض النصائح حول التكيف مع الحياة الجديدة ف شنغهاي. ولكن حتى هو قال لي أنني فاش تجي من مكان آخر، مثل كازا، كيبقى عندك صعوبة باش تتأقلم مع المكان الجديد. حاول يقول لي “غير خذي الوقت ديالك، كل شيء غادي يكون على ما يرام”. ولكن شي حاجة ف قلبي كانت كاتقول لي غير رجعي لبلادك.

بقيت نفكر ف كلامه، ولكن ف نفس الوقت، حسيت أن العودة إلى كازا ما كاتعنيش الحل الكامل، حيث دايماً كيكون عندك الحنين للمكان اللي نشأت فيه. ولكن الحنين هذا هو اللي كاينفعني في الحياة ديالي هنا، لأنني ما بغيتش ننسى منين جئت. نقدر نكون هنا ف شنغهاي ولكن قلبي دايماً في كازا.

Chapter 7 (English)

Today, I was having a conversation with one of my colleagues at work. I tried to be normal, but my heart was lost in thoughts of Casablanca. I told him about some of my memories from home, like how we spent Ramadan in Casablanca, and how the family would always gather around the table. I felt a bit of sadness as I shared, and even he noticed that I wasn’t fully engaged with the things happening here in Shanghai.

In that moment, I just wished to return to the arms of my family, to the simple, peaceful moments of life. Here in Shanghai, everything is fast-paced, life is too busy, and human emotions feel isolated. I’ve been trying to find something here that could anchor me, but the gap between this city and my previous life is too vast. There are no moments here that make me feel at home.

My colleague listened to me and tried to offer advice on how to adapt to life in Shanghai. But he also mentioned that when you come from a place like Casablanca, it’s difficult to adjust to a new place. He tried to reassure me by saying, “Just take your time, everything will be fine.” But something inside me kept telling me to just return to my country.

I kept thinking about what he said, but at the same time, I realized that returning to Casablanca wouldn’t provide a complete solution because you always feel nostalgic for the place where you grew up. Yet, this nostalgia is what sustains me here, because I never want to forget where I came from. I may be here in Shanghai, but my heart will always be in Casablanca.

This song portrays the gritty realities of urban life, where hope and resilience fight against the overwhelming forces of the city. The constant struggle to overcome hardships in a challenging environment is captured in both the physical and emotional tolls it takes. The bridge emphasizes the strength gained from perseverance, while the chorus highlights the cyclical nature of the fight.

08 “شوارع الحب” (Shawari’ Al-Hub – Streets of Love)

  • Theme: Finding connection amidst chaos. This song explores the journey of love in the midst of a turbulent world, where individuals seek meaningful connections even in the chaos and noise of urban life.
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في زحمة الشوارع نمشي سويًا،
بين العيون التي تبحث عن حكاية،
قلوبنا تدق بنفس الإيقاع،
نبحث عن الحب في ضوء النهار.

Verse 2
كل زاوية تحمل سرًا مخفيًا،
القلوب تتكلم بلغة غير مرئية،
في الشوارع، نلتقي ونتناغم،
كأننا نعيش في حلم أبدي.

شوارع الحب، أينما سرنا،
نجدنا في كل خطوة، في كل لحظة،
في الزحام، ننقش اسمًا على جدران الزمن,
أينما نذهب، نكتشف الحب في الطريق.

Verse 3
أصوات المدينة تعلو، لكنك هنا،
في عيونك أجد السلام،
وفي يديك، أجد الحياة،
على الرغم من الفوضى، نجد طريقنا.

وفي كل نظرة، نجد الأمل،
نتجاوز كل العقبات، نكمل الرحلة،
في قلب المدينة، الحب هو النور،
وفي الزحام، نجده في كل خطوة.

شوارع الحب، أينما سرنا،
نجدنا في كل خطوة، في كل لحظة،
في الزحام، ننقش اسمًا على جدران الزمن,
أينما نذهب، نكتشف الحب في الطريق.

English Translation:

Verse 1
In the crowded streets, we walk together,
Among the eyes searching for a story,
Our hearts beat to the same rhythm,
We seek love in the daylight.

Verse 2
Every corner holds a hidden secret,
Hearts speak a language unseen,
In the streets, we meet and harmonize,
As if we live in an eternal dream.

The streets of love, wherever we walk,
We find ourselves in every step, in every moment,
In the crowd, we carve our name on the walls of time,
Wherever we go, we discover love on the path.

Verse 3
The voices of the city rise, but you are here,
In your eyes, I find peace,
And in your hands, I find life,
Despite the chaos, we find our way.

In every glance, we find hope,
We overcome all obstacles, continue the journey,
In the heart of the city, love is the light,
And in the crowd, we find it in every step.

The streets of love, wherever we walk,
We find ourselves in every step, in every moment,
In the crowd, we carve our name on the walls of time,
Wherever we go, we discover love on the path.

Chapter 8

اليوم كنت مشيت لحديقة كبيرة ف شنغهاي. بغيت نلقى شي وقت باش نتنفس شوية بعيد عن العمل. الحديقة كانت مليئة بالناس، ولكن ما كانش فيها ذاك الجو اللي كنت عايشة فيه ف كازا. كانو الناس هنا كيركضو، و كيلعبو الرياضة، ولكن ما كانش لشي حاجة اللي كتجمعنا كعائلة. حسيت بأنني كنشوفهم، ولكن كأنهم بعيدين عني. الحياة هنا ف شنغهاي غريبة، كأنها مدينة جديدة مع ناس جدد، ولكن بلا عواطف.

ف الحديقة، كنشوف الجبال ديال المباني كتطلع فوقنا، وكنشوف الناس كيضيعو ف زحمة الحياة. تذكرت كيفاش ف كازا كان عندنا البحر ديما قريب، وكيفاش كانت الحياة أبطأ وأكثر ارتياح. حتى لما كنت غاضبة، كنت كنمشي للبحر وكنت حس براحة. هنا ف شنغهاي، كاينين بزاف ديال الأشياء ولكن ما كايناش الراحة الحقيقية اللي كاين ف قلب الإنسان.

حاولت نكون مع زملاء من العمل، باش نخرج من العزلة ديالي، ولكن ما كانش ذاك الارتياح. حاولنا نلعب شوية كرة قدم ف الحديقة ولكن حتى هاد التجربة ما كانتش كافية باش تحسني. كنت نحس بشي حاجة ناقصة، ربما لأنها ما كانتش لحظات حقيقية مع الناس اللي عزيزين عليك.

بعد ما رجعت للبيت، بقيت أفكر ف الحياة هنا، وحسيت أنني بغيت نرجع لبلادي. صحيح أنني جاي هنا باش نحقق طموحاتي، ولكن الحياة هنا كاتشبه الحياة ديال الروبوتات، كل شيء ميكانيكي، بلا إحساس. كانو عندنا ف كازا لحظات كتجمع العائلة، والآن ف شنغهاي، حتى العلاقات مع الناس كتكون سطحية. حسيت بشيء ناقص ف حياتي، حاجة كبيرة ما كنتش قادر نلقاها هنا.

Chapter 8 (English)

Today, I went to a large park in Shanghai. I needed some time to breathe a little away from work. The park was filled with people, but it didn’t have that feeling I used to have in Casablanca. People here were running, playing sports, but there wasn’t anything that brought us together like family. I felt like I was watching them from a distance, but they were far away from me. Life here in Shanghai is strange; it’s like a new city with new people, but without emotions.

In the park, I could see the mountains of buildings rising above us, and I could see people lost in the rush of life. I remembered how in Casablanca, the sea was always close by, and how life was slower and more relaxed. Even when I was upset, I could walk to the sea and feel at peace. Here in Shanghai, there are so many things, but there’s no real peace that touches the heart.

I tried to be with my colleagues from work, to get out of my isolation, but it didn’t bring that comfort. We tried to play some soccer in the park, but even that experience wasn’t enough to lift my spirits. I felt that something was missing, maybe because it wasn’t real moments with the people I love.

After I came back home, I kept thinking about life here, and I felt that I just wanted to go back to my country. It’s true that I came here to pursue my ambitions, but life here feels like that of robots, everything mechanical, without feeling. In Casablanca, we had moments where the family gathered, and now in Shanghai, even relationships with people feel shallow. I felt something was missing in my life, something big that I couldn’t find here.

This song portrays the powerful theme of finding love amidst the chaos of urban life, symbolized by the bustling streets. Despite the noise and confusion, there is always a quiet place for love to emerge, making the chaotic world a little more bearable. The chorus emphasizes the journey and connection of love, while the bridge speaks to the transformative and hopeful power of love in the midst of adversity.

Act III: Spiritual Awakening (Spiritual Exploration)

09 “ⵉⵡⴰⵎⴰⴷⵉⵏ” (Iwamadine – Journey)

  • Theme: Starting a spiritual quest. This song explores the first steps of a spiritual journey, where the protagonist embarks on a quest for self-discovery, enlightenment, and connection with higher powers.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في البدايات، لا نعرف الطريق،
لكننا نمشي معًا نحو النور،
كل خطوة تقودنا إلى ما هو بعيد،
والروح تبحث عن السلام.

Verse 2
في هذا السفر، نترك الماضي وراءنا،
نحمل في قلوبنا أملًا جديدًا،
كل نظرة للأفق تحمل وعدًا،
بأننا سنجد الهدف في النهاية.

رحلة، رحلة نحو الأفق،
نحن نبحث عن الحقيقة،
كل خطوة تقربنا من الذات،
رحلة الروح تبدأ هنا، الآن.

Verse 3
على الطرق الوعرة، نتعلم الصبر،
والألم يصبح جزءًا من الرحلة،
لكن في كل لحظة، نجد القوة،
ونحن نقترب من الحقيقة الأبدية.

سوف نجد ما نبحث عنه،
بينما نمضي في هذا الطريق الطويل،
الإيمان هو الدليل، الأمل هو الرفيق،
وفي النهاية، سنصل إلى النور.

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رحلة، رحلة نحو الأفق،
نحن نبحث عن الحقيقة،
كل خطوة تقربنا من الذات،
رحلة الروح تبدأ هنا، الآن.

English Translation:

Verse 1
In the beginning, we do not know the way,
But we walk together toward the light,
Every step takes us farther ahead,
And the soul seeks peace.

Verse 2
In this journey, we leave the past behind,
Carrying in our hearts a new hope,
Every glance at the horizon holds a promise,
That we will find the goal in the end.

Journey, journey toward the horizon,
We are searching for the truth,
Every step brings us closer to ourselves,
The journey of the soul begins here, now.

Verse 3
On the rough roads, we learn patience,
And pain becomes part of the journey,
But in every moment, we find strength,
And we draw closer to eternal truth.

We will find what we are looking for,
As we walk this long road,
Faith is the guide, hope is the companion,
And in the end, we will reach the light.

Journey, journey toward the horizon,
We are searching for the truth,
Every step brings us closer to ourselves,
The journey of the soul begins here, now.

Chapter 9

اليوم، كنت ف المكتب وكان عندي اجتماع طويل مع الفريق. صحيح أننا كنا كنديروا شغلنا بشكل جيد، ولكن كنت كنتساءل ف داك اللحظة: شنو الهدف من كل هاد الجهد؟ شنو الهدف من أنني نكون هنا ف هاد المدينة اللي ما كنعرفش فيها حتى شي حد؟ كنت كنحس بشي نوع من الفراغ، كما لو كنت كندير كل شيء بطريقة ميكانيكية بلا مشاعر. رغم أنني كنت كنعمل بجد، إلا أنني كنت كنتساءل إذا كانت هاد الحياة هنا كتدير لي فائدة حقيقية.

منذ فترة وأنا كنت كنحاول نلقى هاد الجواب، ولكن مازال ما لقيتوش. كل يوم كنزيد في العمل ونقول لنفسي “غدا غادي يكون أحسن”، ولكن اليوم كنحس أنني بعيد عن كل شيء كان يهمني ف حياتي. حتى التفكير ف العائلة ديالي والذكريات ديال كازا كيبعد عني شيئا فشيئا. ف هاد المدينة الكبيرة، كل شيء كيبقى ضبابي، مع العلم أنني كنت عايشة ف مدينة صغيرة كانت فيها الروابط قوية والناس طيبين.

عندما كنعرف أنني كنت قريب من تحقيق حلمي، كنحس أنني بعيد على بلادي، والناس اللي عايشين ف قلبي. ربما هاد الشعور هو اللي خلاني نحس بالوحدة أكثر. كنت كنحاول نتواصل مع أصدقائي ف كازا عبر الواتساب، ولكن الحوار كان كيبقى فقط على السطح. ما كانش عندنا ذاك الشعور ديال المشاركة اللي كاين ف بلادي. حتى لو كانت المسافات بعيدة، كانت العلاقة أقوى ف كازا.

منذ أمس، وأنا كنت كنحاول نلقى بعض الراحة، ولكن الحياة هنا ف شنغهاي ما كتعطينيش ذاك الأمان اللي كنت كانحس بيه ف كازا. حتى الناس اللي كنت كندوي معهم ما عندهم نفس الأحاسيس، وكل واحد منهم غارق ف حياته. هنا، كاينين بزاف ديال الأشياء ولكن ما كايناش لحظات هادئة. كنت في حاجة للراحة، للمكان اللي فيه روح.

Chapter 9 (English)

Today, I was at the office, and I had a long meeting with the team. While we were doing our work well, I found myself wondering at that moment: what is the purpose of all this effort? What is the point of being here in this city where I don’t know anyone? I felt a kind of emptiness, as though I was doing everything mechanically, without feelings. Although I was working hard, I questioned whether this life here was truly beneficial to me.

For a while now, I’ve been trying to find that answer, but I still haven’t found it. Every day, I keep going and telling myself, “Tomorrow will be better,” but today, I feel further away from everything that mattered in my life. Even thinking about my family and the memories from Casablanca is becoming more distant. In this big city, everything feels blurry, even though I used to live in a small city where the connections were strong and the people were kind.

Knowing that I’m close to achieving my dream, I feel so far from my country and the people living in my heart. Perhaps this feeling is what makes me feel more isolated. I tried to communicate with my friends in Casablanca through WhatsApp, but the conversation remained superficial. We didn’t have that sense of connection we had back home. Even though the distances were great, the bond was stronger in Casablanca.

Since yesterday, I’ve been trying to find some peace, but life here in Shanghai doesn’t offer me the security I felt in Casablanca. Even the people I talk to don’t share the same emotions, and each one is immersed in their own life. Here, there are so many things, but there are no quiet moments. I’m in need of peace, a place that has a soul.

This song portrays the theme of embarking on a spiritual journey, one that requires patience, faith, and hope. The chorus acts as a reminder of the goal—the search for truth and self-discovery—and the bridge reaffirms the unwavering belief that the journey will eventually lead to enlightenment.

10 “أرواح متشابكة” (Arwah Mutashabika – Interwoven Souls)

  • Theme: Exploring deep connections through Gnawa mysticism. This song delves into the spiritual bonds that transcend time and space, evoking the power of Gnawa rituals to connect souls in mystical unity.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في الظلام، تلتقي الأرواح،
أصوات الطبول تعيد إحياء الماضي،
أرواحنا في رقص مستمر،
موسيقى غناوة تنساب بيننا.

Verse 2
عبر الأجيال، تبقى الروح حية،
تتداخل مع بعضها البعض في الكون،
في كل نبضة، تتواصل القلوب،
ونحن نتحد في هذا الرقص الأزلي.

أرواحنا متشابكة في الوجود،
لا يفصلها الزمان ولا المكان،
في كل خطوة، نحن معًا،
في هذا الكون العظيم، نرقص معًا.

Verse 3
من أعماق التاريخ، نسمع النداء،
صوت الطبول، نداء الأرواح،
كل دقة تفتح بابًا جديدًا،
وتكشف لنا أسرار الكون المخبأة.

في هذا العبور بين العوالم،
تتلاحم الأرواح في حب غير محدود،
لا خوف، لا ألم، فقط نور،
ونحن نستمع لصوت الروح.

أرواحنا متشابكة في الوجود،
لا يفصلها الزمان ولا المكان،
في كل خطوة، نحن معًا،
في هذا الكون العظيم، نرقص معًا.

English Translation:

Verse 1
In the darkness, souls meet,
The sound of drums brings the past alive,
Our souls dance in an endless rhythm,
Gnawa music flows between us.

Verse 2
Across generations, the spirit remains alive,
Interwoven with each other in the universe,
With every heartbeat, hearts communicate,
And we unite in this eternal dance.

Our souls are interwoven in existence,
Not separated by time or space,
With every step, we are together,
In this vast universe, we dance together.

Verse 3
From the depths of history, we hear the call,
The sound of the drums, the call of spirits,
Each beat opens a new door,
Revealing to us the hidden secrets of the universe.

In this passage between worlds,
Souls merge in boundless love,
No fear, no pain, only light,
And we listen to the voice of the soul.

Our souls are interwoven in existence,
Not separated by time or space,
With every step, we are together,
In this vast universe, we dance together.

Chapter 10

اليوم كنت ف المكتب وكان عندي اجتماع مهم مع المدير. ولكن، رغم كل الجهد اللي كنت كندير، كنت كنحس بأنني مشي ف المكان الصحيح. ف كل مرة كنت كنحاول نركز ف العمل، كانت فكري مشتاقة لشي حاجة مختلفة. كانت شوية شوية الأفكار كتجمع ف راسي: أنا هنا ف شنغهاي، بعيد على كل شيء كنت كنعرفه. كانت عينيا كتراقب الناس هنا، وكانو كل واحد مشغولين ف حياتهم الخاصة، وكل واحد عندو هدفه.

كنحس براسي كندير حياتي اليومية بحال شي آلة، بلا مشاعر. الناس هنا عندهم أهداف كبيرة، ولكن كتكون غريبة بالنسبة لي. كنت كنفكر ف كازا، كيف كانت الحياة بسيطة، كل شيء كان واضح. كنت نعرف الناس، وكل واحد كان عندو هدف واحد مشترك، وهو أن الحياة تكون سهلة ومليئة بالسلام. هنا، ف شنغهاي، كنت كحس أنني بحال شي حاجة ما عندهاش مكان.

كنت بغيت نرجع للدار، لأصدقائي، لوالديا، لذكرياتي. ولكن ف نفس الوقت كنت كنعرف أنه من الصعب الرجوع. داك الشعور ديال “الوجع ديال البعد” كان كيزداد مع مرور الوقت. كيما لو كنت كنعرف أنني كلما طالت المدة ديالي هنا، كلما كان من الصعب أنني نرجع لحياتي السابقة. كنت محتاجة لشي تغيير.

اليوم فكرت أنني يمكن نمشي ف رحلة صغيرة داخل شنغهاي باش نكتشف شي حاجة جديدة. يمكن هاد الرحلة غادي تعطيني فرصة نتنفس شوية من هاد الروتين. ولكن، في النهاية، حتى لو كان المنظر هنا جديد، كنت كنبقى كنشوفه بنظرة حنين لبلادي. كل خطوة كنت كنخطوها، كنت كنحس كأنني كانبعد أكثر عن وطن القلب.

Chapter 10 (English)

Today, I was at the office, and I had an important meeting with my manager. However, despite all the effort I was putting in, I felt like I wasn’t in the right place. Every time I tried to focus on my work, my mind longed for something different. Bit by bit, thoughts were gathering in my head: I’m here in Shanghai, far from everything I knew. My eyes kept watching the people here, each one busy with their own life, each one with their own goal.

I felt like I was living my daily life like a machine, without emotions. The people here have big goals, but they seem strange to me. I thought about Casablanca, how life was simple, everything was clear. I knew the people, and each person had one common goal, which was to live life simply and filled with peace. Here, in Shanghai, I felt like I was something that didn’t belong.

I wanted to go back home, to my friends, to my family, to my memories. But at the same time, I knew it would be difficult to go back. That feeling of “the pain of distance” was growing stronger over time. It felt as though the longer I stayed here, the harder it would be to return to my previous life. I needed some kind of change.

Today, I thought maybe I would take a short trip within Shanghai to explore something new. Maybe this trip would give me a chance to breathe a little from this routine. But, in the end, even though the view here is new, I still saw it with a sense of longing for my homeland. Every step I took, I felt like I was moving farther away from the heart of my country.

The song’s theme explores spiritual interconnectedness through the lens of Gnawa mysticism, where drumming and ritualistic dance form the foundation for a transcendent connection between souls across time and space. The chorus emphasizes the unity of these souls, while the bridge highlights the timeless and fear-free bond they share.

11 “Au-Delà des Portes” (Beyond the Gates)

  • Theme: This song reflects the journey of self-discovery, crossing the metaphorical gates that separate us from understanding our deeper truths. It’s about transcending the limitations of the known world and embracing the unknown.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in French]

Verse 1
À l’horizon, une porte se dresse,
L’appel du silence brise le temps,
Nous marchons sans crainte, sans retour,
Là où les ombres trouvent leur lumière.

Verse 2
Les murs s’effondrent sous nos pas,
Nos esprits se libèrent, se dévoilent,
Dans le souffle du vent, une vérité,
Nous marchons vers l’infini des possibles.

Au-delà des portes, il y a un monde,
Un voyage où l’âme s’élève,
Chacun de nous cherche sa lumière,
Et au-delà des portes, nous devenons tout.

Verse 3
Chaque porte ouverte révèle un chemin,
De l’obscurité à la clarté divine,
Nous franchissons les seuils du doute,
Pour embrasser ce que nous sommes devenus.

Dans la brume, nous trouvons la vérité,
Le vent du changement souffle en nous,
Nous sommes l’écho du passé,
Mais aussi le souffle de l’avenir.

Au-delà des portes, il y a un monde,
Un voyage où l’âme s’élève,
Chacun de nous cherche sa lumière,
Et au-delà des portes, nous devenons tout.

English Translation:

Verse 1
On the horizon, a gate stands tall,
The call of silence breaks the time,
We walk without fear, without return,
Where shadows find their light.

Verse 2
The walls crumble beneath our steps,
Our minds free themselves, reveal,
In the breath of the wind, a truth,
We walk toward the infinity of possibilities.

Beyond the gates, there is a world,
A journey where the soul rises,
Each of us seeks its light,
And beyond the gates, we become everything.

Verse 3
Each open gate reveals a path,
From darkness to divine clarity,
We cross the thresholds of doubt,
To embrace what we have become.

In the mist, we find the truth,
The wind of change blows within us,
We are the echo of the past,
But also the breath of the future.

Beyond the gates, there is a world,
A journey where the soul rises,
Each of us seeks its light,
And beyond the gates, we become everything.

Chapter 11

اليوم مشيت ف الرحلة الصغيرة ديالي داخل شنغهاي. كنت بغيت نشوف المدينة من زاوية جديدة. الرحلة بدأت ف حي قديم، كان كله مليء بالأسواق الصغيرة. الناس كيبيعو ف كل زاوية، والروائح كانت زوينة ومختلفة. كنت كنبغي هاد الأجواء اللي كتخليني نعيش في اللحظة. ولكن، رغم هاد الجمال، كنت كحس بالحزن، وكأنني كندور ف حلقة مفرغة.

شي حاجة غريبة حاسة بها هنا. كنشوف هاد الحياة العصرية، المباني العالية والسيارات، وكل شيء كيجري بسرعة. ولكن ف وسط هاد الصخب، كان عندي شعور ديال الغربة. كانت الحياة هنا مشغولة، ولكن الناس ما كانوش كيعرفو بعضهم. ف كازا، كنت كنحس بالحياة كانت كدور حواليا بشكل أكثر انسجام. هنا، كنعرف بلي ف هاد المدينة الكبيرة، كاينين ملايين البشر، ولكن كيبقى عندي احساس ديال الوحدة.

ف المساء، رجعت للمكتب وشدتني فكرة: هادي هي الحياة ديالي دابا، الحياة اللي مشيت ليها باش نحقق الطموحات ديالي. ولكن واش فعلاً أنا سعيدة هنا؟ واش كل هاد الجهد كيجيني من قلبي؟ ولا غير محاولة باش نكون جزء من شي مكان جديد؟ كنت محتاجة أنني نعرف.

الغربة ديالي كبرت من نهار لنهار. حتى لو كان عندي عمل، وحتى لو كان عندي حياة جديدة، كنت دائماً كنتمنى لو كنت ف كازا. كل شي ف هاد المدينة كيدكرني باللحظات الصغيرة ف المغرب، مع الأصدقاء، مع العائلة، مع البساطة اللي كنت كنعيش فيها.

Chapter 11 (English)

Today, I went on my small trip inside Shanghai. I wanted to see the city from a new perspective. The journey began in an old neighborhood, filled with small markets. People were selling things on every corner, and the scents were wonderful and different. I loved this atmosphere that made me live in the moment. But, despite this beauty, I still felt sadness, as if I were walking in a loop.

There’s something strange I feel here. I see this modern life, the tall buildings, the cars, and everything running fast. But in the middle of all this noise, I felt a sense of alienation. Life here is busy, but people don’t know each other. Back in Casablanca, I felt like life flowed around me with more harmony. Here, I know that in this big city, there are millions of people, but I still feel a sense of loneliness.

In the evening, I returned to the office, and a thought struck me: This is my life now, the life I chose to follow to achieve my ambitions. But am I really happy here? Is all this effort coming from my heart? Or is it just an attempt to be part of a new place? I needed to know.

My sense of alienation grew day by day. Even though I have work, even though I have a new life, I always wished I were in Casablanca. Everything in this city reminds me of the small moments in Morocco, with friends, with family, with the simplicity I used to live in.

This song explores self-discovery as the act of crossing thresholds, with the gates representing mental and spiritual barriers. Each verse describes the transformation that happens as these gates are passed, and the chorus focuses on the revelation that comes when the soul finds its path and light. The bridge introduces the idea of being both shaped by the past and propelled by the future.

12 “Libération” (Liberation)

  • Theme: This song explores the journey of freeing oneself from spiritual or mental confines, seeking enlightenment, and breaking free from constraints to attain true freedom.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in French]

Dans l’obscurité, l’âme cherche,
Un éclat fragile, un souffle à suivre,
Là où la lumière hésite encore,
Le vent murmure des promesses de renouveau.

Verse 1
La lumière de l’âme éclaire la voie,
Les chaînes du passé tombent sous nos pieds,
Nous marchons vers la liberté,
Là où le cœur trouve son souffle.

Verse 2
Les échos des ancêtres nous murmurent,
Dans leurs voix, nous entendons la vérité,
La voie est libre, nous sommes déliés,
L’âme s’élève, dans l’infini de l’esprit.

Amraghdan, la lumière s’éveille,
Au-delà des ombres, nous renaissons,
Le vent du changement souffle sur nous,
Dans la libération, nous trouvons la paix.

Verse 3
Chaque pensée qui nous retient s’effondre,
Dans l’océan de l’univers, nous nous fondons,
L’âme en paix, la vérité chantée,
Nous sommes un, dans la lumière retrouvée.

Verse 4
Sous les étoiles, le doute se lève,
Mais l’aube arrive pour chasser la peur,
Dans les bras du ciel, nous nous perdons,
La lumière d’Amraghdan nous éclaire encore.

Verse 5
Le feu brûle en nous, un combat intérieur,
Les ombres résistent, cherchent à nous retenir,
Mais le vent nous porte, nous guide, nous console,
Et dans la flamme, nous trouvons l’espoir.

Verse 6
L’univers entier danse autour de nous,
Le passé s’efface, le futur est ouvert,
Nos âmes chantent en harmonie divine,
Libérés, nous renaissons dans l’éternité.

Dans la danse de l’univers, nous vivons,
Les barrières de l’esprit brisées,
La liberté n’est plus un rêve,
Mais une réalité vécue dans chaque souffle.

Le silence tombe, juste avant l’explosion,
Un battement de cœur, un éclat de lumière,
Et soudain, tout devient clair,
Nous sommes un avec l’éternel.

Amraghdan, la lumière s’éveille,
Au-delà des ombres, nous renaissons,
Le vent du changement souffle sur nous,
Dans la libération, nous trouvons la paix.

Dans la lumière d’Amraghdan, nous flottons,
Sans chaînes, sans peur, juste des âmes libérées,
Le voyage est terminé, mais continue encore,
Dans l’infini, nous trouvons notre maison.

[English Translation]

In the darkness, the soul searches,
A fragile spark, a breath to follow,
Where the light still hesitates,
The wind whispers promises of renewal.

Verse 1
The light of the soul lights the way,
The chains of the past fall beneath our feet,
We walk toward freedom,
Where the heart finds its breath.

Verse 2
The echoes of ancestors whisper to us,
In their voices, we hear the truth,
The path is free, we are unbound,
The soul rises, into the infinity of spirit.

Amraghdan, the light awakens,
Beyond the shadows, we are reborn,
The wind of change blows upon us,
In liberation, we find peace.

Verse 3
Each thought that holds us back crumbles,
In the ocean of the universe, we merge,
The soul at peace, the truth sung,
We are one, in the light we’ve regained.

Verse 4
Beneath the stars, doubt rises,
But dawn comes to chase away fear,
In the arms of the sky, we lose ourselves,
The light of Amraghdan still guides us.

Verse 5
The fire burns within, an inner struggle,
The shadows resist, trying to hold us back,
But the wind carries us, guides us, consoles us,
And in the flame, we find hope.

Verse 6
The entire universe dances around us,
The past fades, the future opens wide,
Our souls sing in divine harmony,
Freed, we are reborn into eternity.

In the dance of the universe, we live,
The barriers of the mind broken,
Freedom is no longer a dream,
But a reality lived in every breath.

Silence falls, just before the explosion,
A heartbeat, a flash of light,
And suddenly, all becomes clear,
We are one with the eternal.

Amraghdan, the light awakens,
Beyond the shadows, we are reborn,
The wind of change blows upon us,
In liberation, we find peace.

In the light of Amraghdan, we float,
Without chains, without fear, just freed souls,
The journey is over, yet continues on,
In the infinite, we find our home.

Chapter 12

اليوم، كان عندي نهار صعيب فالعمل. كنحس براسي تائهة بين المهام والمشاريع اللي كاتجيني كل دقيقة. كنت كنتمنى لو كانت عندي فرصة نوقف شوية. غديت للغداء وحدي، وكليت ف مطعم صغير في الحي اللي كنبغيه. كان عندهم أكلات مغربية، وبالرغم من أنه ماشي نفس المذاق ديال الدار، لكن حسيته قريب من شي حاجة تعودت عليها. كنت ف اللحظة ديال الأكل، كنفكر ف كازا، ف أهلها، وف كيفاش الحياة هنا مختلفة.

المدينة كبيرة بزاف، وكلشي كيجي بسرعة. الدراجات، السيارات، الناس كيعديو قدامي وكأنهم ما كيحسوش بيك. وأنا هنا، جايه من مدينة كانت حيوية، ولكن فيها دفء الناس والجو الاجتماعي. كازا كانت كلها حياة، الحوار اليومي، والمقاهي المليئة بالناس كيضحكو مع بعضهم. أما هنا، فكل شيء ف الحركة، الناس كيشتغلو بتركيز ف عملهم، والوقت ديال الاسترخاء ما كيوجدش.

تفكير ف العودة لبلادي كيزيد مع الوقت. كنفكر ف اللحظات البسيطة، كيفاش كنت كنمشي مع أصدقائي في الشوارع المزدحمة بكازا، وكنسمع أصوات السيارات والموسيقى الشعبية. كانت عندنا عادات جميلة في كازا، غير الشيء اللي هنا. أول ما جيت، كنت فرحانة بزاف باش نعيش ف المدينة الحديثة، ولكن اليوم كنحس أنني كنفقد الحميمية ديال الحياة.

حاولت اليوم نتواصل مع الأهل ديالي ف كازا عبر الهاتف، ولكن كان عندي شعور غريب، ماشي كأننا على اتصال فعلاً. كأنني كنعيش في عالمين مختلفين. كيخطر لي ف بالي: واش فعلاً هي هادي المدينة اللي بغيت؟ واش هي المكان اللي غادي يعطيني السعادة ديالي؟ ولا باقي خاصني نلقى الطريق ديالي ف الحياة هنا؟

Chapter 12 (English)

Today, I had a tough day at work. I feel lost between tasks and projects that come at me every minute. I wish I had a moment to pause. I went to lunch alone and ate at a small restaurant in my favorite neighborhood. They had Moroccan dishes, and even though it wasn’t exactly the same taste as home, it felt close to something familiar. While eating, I thought about Casablanca, its people, and how life here is so different.

The city is huge, and everything moves fast. The bikes, the cars, people pass by me as if they don’t notice you. Back home, in a city full of life, there was warmth from the people and a sense of community. Casablanca was alive, with daily conversations, coffee shops filled with people laughing together. But here, everything is in motion, people are focused on their work, and there’s no time for relaxation.

The thought of returning to my country grows stronger with time. I think of the simple moments, walking with my friends through the busy streets of Casablanca, hearing the sounds of cars and popular music. We had beautiful traditions in Casablanca, things that are missing here. When I first arrived, I was excited to live in a modern city, but now I feel like I’m missing the intimacy of life.

I tried to connect with my family in Casablanca today through the phone, but there was a strange feeling—it didn’t feel like we were really in touch. It’s like I’m living in two different worlds. I wonder: Is this really the city I wanted? Is this the place that will give me my happiness? Or do I still need to find my way here?

This song embodies spiritual liberation, where each verse speaks to breaking free from past constraints and embracing a higher state of consciousness. The chorus centers around the theme of awakening and renewal, while the bridge connects the individual experience of freedom to the larger cosmic dance of life. The light in the song symbolizes enlightenment and clarity, and the wind of change represents the forces that propel us towards freedom and peace.

Act IV: Struggle and Freedom (Freedom and Resistance)

13 “La Voix de la Liberté” (The Voice of Freedom)

  • Theme: A powerful call for freedom, urging a collective movement toward liberation and justice.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in French]

Dans le silence, un murmure se lève,
Un battement, un souffle, une promesse,
Au loin, l’aube se dessine,
Et dans l’air, une révolution en devenir.

Verse 1
Dans le vent, un cri s’élève,
Pour ceux qui marchent dans l’ombre,
Le poids des chaînes est ressenti,
Mais l’espoir brille, fort, clair.

Verse 2
L’écho de la liberté résonne,
Dans chaque cœur, chaque rêve,
Les voix unies, comme un seul souffle,
Pour la paix, pour le changement.

Sawt al-hurriya, résonne fort,
Dans les rues, dans les cieux,
Chaque âme, chaque battement,
Chante pour la liberté retrouvée.

Verse 3
Les murs tombent, les portes s’ouvrent,
Les chaînes brisées sous nos pieds,
L’humanité se lève, soudée,
La liberté est à portée de main.

Verse 4
Sous le ciel, les nuages se déchirent,
Un rayon de soleil perce les ténèbres,
Les peurs s’effacent, les cœurs battent à l’unisson,
Pour un avenir sans chaînes ni murs.

Verse 5
Dans chaque regard, une étincelle,
Un feu qui ne peut être éteint,
Nous marchons ensemble, avec le vent,
Vers la lumière qui nous appelle.

Verse 6
Chaque pas, une victoire silencieuse,
Les cicatrices guérissent, les voix s’élèvent,
L’avenir est écrit dans nos chants,
La liberté se construit, instant après instant.

C’est le moment, tout change,
Les rêves brisés renaissent,
Dans l’unité, nous trouvons la voie,
Pour un monde où la liberté brille.

Un murmure grandit, un souffle devient tempête,
Les âmes unies, le cri s’élève,
Nous sommes invincibles, portés par l’espoir,
Et dans l’écho, la liberté danse.

Sawt al-hurriya, résonne fort,
Dans les rues, dans les cieux,
Chaque âme, chaque battement,
Chante pour la liberté retrouvée.

Dans le silence qui suit la tempête,
Les étoiles brillent dans un ciel libéré,
Main dans la main, le chemin est tracé,
Nous marchons ensemble, vers un horizon sans fin.

[English Translation]

In the silence, a whisper rises,
A heartbeat, a breath, a promise,
In the distance, the dawn takes shape,
And in the air, a revolution is brewing.

Verse 1
In the wind, a cry rises,
For those who walk in the shadows,
The weight of chains is felt,
But hope shines, strong, clear.

Verse 2
The echo of freedom resounds,
In every heart, every dream,
Voices united, as one breath,
For peace, for change.

Sawt al-hurriya, resounds loud,
In the streets, in the skies,
Every soul, every heartbeat,
Sings for freedom regained.

Verse 3
The walls fall, the doors open,
Chains broken beneath our feet,
Humanity rises, united,
Freedom is within reach.

Verse 4
Under the sky, the clouds tear apart,
A ray of sunlight pierces the darkness,
Fears fade, hearts beat in unison,
For a future without chains or walls.

Verse 5
In every glance, a spark,
A fire that cannot be extinguished,
We walk together, with the wind,
Toward the light that calls us.

Verse 6
Each step, a silent victory,
Scars heal, voices rise,
The future is written in our songs,
Freedom is built, moment by moment.

This is the moment, everything changes,
Broken dreams are reborn,
In unity, we find the way,
For a world where freedom shines.

A whisper grows, a breath becomes a storm,
Souls united, the cry rises,
We are invincible, carried by hope,
And in the echo, freedom dances.

Sawt al-hurriya, resounds loud,
In the streets, in the skies,
Every soul, every heartbeat,
Sings for freedom regained.

In the silence after the storm,
The stars shine in a freed sky,
Hand in hand, the path is clear,
We walk together, toward an endless horizon.

Chapter 13

اليوم حسيت بشي حاجة غريبة وأنا في الطريق للخدمة. كنت ماشية ف الزحمة ديال الشارع، الناس كلهم كيدوزو بجنبي وكأنهم ما كيشوفونيش. فكرت ف نفسي، كيفاش حياتي هنا كلها صراع مع الوقت؟ ف كازا كان عندنا وقت نتنفسو، نشوفو بعضنا، نقعدو ف المقاهي وندردشو، ولكن هنا، كل شيء كيجرّ بسرعات عالية. التكنلوجيا، الأعمال، كل شيء كيخدم ف الاتجاه ديال ما كاينش وقت. وهذا الشيء كيخليني نحس بالتعب النفسي، رغم أنني كنت جايّة باش أحقق شي حلم.

الصباح ديالي كيبدأ بزحمة، ومع ذلك كلشي كيبدو طبيعي بالنسبة لي. كنت مفكرة أنني غادي نبقى مرتاحة ف البداية، ولكن الحنين لأرضي، لناس بلادي، وللأجواء ديال الدار، كيزيد مع الأيام. اليوم كنت كتبغي نرجع لكازا، نرجع ليها باش نرتاح من كلشي. كان عندي اتصال مع صديقتي، وقالت لي أن الطقس ف كازا جميل دابا، والشمس كيأثر ف الناس لي هناك. كانوا الناس كيضحكو ف الشارع، وكلشي كيشبه للأيام لي كنت كنعيشها.

أثناء حديثي مع صديقتي، كنت كنحس بمشاعر مختلطة. كيفاش تكون حياتي هنا، وأنا بعيدة على كل شيء اللي كنت أعرفه؟ هل من السهل عليّ نغير مكان عملي، نرجع للروح ديال المدينة ديالي؟ ف نفس الوقت، كنت كنفكر ف الفرص لي هنا، ف الناس لي كتعاملني، وكيفاش العمل كيبدو فيه تحديات. كتجيك لحظات كتشوف كلشي عادي، وبعديها، تحس أنك ضايع وسط عالم جديد ما عندكش فيه ربط حقيقي.

في المساء، قررت نروح للحديقة المحيطة بالمكان لي ساكنة فيه. الجو كان بارد شوية، ولكن كنت باغا شي لحظة ديال هدوء. ولقيت مجموعة من الناس كيتمرنوا على رياضة جماعية. كانو كيبينوا أنهم مرتاحين ف هاد المكان، كانوا كيضحكو، وكانو كيشجعوا بعضهم. ولكن مع كل هاد الحركية، كنت كنحس بالوحدة ديالي، وبالغربة لي كترت في قلبي.

Chapter 13 (English)

Today, I felt something strange while walking to work. I was in the crowded street, and people passed by me as if they didn’t see me. I thought to myself, how is my life here a constant struggle against time? Back in Casablanca, we had time to breathe, to see each other, to sit in cafes and chat, but here everything runs at a high speed. Technology, work—everything moves in the direction of no time. And that makes me feel mentally exhausted, even though I came here to achieve a dream.

My day starts in the chaos, but everything seems normal. I thought I’d feel at ease at first, but the longing for my homeland, for the people of my country, and for the atmosphere of home grows stronger with each passing day. Today, I just wanted to go back to Casablanca, to return there to rest from everything. I had a conversation with my friend, and she told me that the weather in Casablanca is beautiful now, and the sun is affecting the people there. People were laughing in the streets, and everything felt like the days I used to live.

During my talk with my friend, I had mixed feelings. How can my life be here, so far from everything I knew? Is it easy for me to change my job, to return to the soul of my city? At the same time, I think about the opportunities here, the people who treat me well, and how the work presents its challenges. There are moments when everything seems normal, and then, suddenly, you feel lost in a new world with no real connection.

In the evening, I decided to go to the park near where I live. The weather was a bit cold, but I needed a quiet moment. I found a group of people practicing a group sport. They seemed so at ease in that place, laughing, and encouraging each other. But with all the movement around me, I felt my own loneliness, and the growing sense of alienation in my heart.

This song centers around the cry for liberation and the collective power of individuals coming together to overcome oppression. The chorus emphasizes the loud and unyielding voice of freedom, while the bridge marks a turning point, signaling that the moment of liberation is now. The light and hope in the song symbolize the potential for change, emphasizing that freedom is not just a desire but a reality that can be achieved through unity and action.

14 “ⵜⵓⵔⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵎⵉ” (Tura n Timmi – Rise of the People)

  • Theme: Resistance and unity.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Breathy, soft male voice in Berber]

ⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵔ ⵏ ⵜⴰⵎⴳⵏⵉⵢⵓⵜ,
ⵉⵏⴳ ⵡⴰⵍⵉ ⵙⴳⴰⵏ ⴻⴹⴹⵉⵍ,
ⵜⵓⵙⵙⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⴽⵓⵍⵏⵉⵏ ⵜⴳⵉ ⵢⴻⴼⵙⵏ,
ⴰⵎⵉⵏⵉⴷ, ⵙⵙⵓⵍ ⵏ ⵓⵛⵔⴻⴽ.

Verse 1:
ⵜⵓⵔⴰ nⴷⵉⵎⵎⴰ, ⴰⵡⴰⴷⵉⵍⵏ,
ⴰⵎⵓⵔⵓⵙ ⵏ ⵓⵔⵏ,
ⴷⵉⵎⵎⵉ ⵏ ⴰⵔⴰⵏ,

ⵉⵙⵎⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,
ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰⴳⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,

Verse 2:

ⵉⵙⵎⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,
ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰⴳⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,

Verse 3:

ⵉⵙⵎⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,
ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰⴳⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,

ⴰⵎⵓⵉⵎⴰⴷⵙ ⴰⵣⴰⵛⵓⵙ ⵓⵎⵓⵎⴰⴷⵙ.
ⴰⵍⵉⴳⵓⵎⵙ ⴰⵣⴰⵛⵓⵙⵓⵛⵉⵎ.

Verse 4:

ⵉⵙⵎⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,
ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰⴳⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,

Verse 5:

ⵉⵙⵎⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,
ⵜⴰⵙⵏⴰⴳⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ,

ⵉⴳ ⵉⵏⵙⵎⴰⵍⵉⵏ, ⵜⵉⵍⵉⵍⴹⵉⵏ ⵡⴳⴳⵓⵍⵏ,
ⵉⵍⴳⴰⵙ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⴽⵓⵍⵏⵉⵏ ⵜⴳⵉ ⵢⴻⴼⵙⵏ,
ⵜⵓⵔⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵎⵉ, ⴰⵎⵉⵏⵉⴷ ⵉⵏⵙⵙⵓⵔⵉ,
ⴰⵎⵉⵏⵉⴷ ⵉⵍⴹⵍ ⵏ ⵜⵎⵓⵙⵙⵓⴽⵍⴰⵏ.

English Translation:

In the heart of the streets,
Where the fire never dies,
The voice of the people rises,
Together, we claim the skies.

Verse 1:
Rise from the soil, we stand tall,
The roots of our ancestors,
Deep in the ground, they guide us all,
Shaping our world, strong and proud.

The voices of the people,
Unite and rise together,
In the name of freedom, we march on.

Verse 2:
In every corner of the land,
The struggle for justice calls,
Our will unbroken, our hearts unshaken.

We fight for the future,
The path to freedom is clear.

Verse 3:
With fire in our hearts,
We will never be silenced.
From every mountain to the streets,
The people will rise.

The voices of the people,
Unite and rise together,
In the name of freedom, we march on.

Verse 4:
The fire burns in the heart of every soul,
Strength in unity, we won’t fall.

Through the night, the echoes fade,
But the voices of the people rise,
Tura n Timmi, we rise together,
In unity, we shine our light.

Chapter 14

اليوم كان عندي يوم طويل ف الخدمة، والوقت ديالي ف المكتب ما كفاونيش باش نتنفس شوية. كانت الاجتماعات كلها على السرعة، والأشياء كتزيد تتراكم فوق بعضياتها. ملي غاديت من الخدمة، حسيت براسي داير بلغي، كنت بغيت غير نرجع لدارنا. كنت فكر ف تفاصيل كازا، كيفاش كانت الحياة مريحة هناك، الناس كيضحكو، وكل واحد عارف مكانه. هنا، ما كاينش هذا الشي. كاين بساطة، ولكن غير ف الشكل، ما كاينش الروح ديال المدينة ديالي.

في الليل، قررت نمشي نتمشى ف الشارع ديال الزهور لي ف الجوار. كنت كانشوف الناس كيمشيو وكل واحد مشغول بحالته. هنا، ف الصين، الناس كيتنقلو كأنهم مشيين ف عالم غريب. كنت كنفكر ف الوقت لي مضى، كيفاش كازا كانت بالنسبة لي، وللي كانت بمثابة الحياة الحقيقية. كل واحد كيعيش ف عالمو الشخصي، بينما هنا الناس كيعيشو ف عالم واحد. هذا الشي كيخلي الحياة كلها تكون معقدة بزاف.

كنت نهار كامل كنحس بالوحدة، رغم أنه كان عندي شغل، ورغم أنني كنت مع ناس ف المكتب، كيبقاو كلشي كيختار داير بلغي. ف كل مرة كنفكر ف الأوقات لي كنت نعيش فيها مع صحابي ف كازا، كنت نتمنى نرجع ليهم. كازا هي المدينة لي فيها الحياة الحقيقية، الناس لي فيها كيبغيو بعضهم، وكيعيشو ف الانسجام. مشيتي للطريق الخاوي، وفكرت ف كلشي، وقلت ف نفسي، “إلى بغيت نرجع، غادي نرجع، مازال عندي الوقت.”

في النهاية، ما كنتش عارفة واش غادي نمشي للبيت اليوم ولا غادي نبقى ف المكتب شوية أخرى. حتى واحد ما قال لي حاجة على هاد الشي، لأن كل واحد كان ف حالو، وكل واحد عندو مشاكيلو الخاصة. دابا ف حالتي هادي، بغيت غير نرجع لداري، ندير شي جلسة مع صحابي، نتناقشو على الحياة، باش نرتاح شوي. الحنين كيزيد مع مرور الأيام، وكل لحظة كتجيني فكرة العودة، ولكن هاد الشي بقى ف بالي.

Chapter 14 (English)

Today was a long day at work, and my time at the office was not enough for me to catch my breath. The meetings were all rushed, and things kept piling up. When I left work, I felt exhausted, all I wanted was to go home. I kept thinking about the details of Casablanca, how life was easier there, people were laughing, and everyone knew their place. Here, there’s simplicity, but only on the surface; there’s none of the soul of my city.

At night, I decided to take a walk down the flower street near my place. I watched people walking by, each one caught up in their own world. Here, in China, people move as if they’re walking in a strange world. I thought about the time that had passed, how Casablanca was for me, and how it was my true home. Everyone here lives in their personal world, while there, people lived in one shared world. That makes everything more complicated here.

I spent the whole day feeling lonely, even though I had work to do, and even though I was surrounded by people at the office, it still felt like I was trapped in my own bubble. Each time I thought about the times I had spent with my friends in Casablanca, I just wished I could go back. Casablanca is the city where real life happens, where people care for each other and live in harmony. I walked down the empty street, thinking about everything, and I told myself, “If I want to go back, I will. I still have time.”

In the end, I didn’t know if I would head home tonight or stay at the office a bit longer. No one really said anything about that because everyone was in their own world, and each person had their own problems to deal with. In this state of mind, I just wanted to return home, have a gathering with my friends, and talk about life, to relax for a bit. The longing grows with each passing day, and every moment brings me closer to the thought of returning, but for now, that remains just a dream.

15 “Rêve de Révolution” (Dream of Revolution)

  • Theme: The dream of a better world.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in French]

Dans le vent du matin, nous marchons,
Vers des horizons clairs, loin du passé,
Les chaînes tombent, les esprits s’élèvent,
Un rêve brûle, un feu de liberté.

Verse 1:
Les rues sont pleines de rêves brisés,
Les voix résonnent, fortes et fières,
Dans chaque cœur, une lutte s’élève,
Pour voir le jour où tout changera.

Verse 2:
Un monde nouveau, un souffle d’espoir,
Un peuple qui se lève, une lumière dans la nuit,
Les âmes unies, les cœurs en harmonie,
Vers l’aube d’un avenir plein de promesses.

Rêve de révolution, un monde à bâtir,
Au-delà des frontières, au-delà du pire,
Les rêves s’élèvent, les murs tombent,
Unissons nos forces pour un demain meilleur.

Verse 3:
Les voix s’élèvent, unies par la foi,
Dans la terre, nous trouvons la racine,
Les étoiles brillent, une lumière dans le noir,
Ce rêve de révolution, il est notre destin.

Verse 4:
Les larmes de ceux qui ont souffert,
Seront la pluie pour notre terre,
Le vent soufflera les souvenirs,
De ceux qui ont rêvé d’un avenir clair.

Verse 5:
Les enfants chantent une nouvelle mélodie,
Les âges anciens effacés par l’unité,
Les hommes et les femmes de ce temps,
Rassembleront les pierres pour un monde plus grand.

Verse 6:
La révolution est dans nos mains,
Ce rêve ne s’éteindra jamais,
Un peuple debout, un cœur battant,
Dans ce rêve, tout est possible, tout est vainqueur.

Unissons nos voix dans ce chant d’espoir,
Car dans chaque rêve se cache une victoire,
La révolution n’est pas loin,
Elle commence ici, avec toi et moi.

Et quand la révolution viendra,
Nous serons prêts, pour un monde meilleur,
Nous rêvons ensemble, la liberté en nous,
Un rêve d’unité, d’amour, et de lumière.

[English Translation]

In the morning wind, we walk,
Towards clear horizons, far from the past,
Chains fall, spirits rise,
A dream burns, a fire of freedom.

Verse 1:
The streets are full of broken dreams,
Voices echo, strong and proud,
In every heart, a struggle rises,
To see the day when everything changes.

Verse 2:
A new world, a breath of hope,
A people rising, a light in the night,
Souls united, hearts in harmony,
Towards the dawn of a future full of promises.

Dream of revolution, a world to build,
Beyond the borders, beyond the worst,
Dreams rise, walls fall,
Let’s unite our forces for a better tomorrow.

Verse 3:
Voices rise, united by faith,
In the earth, we find the root,
Stars shine, a light in the dark,
This dream of revolution, it is our destiny.

Verse 4:
The tears of those who have suffered,
Will be the rain for our land,
The wind will blow the memories,
Of those who dreamed of a clear future.

Verse 5:
Children sing a new melody,
Ancient ages erased by unity,
Men and women of this time,
Will gather the stones for a larger world.

Verse 6:
The revolution is in our hands,
This dream will never fade,
A people standing, a heart beating,
In this dream, everything is possible, everything wins.

Let’s unite our voices in this song of hope,
For in every dream lies a victory,
The revolution is not far,
It begins here, with you and me.

And when the revolution comes,
We will be ready, for a better world,
We dream together, freedom in us,
A dream of unity, love, and light.

Chapter 15

اليوم كان عندي يوم طويل، ولكن مع ذلك كان عندي شعور غريب. حسيت براسي شوية فالغربة أكتر من المعتاد. كنت ف المقهى كندير ف قهوتي، وما كنتش قادر نفكر ف شي حاجة وحدا. كنت شاد القهوة ف يدي، والناس كيتعداو قدامي، وكانو كيضنو أنني عايشة هنا، لكن داخليا كنت ف شي مكان آخر. وديك اللحظة، حسيت كيفاش الواحد كيحس بالوحدة ف المدن الكبيرة، بالرغم من أنها عامرة بالناس.

ف الشوارع هنا، كل شي كان كيحرك بسرعة، بحال المدينة ديال الماكينات. الناس كيجريو، والمحال التجارية كتحارب بعضها باش تبين أحسن شي. حتى أنا، بديت نشوف راسي كيفما واحد منهم. شي واحد ف المكتب كان قالي ليا “الناس ف شانغهاي مشي سريعين، ما كيتوقفوش”، وأنا فكر ف شي حاجة بسيطة للي كانت ف بالي: “هل فعلا الحياة هنا هي الحياة؟ ولا شي نوع ديال الهرج؟”

لكن مع مرور الوقت، بدات نحس بالتغييرات. تغيرات في شخصيتي، حتى لو كانت صغيرة. كنت بغيت غير نرجع لكازا، نسمع أصوات الناس ف الشوارع، نكون مع صحابي ف المقاهي. الحياة هنا، رغم أنها مليئة بالأشياء المثيرة للاهتمام، إلا أنها باردة. الدنيا كتجري بسرعة ف شانغهاي، والناس هنا كيقلبو على النجاح بكل ثمن. ولكن النجاح كايخلي الواحد يحس أنه ما عندو حتى شي حاجة غير الشغل ف يده.

ف المساء، قررت نمشي نتمشى ف الحديقة ديال الحي ديالي. رغم أن الجو كان بارد شوية، لكنني حسيت بشي راحة. كاين شي حاجة ف الهواء هنا كتخلي الواحد يقدر يرتاح شوي، ولكنها ف نفس الوقت كتعطيك شعور بالغربة. مع كل خطوة كنت كنتخيل كازا، كيفاش كانت الشوارع هناك، وكيفاش كنا نعيشو بحال عائلة وحدة. هاد الشي كان مجرد حلم بعيد، ولكنني كنت باغية نعيشو من جديد.

Chapter 15 (English)

Today was a long day, but I felt something strange. I felt more foreign than usual. I was sitting at the café, sipping my coffee, and I couldn’t think about anything in particular. I was holding the coffee in my hand while people walked by in front of me, and they probably thought I was living here, but inside, I was in another place. In that moment, I felt how one can feel lonely in a big city, even though it’s crowded with people.

In the streets here, everything moves so fast, like a city of machines. People rush around, and the shops fight with each other to show the best thing. Even I, started to see myself like one of them. Someone at the office had told me, “People in Shanghai are fast, they never stop,” and I thought about something simple that had been on my mind: “Is this really life? Or some kind of hustle?”

But over time, I started to feel the changes. Changes in myself, even if they were small. All I wanted was to go back to Casablanca, to hear the sounds of people in the streets, to be with my friends in the cafés. Life here, though filled with interesting things, is cold. Time moves fast in Shanghai, and people here are chasing success at any cost. But success makes one feel like they don’t have anything except their work in their hands.

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In the evening, I decided to take a walk in the neighborhood park. Even though the weather was a little cold, I felt a sense of comfort. There’s something in the air here that allows one to relax a bit, but at the same time, it gives you a sense of alienation. With every step, I imagined Casablanca, how the streets were there, and how we lived like one big family. This was just a distant dream, but I wanted to live it again.

16 “دمعة الكفاح” (Dam’at Al-Kifah – Tears of Struggle)

  • Theme: The emotional toll of fighting for change.
  • Fusion of Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music
  • [Female voice in Darija]

تسقط الدموع كالمطر،
تحت الثقل، نمشي بلا نهاية.
أحلام الحرية تتلاشى،
وفي الليل، يلمع بصيص أمل.

Verse 1
أصوات الظلم تعصف في الرياح،
نسمع بكاء الأرض،
شجاعة الأرواح المكسورة،
تقف من أجل الحقوق الضائعة.

Verse 2
الدموع الحارة على خدودنا،
القلوب المكسورة لكننا متوحدون،
كل خطوة، كل نفس، كل نفس،
تذكرنا بهذا النضال الذي لا ينتهي.

دموع الكفاح، دموع الألم،
من أجل الحرية، من أجل السلام،
الأمل يلمع، لكن الظلام يستمر،
نمشي، صوت في الرياح.

Verse 3
التاريخ محفور في الغبار،
الأرواح تقاتل من أجل الغد،
ذكريات المعاناة،
توجه أيدينا نحو النور.

Verse 4
لكل ظلم، ألم،
لكل انتصار، تضحية،
البشر يبكون لكنهم ينهضون،
حب الحرية هو قوتنا.

Verse 5
تحت السماء، لا يتوقف النضال أبداً،
الضحكات محيت، الأرواح منسية،
لكن في قلوبنا، يستمر الكفاح،
من أجل أولئك الذين سقطوا في صمت.

لننشد معاً في هذا النداء،
ضد الرياح، ضد الاضطهاد،
روحنا الحرة من تراثنا،
لا تخاف من الألم أو النهاية.

الدموع تجف، لكن النار تشتعل،
الطريق طويل، لكن الأمل حي،
نمشي معاً، الأرواح المتحدة،
من أجل عالم يزدهر فيه الحرية.

English Translation:

Tears fall like rain,
Under the weight, we walk endlessly.
Dreams of freedom fade away,
In the night, a glimmer of hope shines.

Verse 1
Voices of injustice roar in the wind,
We hear the cries of the earth,
The courage of broken souls,
Rising for the lost rights.

Verse 2
Hot tears on our cheeks,
Broken hearts, but we are united,
Each step, each breath, each breath,
Reminds us of this endless struggle.

Tears of struggle, tears of pain,
For freedom, for peace,
Hope shines, but darkness persists,
We walk, a voice in the wind.

Verse 3
History carved in the dust,
Souls fighting for tomorrow,
The memories of suffering,
Guiding our hands toward the light.

Verse 4
For every injustice, a pain,
For every victory, a sacrifice,
People cry, but they rise,
The love for freedom is our strength.

Verse 5
Under the skies, the struggle never ends,
Laughter erased, souls forgotten,
But in our hearts, the fight continues,
For those who fell in silence.

Let us unite our voices in this cry,
Against the wind, against oppression,
Our free spirit from our heritage,
Fears neither pain nor end.

The tears dry, but the fire burns,
The road is long, but hope lives,
We walk together, united souls,
For a world where freedom blooms.

Chapter 16

اليوم قررت ندير حاجة جديدة. جيت لشنغهاي وكنت متخيلة أنني غادي نعيش تجربة مختلفة، ولكن مع مرور الوقت، بديت نشوف أن كل شيء هنا كيطلع لسرعة الضوء. الناس ما كيوقفوش، والحياة كتمشي بطريقة عجيبة. حاولت نلقى حاجة مريحة ف هذا المدينة الكبيرة، وبديت نحس أن المكان هنا ما كانش هو المكان اللي كنت نتصور. رغم أن شانغهاي كتعيش فيها ثقافة غنية ومتنوعة، حسيت أنه خاصني شي حاجة تخليي نحس بالراحة.

اليوم مشيت لواحد المول الكبير ف المدينة، حاولت ندير تسوق على الأقل باش ننسى الغربة. ولكن مع كل خطوة كنت كنفكر ف الدار ديالي. كان عندي شعور غريب، كما لو كنت مشيت لمدينة ثانية بعيدة، وماشي هي هذيك المدينة اللي كنت عايشة فيها. أنا ماشي من الناس اللي كيتعودو بسرعة على الأماكن، ولكن كل ما مشيت أكثر ف شانغهاي، كان الحنين كيزداد. بديت نفكر ف الأوقات ديال العائلة والأصدقاء اللي تركتهم ف كازا.

المدينة ديال شانغهاي فيها كل شيء، ولكن مافيهاش ذيك الروح ديال كازا. ما كاينش نفس الحساس، وكنت نحس براسي غريبة ف كل مكان. حاولت نتفاعل مع الناس، لكن كان عندي شعور أنني ف الغربة، وأنني مش قادرة نلقى شي واحد في نفس الموجة. الأحاديث ديالهم كانت مبهمة بالنسبة لي، وكأنهم جاو من كوكب آخر. ولكن رغم هذا، بديت نحاول ننسجم مع الحياة هنا، ونكتشف ناس جدد.

مع نهاية اليوم، رجعت للفندق وحسيت بشي حاجة غريبة. كان عندي شعور بالوحدة، ولكن كنت محاول نركز على العمل. كان عندي شوية خوف من الغد، ولكن ف نفس الوقت، كنت نتمنى أني نلقى طريق ديالي ف شانغهاي. الحياة كتستمر، والمشاكل ديال الغربة تلاشى مع مرور الوقت. ولكن كنت عارفة، الغربة ديال القلب ديما كاينة.

Chapter 16 (English)

Today, I decided to try something new. When I came to Shanghai, I imagined I would live a completely different experience, but over time, I began to see that everything here moves at the speed of light. People never stop, and life moves in such a strange way. I tried to find something comfortable in this big city, but I began to realize that this place wasn’t exactly what I had envisioned. Even though Shanghai has a rich and diverse culture, I felt like I needed something to make me feel at home.

Today, I went to a big mall in the city, trying to shop to forget the homesickness. But with every step, I kept thinking about my home. I had a strange feeling, as though I had walked into a different city, one that wasn’t my own. I’m not one of those people who easily adapts to places, but the more I walked through Shanghai, the more the longing grew. I started thinking about the times with my family and friends I had left back in Casablanca.

Shanghai is full of everything, but it doesn’t have the same spirit of Casablanca. There’s no similar feeling, and I felt like a stranger everywhere I went. I tried to interact with people, but I had a sense of alienation, as though I couldn’t find anyone on the same wavelength. Their conversations seemed vague to me, as if they came from another planet. But despite this, I started trying to blend in, meet new people, and discover more.

By the end of the day, I returned to the hotel and felt something strange. I had a sense of loneliness, but I tried to focus on my work. I felt some fear about tomorrow, but at the same time, I hoped I could find my way in Shanghai. Life goes on, and the struggles of homesickness fade with time. But I knew one thing for sure: the loneliness of the heart never really leaves.

Act V: Love and Belonging (Love and Community)

17 “ⴰⴳⵎⴰⴹ ⵏ ⴰⵣⵍⵍⵉ” (Agmad n Azllili – Songs of Togetherness)

  • Theme: Celebrating community bonds.
  • [Male voice in Berber]


Verse 1:

Verse 2:

Verse 3:

Verse 4:

Verse 5:

Verse 6:




English Translation

As we gather, songs arise
From hearts entwined, our spirits rise

Verse 1:
In the land where we share our hands,
Unity blooms from our ancient lands.
No separation, no walls divide,
Together we stand, side by side.

Verse 2:
We share our hopes, we share our fears,
Through the years, through the tears.
In every voice, a story untold,
Together we rise, as the future unfolds.

Verse 3:
Our hearts are tied, no force can sever,
Bound in love, we stand forever.
In the light of the moon, we dance as one,
Our journey together has just begun.

Verse 4:
Through fields of green, beneath the stars,
We walk united, near and far.
In every heart, the fire burns bright,
A flame of hope, a guiding light.

Verse 5:
Our voices rise, like winds in the sky,
Carrying dreams as they fly high.
We sing of hope, we sing of peace,
In unity, we find release.

Verse 6:
From every mountain, every sea,
Together we rise, together we’re free.
In the sound of our song, we hear the call,
Unity for all, for one and for all.

Sing, O voices, sing loud and clear,
Together we are one, with nothing to fear.
Our hearts bound, our souls entwined,
In the song of unity, forever aligned.

Let the songs of unity fill the sky,
No distance too far, no mountain too high.
We stand together, hearts beating as one,
The song of togetherness, forever sung.

In this song, our hearts are free,
Together we rise, for all to see

Chapter 17

اليوم كان يوم عادي ف شانغهاي. مشيت لواحد المقهي صغير ف الزنقة ديالنا، كندير شي وقتي مع راسي وكنت كنفكر ف العائلة ديالي. ف هاد الأيام، بدا الحنين كيوقع بشكل قوي، وما بغيتش نكون ضعيفة قدام نفسي. هاد المدينة كلها سريعة وهايلة، ولكن كاين شي حاجة غريبة فيها. يمكن لأنني من كازا، وكنت دايماً ف وسط الحركية والنشاط، وهاد المدينة ما كتقدرش تعطيك نفس الإحساس. حاولت نشوف الحياة ديالي هنا من زاوية مختلفة، لكن بقيت حاسّة بشيء ناقص.

ف المقهي اليوم، كنا خمسة، ولكن كنت حاسّة براسي بوحدي. الكل كيتكلم وكيمشي وكيضحك، وأنا هنا، كان عندي شعور غريب كما لو أنني جالسة وسط زحمة، ولكن بعيد على الجميع. حاولت نكون جزء من الحديث، ولكن حسيت براسي غريبة. الناس كيحاولوا يكونوا طيبين معايا، ولكن كان عندي شعور ديال العزلة في وسطهم. هذا كان إحساس غريب جداً بالنسبة ليا، لأنني من قبل كنت دايماً ف قلب الجماعة.

اليوم قمت بشي حاجة مختلفة. مشيت لحديقة صغيرة، وسكنت ف واحد الركن هاديك لوقت طويل. كان عندي وقت باش نفكر ف كازا، ف كلشي لي كانت فيه الحياة ديالي. الصباحات ف كازا كانت دايماً مشوقة. الشوارع مليانة بالناس، العائلة كتجتمع ف الصباح ديال الجمعة، والضحك كيسمع ف كل زاوية. دابا، هنا ف شانغهاي، كنت كانشوف الناس اللي عايشين ف وادي ضوضاء، بلا روح حقيقية. ربما هاد المدينة زوينة، ولكن ماشي ديالنا.

مع نهاية اليوم، فكرت ف العودة. فكرت ف الرجوع لبلادي، حتى لو كان لازم نواجه تحدياتها. يمكن هاد الرحلة ديال شانغهاي كانت مجرد مرحلة، ولكن كنت عارفة أنني ما نقدرش نعيش هنا للأبد. الحياة ديالي كتسير في اتجاه آخر، ورغم كلشي، كان عندي الشعور أن العودة لكازا هي الحل.

Chapter 17 (English)

Today was an ordinary day in Shanghai. I went to a small café on our street, spending some time with myself, thinking about my family. These days, the homesickness is hitting me harder, and I didn’t want to appear weak to myself. This city is fast and amazing, but there’s something strange about it. Maybe it’s because I’m from Casablanca, where I was always surrounded by activity and energy, and this city just can’t offer the same feeling. I tried to view my life here from a different perspective, but I still felt like something was missing.

At the café today, there were five of us, but I felt alone. Everyone was talking, walking, laughing, and here I was, feeling out of place. I tried to join the conversation, but I still felt foreign. People tried to be kind to me, but I had a sense of isolation among them. It was such a strange feeling for me because before, I was always at the heart of the group.

Today, I did something different. I went to a small park and sat in a quiet corner for a long time. I had the space to think about Casablanca, about everything my life once was. The mornings in Casablanca were always exciting. The streets were full of people, the family would gather on Friday mornings, and laughter echoed in every corner. Now, here in Shanghai, I see people living in a valley of noise, but with no true spirit. Maybe this city is beautiful, but it’s not ours.

By the end of the day, I thought about going back. I thought about returning to my country, even if I had to face its challenges. Perhaps this journey in Shanghai was just a phase, but I knew deep down that I couldn’t live here forever. My life is heading in a different direction, and despite everything, I had the feeling that going back to Casablanca was the solution.

18 “ليلة في الميدان” (Layla Fi Al-Midan – A Night in the Square)

  • Theme: Festive gatherings and their significance.
  • Rai
  • [Female voice in Darija]

في ساحة الليل، تدور الأحلام
أصوات الضحكات تعم المكان

Verse 1:
تحت ضوء القمر، الناس يتجمعون
قلوبهم واحدة، بينهم أمل جديد
في تلك الليلة، تصبح الساحة أكثر من مكان
هي قلب المدينة، حيث تجتمع الأرواح

Verse 2:
الرقص والفرح في كل زاوية
أنغام الموسيقى تنتشر في الهواء
كل خطوة تروي قصة قديمة
الناس يحيون الماضي مع كل نفس

Verse 3:
الشوارع تضيء بأنوار الأمل
أيدٍ متشابكة، والمستقبل أمامهم
كل واحد يشارك في الحلم الكبير
في الساحة، نجد معنا للوجود

Verse 4:
من مكان إلى آخر، تدور الموسيقى
الأصوات تتحد في تناغم رائع
العالم يغني أغنيته الخاصة
في تلك الليلة، أصبحنا جميعًا عائلة

Verse 5:
ضحكات الأطفال تملأ الساحة
والمسنون يشاركون قصصهم القديمة
الجميع يشعر بالفرح والحب
في تلك اللحظة، لا شيء يفصلنا

Verse 6:
مع كل فجر جديد، تشرق الأماني
لكن ذكرى تلك الليلة ستظل حية
في الساحة، نحتفل بالحياة
في كل مرة نلتقي، نتذكر تلك اللحظة

في ساحة الليلة، تتراقص النجوم
أصوات الحب تعلو، تغني للأمل
معًا نحتفل، وننعم بالأمان
في تلك الليلة، كان كل شيء ممكن

الليلة لا تنتهي، والأحلام تدوم
الميدان هو مكاننا، هنا حيث نلتقي
في قلب المدينة، نجد حياتنا
في تلك اللحظة، نحن الأمل والفرح

الليل يسدل الستار، لكن الذكريات تبقى
في ساحة الميدان، نعود من جديد
الفرح والحب يظل في قلوبنا
تلك الليلة كانت بداية جديدة

English Translation

The dreams revolve in the square at night
Laughter fills the place with delight

Verse 1:
Under the moonlight, people gather
Their hearts unite, with new hope alight
That night, the square becomes more than a place
It is the heart of the city, where souls unite

Verse 2:
Dancing and joy in every corner
The music spreads through the air
Each step tells an old story
People revive the past with every breath

Verse 3:
The streets glow with the lights of hope
Hands intertwined, the future ahead
Each one shares in the grand dream
In the square, we find meaning for our existence

Verse 4:
From place to place, the music turns
Voices unite in beautiful harmony
The world sings its own special song
That night, we all became one family

Verse 5:
Children’s laughter fills the square
The elderly share their old stories
Everyone feels joy and love
In that moment, nothing separates us

Verse 6:
With each new dawn, wishes rise
But the memory of that night will live on
In the square, we celebrate life
Each time we meet, we remember that moment

In the square tonight, the stars dance
The voices of love rise, singing for hope
Together we celebrate, and revel in peace
That night, everything was possible

The night doesn’t end, and the dreams endure
The square is our place, here we meet
In the heart of the city, we find our life
In that moment, we are hope and joy

The night lowers its curtain, but memories remain
In the square, we return once more
Joy and love remain in our hearts
That night was a new beginning

Chapter 18

النهار دا ما كانش كيبدو شي مختلف. صباح جديد في شانغهاي، وكالعادة كنت مشغولة ف الشغل. هاد الأيام، كان عندي شعور أنني بغيت نغادر كلشي. وهادي هي الحياة ديالي هنا: الحنين للقلب ديالي، ولكن بلا ما نقدر نعود. خليت ف بالي بعض الأحيان أنني كانقدر نعيش ف هاد المدينة، ولكن الأفكار ديالي ديما كانت كتسافر للمغرب. كنت كانفكر ف عائلتي، ف الناس لي كيعرفوني، وفي الأماكن لي كنت كنتسلى فيها. حتى إذا حاولت أنني نتأقلم مع كلشي هنا، كنت بقا نتذكر داك الشي اللي خلاني نشعر بالوطنية الحقيقية.

كنت اليوم جالسة ف المقهى مع شي بنات من الشغل، وكل واحد فيهم كيحكي عن حياتو الشخصية. وكيقولوا لي “سدا، ليش ما تكتشفي كلشي في شانغهاي؟” ولكن رديت عليهم باش قلت ليهم: “لا، ميمكنش ليّ، لأن القلب ديالي دايماً هنا ف المغرب.” حتى لو كان عندي شي تجارب زوينة هنا، من الصعب عليّ نبقى هنا وأعيش حياة خاوية من الطمأنينة الداخلية. مع الوقت، كان بدا عندي شعور بأني بغيت نرجع للدار.

اليوم مرّو بسرعة، وجات الليل، وحسيت بيه بحالة من الوحدة. على الرغم من أنني كتكون مع الناس، كتكون وحدك. الأماكن هنا، والشوارع، والمناظر كيشبهوا للمدينة ديالي، ولكن بقات فيهم شي حاجة مفقودة. يمكن هادشي يكون شي نزاع داخلي، حيث ما قدرتش نوقف قدام نفسي، ما قدرتش نوقف التفكير ف العودة. كان عندي نفس طويل ف السفر، ولكن كان لازم نلقى الطريق اللي يعيدني لأحضان داري.

ما زال كنفكر ف الرجوع. ف كازا، الحياة كانت دايماً فيها العائلة والناس. كنت ف وسط الحب ديالهم، ومع مرور الوقت كنت كانحس بالإحساس ديال الاستقرار اللي غادي يكون لي ف المستقبل. ولكن هنا، في شانغهاي، كل شيء بيّن لي كم هو غريب بالنسبة لي. بغيت نعود لموطني، مشي فقط عاطفياً ولكن عقلياً، وحياتي كلها كانت معاه.

Chapter 18 (English)

Today didn’t seem much different. A new morning in Shanghai, and as usual, I was busy with work. These days, I’ve been feeling like I want to leave everything behind. This is my life here: a longing in my heart, but unable to return. Sometimes I think that I could live in this city, but my thoughts always travel back to Morocco. I think about my family, the people who know me, and the places I used to spend my time in. Even if I try to adapt to everything here, I’m always reminded of what made me feel truly connected to home.

Today, I sat in the café with some girls from work, and each of them was talking about their personal life. They said to me, “Sada, why don’t you explore everything Shanghai has to offer?” But I replied, “No, I can’t, because my heart will always be in Morocco.” Even though I’ve had some good experiences here, it’s hard for me to stay in a place that lacks inner peace. Over time, I started to feel that I really wanted to go back home.

The day passed quickly, and night arrived, and I felt it with a sense of loneliness. Even when surrounded by people, you can feel alone. The places here, the streets, the views, remind me of my city, but they all seem missing something. Maybe this is some internal conflict, as I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the return. I’ve traveled far, but I needed to find the road back to the arms of home.

I keep thinking about going back. In Casablanca, life was always about family and people. I was surrounded by their love, and over time, I felt the sense of stability that would be there for me in the future. But here, in Shanghai, everything showed me how strange it all felt to me. I wanted to return to my homeland, not just emotionally but mentally, and everything in my life had always been with it.

19 “Ensemble Nous Dansons” (Together We Dance)

  • Theme: Joy and unity through music and celebration.
  • Moroccan Trap
  • [Female voice in French]

Intro: Dans l’air, une mélodie,
Un souffle de liberté,
Sous les étoiles, la vie en harmonie,
Tous ensemble, unis dans la vérité.

Verse 1:
Les tambours résonnent dans la nuit,
Chacun trouve son pas, son rythme,
Les corps se mêlent, la joie fuit,
Dansons ensemble, oublions le temps.

Verse 2:
Les voix s’élèvent comme un vent fort,
Chantant d’un rêve d’unité,
Chaque mouvement est un accord,
Ensemble, la liberté est notre clarté.

Verse 3:
Les pieds frappent le sol, lourd et léger,
L’harmonie se crée dans le feu,
Nos cœurs battent à l’unisson, sacrés,
Ensemble, rien n’est impossible, tout est merveilleux.

Verse 4:
Dans chaque sourire, un écho,
La danse unit nos âmes,
Sous la lune, l’amour brille haut,
Unissons nos mains, la joie s’enflamme.

Verse 5:
Pas de frontières, pas de murs,
Tout le monde est ici pour célébrer,
L’âme libre qui ne connaît pas d’obscur,
Dansons ensemble, c’est notre destinée.

Verse 6:
Les étoiles comme témoins de notre joie,
Unissons nos cœurs, dans cette danse sacrée,
Le monde s’éclaire par notre foi,
Ensemble, nous dansons, toute la nuit à aimer.

Ensemble, nous dansons, dans l’unité,
Chacun dans son rythme, tous en liberté,
Sous le ciel, nos âmes s’enlacent,
Dansons ensemble, et la paix nous embrasse.

Les tambours battent, le monde s’éveille,
Tous les peuples, un seul rêve,
Dans l’amour, la danse sans pareille,
Ensemble, une lumière sans trêve.

Et dans cette danse, nous trouverons,
L’essence de la vie, l’unité,
Ensemble, unis dans la chanson,
Nous dansons, tous ensemble, pour l’éternité.

English Translation:

In the air, a melody,
A breath of freedom,
Under the stars, life in harmony,
All together, united in truth.

Verse 1:
The drums resonate in the night,
Everyone finds their step, their rhythm,
Bodies mix, joy flees,
Let’s dance together, forget the time.

Verse 2:
Voices rise like a strong wind,
Singing of a dream of unity,
Each movement is a chord,
Together, freedom is our clarity.

Verse 3:
Feet strike the ground, heavy and light,
Harmony is created in the fire,
Our hearts beat in unison, sacred,
Together, nothing is impossible, everything is wonderful.

Verse 4:
In every smile, an echo,
Dance unites our souls,
Under the moon, love shines high,
Let’s join hands, joy ignites.

Verse 5:
No borders, no walls,
Everyone is here to celebrate,
The free soul that knows no dark,
Let’s dance together, it’s our destiny.

Verse 6:
The stars as witnesses of our joy,
Let’s unite our hearts in this sacred dance,
The world shines through our faith,
Together, we dance all night to love.

Together, we dance, in unity,
Each in their rhythm, all in freedom,
Under the sky, our souls intertwine,
Let’s dance together, and peace embraces us.

The drums beat, the world awakens,
All people, one dream,
In love, the dance without equal,
Together, a light without end.

And in this dance, we will find,
The essence of life, unity,
Together, united in song,
We dance, all together, for eternity.

Chapter 19

اليوم كنت ف مكان جديد ف شانغهاي، جربت نكتشف شي زوايا اللي ما عمري شفتها من قبل. دخلت ف حديقة كبيرة، وكنت فرحانة بزاف باش نغير الجو شوية. دايماً كنحس بالملل ف هاد المدينة، وكنت محتاجة نلقى شي حاجة جديدة باش ننسا. كنت تمشي ف وسط الناس، ولكن كنت حاسة بيهم بعيدين عني. ما كانوش كيضحكوا، ما كانوش كيحسوا بنفس الشي. شي حاجة ف الداخل ديالي كانت كتقول لي “هاد المدينة مليانة بالأشياء اللي كتخليني نفكر ف كل شيء، ولكن ف نفس الوقت ما بغيتش نفكر ف شي حاجة بعد.”

ف الحديقة، كان كلشي كيبدو هادئ، ولكن عقلي كان دايماً مشغول. كنت نتذكر الدار، الحي ديالي، الحوايج اللي كنت كنديرهم ف المغرب. الجلوس مع الأصدقاء، الدردشة مع العائلة، داك البراح اللي كنت كنحس فيه، كلشي كيعودني لذاك المكان. ولكن ف شانغهاي، حتى ولو كنت جالسة ف الطبيعة، كنت كنحس براسي معزولة. الناس كانوا كيبدلوا مواقعهم، وكنت كنشوف فيهم كيفاش كيتنقلوا ولكن بدون هدف.

ف اللحظة هادي، حسيت بالوحدة بشكل أكبر. ما كاينش شي مكان يعوض الدار. حتى الطقس هنا كان مختلف، رياح باردة ولكن مش دافئة بحال اللي كنت نلقاها ف كازا. الجو هنا كان خاوي بحال المدينة نفسها. كنت ف هاد اللحظة كنحس بالحاجة للرجوع، وبغيت شي حاجة تكسر هاد الشعور.

ف الليل، لما رجعت للدار، لقيت قلبي كيحس بشي حاجة جديدة. مابقيتش نقدر نكمل ف هاد المدينة لوحدي. الأمل ديالي هو نرجع لأرضي. حسيت بلي الحياة ف شانغهاي كانت تقلب دايماً، ولكن خاصني نرجع للطريق ديالي.

Chapter 19 (English)

Today, I was in a new place in Shanghai, trying to discover some corners I had never seen before. I entered a large park, and I felt so happy to change the scenery for a while. I always feel bored in this city, and I needed to find something new to forget. I walked among the people, but I felt distant from them. They weren’t laughing, they didn’t feel the same things. Something inside me kept saying, “This city is full of things that make me think about everything, but at the same time, I don’t want to think about anything anymore.”

In the park, everything seemed calm, but my mind was constantly occupied. I kept thinking about home, my neighborhood, the things I used to do back in Morocco. Sitting with friends, chatting with family, the space I used to feel comfortable in, everything was taking me back to that place. But in Shanghai, even though I was sitting in nature, I felt isolated. People moved around, and I could see them changing locations, but without purpose.

At that moment, I felt loneliness even more. There was no place that could replace home. Even the weather here was different, cold winds, but not warm like the ones I used to find in Casablanca. The atmosphere here felt empty, just like the city itself. At this moment, I felt the need to return, and I wanted something to break this feeling.

At night, when I returned home, I felt something new in my heart. I couldn’t go on in this city by myself. My hope was to return to my land. I realized that life in Shanghai kept changing, but I needed to find my way back.

20 “ⵉⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ” (Imuslin – Shared Meals)

  • Theme: The symbolic power of sharing food.
  • Chaabi Music
  • [Male voice in Berber]

Note from Human Editor: AIs can and do throw tantrums. When I am in the groove with a project, I can easily forget to check their work as they share it. Below is a perfect example of what happens when both happen. My bad. Not the AI’s.

Verse 1
ⴰⵙⵏⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⴰⵍⵓⵙⴰⵏ
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Verse 2
ⵎⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ ⵎⵎⵓⵙⵙⵉⵏ
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Verse 3
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Verse 4
ⵙⵙⵓⵙⵉⵏ ⵎⵎⴰⵙⵙⵉⵏ
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Verse 5
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Verse 6
ⴰⵙⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ
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ⴰⵙⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ
ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ

ⴰⵙⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ
ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ ⴰⵎⵓⵙⵍⵉⵏ

English Translation:

Verse 1
We gather, sharing food
The feast is spread, the joy is shared
We gather, sharing food
The feast is spread, the joy is shared

Verse 2
We share, we share together
We share, we share together
The meal is set, the bond is strong
The meal is set, the bond is strong

Verse 3
We share our meals with love
Every bite, a story told
The meal is set, the bond is strong
The feast is spread, the joy is shared

Verse 4
In the circle, we unite
The food is warmth, the bond is light
We share, we share together
We share, we share together

Verse 5
The meal brings us together
The food unites, it’s our tether
The meal is set, the bond is strong
The meal is set, the bond is strong

Verse 6
We gather, sharing food
The feast is spread, the joy is shared
We gather, sharing food
The feast is spread, the joy is shared

We gather, sharing food
The feast is spread, the joy is shared
We share, we share together
We share, we share together

The meal unites us all
The bond is strong, the heart is full

We share, we share together
We share, we share together

Chapter 20

اليوم قررت نمشي ف شي مكان قريب من البحر. بغيت نكون مع الطبيعة شوية وننسى ضجيج المدينة. البحر ديما كان عندو تأثير عجيب علي، دايماً كيخليني نرجع نفكر ف الدار، ف المكان ديالي. ف كازا، كان البحر قريب، كنت كنمشيو نتمشاو عليه ف أي وقت. ولكن هنا، حتى البحر بعيد علي، كتبت لوحدي ف هاد المدينة الغريبة.

ف الشاطئ، كنت كنشوف الأمواج كيدوروا، وحسيت بشي حاجة كبيرة جواتي. كان البحر هادي، ولكن الجو كان غريب شوية. البحر هنا كان كيخلي العقل ديالي يتوقف عن التفكير، ولكن مازال كنت نحس بالوحدة. دابا كنعرف بلي البحر ف شانغهاي مشي نفس البحر اللي كنت نعرفو. ولكن كان عندو جمالية ديالو الخاصة. كنت نحس بشي حنين ولكن ف نفس الوقت كنت فاقدة للانتماء.

شي حاجة ف داخلي كانت كتقول لي: “خاصك ترجعي، ترجعي للمكان اللي فيه قلبك، للمكان اللي كان فيه كلشي واضح.” كنت ف ذاك اللحظة عارفة بلي شي حاجة غريبة كتدفعني نرجع للوراء. كاين شي نوع من الإحساس بالضياع ف شانغهاي، ولكن البحر ديال كازا ما غاديش ينساني. شحال ما كان البحر هنا هادي وجميل، كان البحر ديال الدار أحسن.

الليل وصل، وقلبي بدأ كيحس بشي ضغط. كنت كنعرف أني غادي نعيش ف هاد المدينة شوية أكثر، ولكن كل نهار كيزيد يزيد ف رغبت ديالي نرجع. خاصني نرجع، هاد المدينة غير مهيأة لي.

Chapter 20 (English)

Today, I decided to visit a place near the sea. I wanted to be close to nature for a while and forget the noise of the city. The sea has always had a strange effect on me, always making me think of home, of my place. In Casablanca, the sea was close, we would walk along it at any time. But here, even the sea is far from me, leaving me alone in this strange city.

At the beach, I watched the waves roll in, and I felt something deep inside. The sea here was calm, but the atmosphere was a bit strange. The sea made my mind stop thinking, but I still felt lonely. Now I realize that the sea in Shanghai is not the same as the one I knew. But it had its own beauty. I felt a sense of longing, but at the same time, I felt disconnected.

Something inside me told me, “You need to go back, go back to the place where your heart is, to the place where everything was clear.” At that moment, I knew something strange was pushing me to go backward. There’s a certain feeling of being lost in Shanghai, but the sea of Casablanca will never forget me. No matter how calm and beautiful the sea is here, the sea from home is better.

Night came, and my heart started feeling a pressure. I knew I would live in this city a bit longer, but with each passing day, my desire to return grew. I need to go back, this city is just not for me.

Act VI: Reflection and Hope (Migration and Diaspora)

21 “بعيدًا عن الوطن” (Ba’idan ‘An Al-Watan – Far from Home)

  • Theme: The longing for home.
  • Sufi
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في كل مكان، قلبي تائه
يبحث عن وطنٍ كان بعيد
أحلم أن أعود إلى حيث القلب
وأتنفس هواء الهدوء

Verse 2
أشتاق إلى الأرض التي نشأت عليها
رائحة البحر والسماء الصافية
أبكي على أيامي البعيدة
وذكرى أجدادي الطيبة

Verse 3
بعيدٌ عن الوطن، أشعر بالوحدة
لكن أمل العودة يحيا في داخلي
من خلال العيون المغلقة، أرى الطرق
التي ستعيدني إلى حيث أنتمي

Verse 4
أحمل في قلبي الأمل والذكريات
أنتظر الأيام التي سأعود فيها
إلى الأحضان التي احتضنتني
إلى وطنٍ طالما حلمت به

Verse 5
أعرف أن العودة ستكون يومًا
لكن الظلال تعيق الخطى
أظل أسير على درب طويل
وأحلم بوطنٍ بعيد

Verse 6
بعيدًا عن الوطن، ومع ذلك
أحمل داخلي حبًا لا يموت
أنتظر الوقت الذي أعود فيه
إلى حيث يكون السلام في القلب

بعيدًا عن الوطن، لا شيء يكتمل
لكن في الأحلام، أعود لأعيش
بعيدًا عن الوطن، لكن الأمل باقي
يوما ما، سأعود إلى الديار

بعيدًا عن الوطن، وأحتاج للأمان
لكن في قلبي، لن يتوقف الأمل

إلى الوطن، إلى الحب، إلى الديار
بعيدًا عن الوطن، لكن الأمل باقي

English Translation:

Verse 1
Everywhere I go, my heart is lost
Searching for a homeland far away
I dream of returning to where the heart belongs
Breathing in the air of peace

Verse 2
I long for the land where I grew up
The scent of the sea and clear skies
I weep for the distant days
And the memory of my kind ancestors

Verse 3
Far from home, I feel lonely
But the hope of return lives inside me
Through closed eyes, I see the paths
That will bring me back to where I belong

Verse 4
I carry in my heart hope and memories
I wait for the days when I will return
To the embrace that held me
To the homeland I’ve always dreamed of

Verse 5
I know that return will be someday
But shadows block my way
I continue on a long path
Dreaming of a distant homeland

Verse 6
Far from home, yet within me
I carry a love that will never die
I wait for the time I will return
To where peace resides in my heart

Far from home, nothing is complete
But in dreams, I return to live
Far from home, but hope remains
One day, I will return to my homeland

Far from home, I need peace
But in my heart, hope will never cease

To the homeland, to love, to the land
Far from home, but hope remains

Chapter 21

اليوم كانت عندي جلسة مع شي بزاف من الناس ف الشغل. كنت كنحاول نتماشى معاهم باش نتأقلم أكثر، ولكن ما زال كان عندي شعور غريب. كانو كيتكلمو بزاف على الحياة ف شانغهاي، وكيشرحوا لي كيفاش كتكون الأمور مختلفة هنا. ولكن كلشي اللي سمعته كان بعيد على قلبي. كانوا كيحكو على التفاؤل والمستقبل المشرق، ولكن ما كانش عندي نفس الإحساس. كلما نسمعهم، كان قلبي كيرجع لكازا. كنت باغا نهارًا تاني نكون وسط الأهل، وسط الوجوه المألوفة، وسط مكان اللي فيه كلشي كيعني لي.

الناس هنا كيعيشو بحالهم، كيحاولو ينسو المشاكل ديالهم ف الحياة، ولكن أنا ما قادرش ننسى. حتا كانو كيضحكو وكيهضرو، كنت كنحس بالحزن في الداخل. كان شي حاجة كاتخلي قلبي يعزف موسيقى حزينة، وكنت حاسة بمغادرة الدار بشكل عميق. والشوارع هنا، حتى كانو زوينين، ما بغاوش يدخلو ف قلبي. كانت لحظة لي حسيت فيها بلي كلشي غريب علي. حتى ف وسط الضحك ديالهم، حسيت بالوحدة الكبيرة.

كنت كنتمنى ف هاد اللحظة أن الوقت يوقف، وأن كلشي يرجع لمكانو. كل حاجة ف حياتي كانت مربوطة بالمغرب، وعلاش ما نكونش وسط الناس لي كيحسو بنفس الشي؟ حياتي هنا ماشي كما كنت كنفكر فيها. كاين شي نوع من التحدي، ولكن حتى التحدي ما بغايش يبدل هاد الشعور.

شعور الغربة داخل ف أعماقي، وكنت كنفكر واش غادي نقدر نكمل. كنت كنفكر واش غادي نقدر نواجه كلشي هنا ولا لا. ولكن، ف نفس الوقت، كان عندي أمل صغير ف أن الحياة ف شانغهاي تقدر تكون جزء من حياتي.

Chapter 21 (English)

Today, I had a meeting with many people at work. I tried to connect with them more, but I still had this strange feeling. They talked a lot about life in Shanghai, explaining how things are different here. But everything I heard felt distant from my heart. They spoke about optimism and a bright future, but I didn’t feel the same way. Every time I heard them, my heart returned to Casablanca. I longed for another day to be with my family, among familiar faces, in a place where everything meant something to me.

The people here live their lives, trying to forget their troubles, but I can’t forget mine. Even when they laughed and talked, I felt sadness inside. Something deep within me made my heart play a sad song, and I felt the loss of home on a profound level. Even though the streets here were beautiful, they didn’t want to enter my heart. It was a moment when everything felt foreign to me. Even in the midst of their laughter, I felt the overwhelming loneliness.

I wished in that moment that time would stop, and that everything would return to its place. Everything in my life was tied to Morocco, so why couldn’t I be surrounded by people who felt the same? My life here wasn’t what I had imagined. There’s a certain challenge, but even that couldn’t change this feeling.

The feeling of homesickness was deep within me, and I wondered if I could continue. I thought about whether I could face everything here or not. But at the same time, I had a tiny hope that life in Shanghai could somehow be a part of mine.

22 “ⴰⵎⴳⵔⵏ ⵏ ⵜⵏⵉⵍⵍⵉⵏ” (Amgrn n Tnilin – Bridges of Memories)

  • Theme: Navigating life between two worlds.
  • Moroccan Andalusian
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في عالمين، قلبنا يميل
بين الماضي والحاضر، نتأرجح
جسر من الذكريات يعبر بيننا
ويحملنا إلى ما كان بعيدًا

Verse 2
كل خطوة تحمل معنى جديد
في رحلة بين المجهول والمعلوم
نبحث عن السلام في الطريق
بين الحنين للأمس وواقع اليوم

Verse 3
الأمل في العيون، والذكريات في الأيدي
جسر من الماضي نمر عبره
لكن المستقبل يلوح في الأفق
نحلم بالوصول إلى ضوء بعيد

Verse 4
على جسر الذكريات، نقف معا
بينما يرحل الزمان ويرجع
نحمل في قلوبنا كل ما تعلمناه
ونواصل السير رغم العواصف

Verse 5
الزمن كالنهر، لا يعود إلى الوراء
لكن الجسر يبقى قويا
الذكريات ترافقنا على طول الطريق
نحتفظ بها في قلوبنا، إلى الأبد

Verse 6
بين عالمي الماضي والحاضر
نبحث عن معنى الحياة
الجسر هو الرابط الذي يجمعنا
يذكرنا بأننا أكثر من مجرد لحظة

جسر من الذكريات، نعبُر منه
بين الماضي والحاضر، نجد السلام
في كل خطوة، نجد أنفسنا
نعبر معًا، جسر الذكريات

نحمل الماضي في قلوبنا، ولكن العين على المستقبل
الجسر هو السبيل إلى الحرية

على جسر الذكريات، نجد الطريق
بين العالمين، نواصل الرحلة

English Translation:

Verse 1
In two worlds, our hearts sway
Between the past and the present, we drift
A bridge of memories crosses between us
Carrying us to what was once far away

Verse 2
Every step holds a new meaning
On a journey between the unknown and the known
We seek peace along the path
Between longing for yesterday and today’s reality

Verse 3
Hope in the eyes, memories in our hands
A bridge from the past we cross over
But the future looms in the horizon
We dream of reaching a distant light

Verse 4
On the bridge of memories, we stand together
As time departs and returns
We carry in our hearts all we’ve learned
And continue walking despite the storms

Verse 5
Time is like a river, it never returns
But the bridge remains strong
The memories accompany us all along the way
We carry them in our hearts, forever

Verse 6
Between the world of the past and the present
We search for the meaning of life
The bridge is the link that unites us
Reminding us that we are more than just a moment

A bridge of memories, we cross through
Between the past and present, we find peace
In every step, we find ourselves
We cross together, the bridge of memories

We carry the past in our hearts, but our eyes on the future
The bridge is the way to freedom

On the bridge of memories, we find the path
Between two worlds, we continue the journey

Chapter 22

اليوم كنت ف الجسر اللي كيعبر من فوق النهر ف شانغهاي. كنت كندير شويّة د التأمل ف المدى الكبير قدامي. كان منظر رهيب: النهر كيجري وسط المدينة، وبينما كنت كنفكر ف هاد المنظر الجميل، كان شي حاجة ف داخلي كتدوي. كنت كانشوف الناس كيمشيو ف حركتهم العادية، ولكن قلبي كان غريب، حاسس بواحدة العزلة اللي ما لقيت ليها تفسير. رغم الجمال ديال المدينة، ما كانش عندي هاد الإحساس ديال الانتماء.

كتشوف الناس هنا كيفاش عايشين، وكيكون عندهم هدف كبير ف الحياة. ولكن أنا، كتير من الأحيان كنت كنسأل راسي: واش هاد شي كيهمني؟ حتا كاينين لحظات كنت كنحس فيها بالخوف. هاد الحياة هنا ماشي هي اللي كنت كنتصورها ف البداية. كنت كنتمنى لقيت شي طريق آخر، شي مكان آخر.

كان عندي لقاء مع صديقة ديالي اليوم، وقالت لي إن الحياة هنا مليئة بالفرص، ولكن الفرص هادي ما كاتشبعش قلبك. كنت كنفكر ف كلامها، ولكن رغم الفرص، باقي كنت حاسس بغياب كل شي. كانت كانت المدينة مليئة بالحركة والضجيج، ولكن أنا كان عندي هاد الفراغ اللي ما كنتش قادر نملؤه.

ف الليل، كنت كنفكر ف الأماكن اللي كنت كنمشي ليها ف كازا. كنت كنحس بأن كلشي بعيد، وكلشي كيدوّر بعيد على قلبي. كان عندي شعور غريب، بحال شي واحد كيعيش ف عالمين مختلفين. ولكن رغم كلشي، كان عندي أمل صغير، يمكن شي نهار نلقى نفسي هنا.

Chapter 22 (English)

Today, I stood on the bridge that crosses over the river in Shanghai. I took a moment to reflect on the vastness in front of me. The view was stunning: the river flowed through the city, and while I admired the beautiful scene, something inside me spoke. I saw people walking in their usual routine, but my heart felt strange, filled with a loneliness that I couldn’t explain. Despite the beauty of the city, I didn’t feel that sense of belonging.

You see people here living with a grand purpose, and they have big goals in life. But for me, many times I asked myself: does this even matter? There were even moments when I felt scared. This life here wasn’t what I had imagined at the start. I wished I had found a different path, a different place.

I met a friend today, and she told me that life here is full of opportunities, but those opportunities don’t fill your heart. I thought about her words, but despite the opportunities, I still felt the absence of everything. The city was bustling with activity and noise, but I had this emptiness I couldn’t fill.

At night, I thought about the places I used to visit in Casablanca. I felt like everything was far away, and everything seemed to drift away from my heart. I had this strange feeling, like someone living in two different worlds. But despite everything, I held onto a small hope, maybe one day I would find myself here.

23 “Exil et Espoir” (Exile and Hope)

  • Theme: Balancing the pain of leaving with dreams of the future
  • Traditional Moroccan Fusion
  • [Female voice in French]

Verse 1
Sous le ciel étranger, je marche seul
Les souvenirs me hantent, l’âme lourde
Mais dans l’inconnu, je cherche la lumière
Espérant que l’horizon m’ouvrira la voie

Verse 2
L’exil me pèse, chaque pas est un fardeau
Le vent me parle d’un temps que j’ai perdu
Mais au fond de moi, un rêve s’éveille
D’un avenir où je serai libre

Verse 3
Le sol est froid, l’air est lourd de silence
Mais mon cœur brûle d’un espoir infini
Un jour, je reviendrai, mais pour l’instant
Je trace ma route, loin du passé

Verse 4
Le monde m’éloigne, mais la volonté reste
Je porte mes racines, elles ne m’abandonnent pas
Le chemin est long, mais je le gravis
Portant l’espoir d’un jour meilleur

Verse 5
Dans l’exil, je trouve la force de rêver
De voir l’avenir comme un champ de possibles
Bien que le présent me fasse souffrir
Je garde en moi la promesse d’un demain

Verse 6
Chaque jour qui passe me rapproche de l’aube
L’espoir brille comme une étoile lointaine
Je ne sais pas où je vais, mais je vais
Parce qu’en moi, l’espoir reste vivant

Exil et espoir, dans le vent je m’en vais
Le passé derrière, l’avenir devant
La douleur de partir, mais l’espoir d’arriver
Un jour, je reviendrai, porté par le rêve

L’exil me brise, mais l’espoir me relève
Je cherche la paix, je trouve la force de croire

Exil et espoir, c’est ma route, c’est ma vie
Un jour, la douleur se dissipera, l’espoir sera mon guide

English Translation:

Verse 1
Under a foreign sky, I walk alone
The memories haunt me, my soul is heavy
But in the unknown, I seek the light
Hoping the horizon will show me the way

Verse 2
Exile weighs me down, each step a burden
The wind speaks of a time I have lost
But deep inside, a dream awakens
Of a future where I will be free

Verse 3
The ground is cold, the air heavy with silence
But my heart burns with endless hope
One day, I will return, but for now
I carve my path, far from the past

Verse 4
The world pulls me away, but my will remains
I carry my roots, they will not abandon me
The road is long, but I climb it
Carrying the hope of a better day

Verse 5
In exile, I find the strength to dream
To see the future as a field of possibilities
Though the present causes me pain
I hold within me the promise of tomorrow

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Verse 6
Each passing day brings me closer to dawn
Hope shines like a distant star
I don’t know where I’m going, but I am going
For within me, hope stays alive

Exile and hope, in the wind I go
The past behind, the future ahead
The pain of leaving, but the hope of arriving
One day, I will return, carried by the dream

Exile breaks me, but hope lifts me
I seek peace, I find the strength to believe

Exile and hope, it’s my path, it’s my life
One day, the pain will fade, hope will be my guide

Chapter 23

اليوم مشيت لوحدي ف مدينة شانغهاي. مشيت بعيد، ومن بعد لقيت راسي ف حي صغير ف قلب المدينة. كانت الشوارع ضيقة وكان فيها بزاف ديال المحلات الصغيرة. هاديك اللحظة، حسيت أني بعيد على كلشي، بعيد على الخدمة، بعيد على الناس اللي عارفهم. كان عندي شعور غريب، بحال ماشي ف هاد المدينة.

كنت كنفكر ف الناس اللي كنعرفهم ف كازا، وكنت نتمنى نرجع ليهم. كانت الحياة ديالهم بسيطة، ولكن كانوا عايشين ف حب ورغبة ف التغيير. رغم أني هنا ف شانغهاي، كنت كنحس أني بعيد على الحلم ديالي. كنت كنشوف الناس، كيتبادلو الابتسامات وكيدوّرو ف حياتهم اليومية، ولكن كان عندي شعور بالوحدة كيعيّش فيا.

حاولت ننسى كلشي وأركز ف العمل، ولكن ما قدرتش. كان عندي فراغ ف حياتي. رغم كلشي اللي كان حولي، بقات كاينة واحد الفراغ اللي ما لقيت ليه تفسير. اليوم حاولت نتواصل مع عائلتي عبر الفيديو، ولكن ما قدرناش نتكلم بزاف. حسيت بالبعد، بحال شي جدار كاين بينا، رغم أن الصوت ديالهم كان قريب.

ف الليل، رجعت للفندق ديالي، وجلست ف الشباك كنفكر ف كلشي. كنت متعبة، ولكن كان عندي هاد الإحساس بأن الحياة هنا ماشي هي اللي كنت بغيتها. حتى كنت حسيت بشي رغبة باش نرجع للدار، نرجع لكازا. ولكن واش هاد شي ممكن؟ واش غادي نلقى الطريق ديالي من جديد؟

Chapter 23 (English)

Today, I walked alone through Shanghai. I went far and eventually found myself in a small neighborhood right in the heart of the city. The streets were narrow, filled with small shops. In that moment, I felt like I was far from everything—far from work, far from the people I know. I had this strange feeling, like I wasn’t in this city.

I kept thinking about the people I know back in Casablanca, wishing I could return to them. Their lives were simple, yet filled with love and a desire for change. Even though I’m here in Shanghai, I feel like I’m far from my dream. I see people exchanging smiles, going about their daily routines, but I feel a deep loneliness living within me.

I tried to forget everything and focus on work, but I couldn’t. There’s an emptiness in my life. Despite everything around me, this void persists, and I don’t know how to explain it. Today, I tried to connect with my family over video, but we didn’t talk much. I felt the distance, like there’s a wall between us, even though their voices were close.

At night, I returned to my hotel room and sat by the window, reflecting on everything. I was tired, but I still felt that life here isn’t what I wanted. I even felt this desire to return home, to go back to Casablanca. But is that even possible? Will I find my way back to where I belong?

24 “الوطن في القلب” (Al-Watan Fi Al-Qalb – Home in the Heart)

  • Theme: A final reflection on belonging and identity.
  • Gnawa
  • [Female voice in Darija]

Verse 1
في قلبي وطن، لا يموت ولا يرحل
كل زاوية تحمل ذكرى، كل شجرة تروي قصة
أينما كنت، في البعد أو في القرب
فإنني لا أجد نفسي إلا في تلك الأرض

Verse 2
أرض الأحلام، التي عشت فيها كل الأماني
الأصوات التي تحكي لي عن ماضٍ غاب
وفي أفق الأيام، أرى نفسي هناك
متمسكًا بجذوري، على الرغم من المسافات

Verse 3
أحمل الوطن في قلبي، رغم الرياح والعواصف
الحنين يأخذني إلى حيث نشأت
بين السماء والأرض، بين الأفق والبحر
أجد نفسي في هذا المكان الذي لا ينسى

Verse 4
كل خطوة أتركها، تحملها الرياح إلى الوطن
كل لحظة غياب تعني العود
وفي قلبي، لا يغيب الوطن
لأن الوطن هو القلب، هو النفس، هو الأمل

Verse 5
حتى في غربتي، لا أفقد هويتي
فكلما عرفت، كلما فهمت
أن الوطن ليس مكانًا بل هو روح
هو الحب الذي لا ينتهي، هو العشق الذي لا يموت

Verse 6
وفي النهاية، لا حاجة للعودة
فالوطن يسكنني في كل وقت
وفي القلب، هناك دائماً وطن
لأنه في كل خطوة، هو مرجعي، هو سكني

الوطن في القلب، لا يحتاج حدودًا
لا مكان له إلا في روحي، في دمي
حيثما ذهبت، هناك وطن ينبض
في قلبي، في عقلي، في كل لحظة

الوطن في القلب، دائمًا سيكون
هو الحلم، هو الأمل الذي لا يزول

الوطن في القلب، في النهاية هو الأمان
الوطن هو الحب الذي لا يفترق

English Translation:

Verse 1
In my heart, there is a homeland, that neither dies nor leaves
Every corner holds a memory, every tree tells a story
Wherever I am, whether far or near
I only find myself in that land

Verse 2
The land of dreams, where I lived all my hopes
The voices that speak to me of a vanished past
And in the horizon of days, I see myself there
Clinging to my roots, despite the distances

Verse 3
I carry my homeland in my heart, despite the winds and storms
Nostalgia takes me to where I was born
Between the sky and earth, between the horizon and the sea
I find myself in this place that never fades

Verse 4
Every step I take, the winds carry it to the homeland
Every moment of absence means a return
And in my heart, the homeland never fades
Because the homeland is the heart, the soul, the hope

Verse 5
Even in my exile, I don’t lose my identity
The more I know, the more I understand
That the homeland is not a place, but a spirit
It is the love that never ends, the passion that never dies

Verse 6
In the end, there’s no need to return
For the homeland lives in me at all times
And in my heart, there’s always a homeland
Because in every step, it is my reference, my dwelling

The homeland is in the heart, it needs no borders
It belongs only in my soul, in my blood
Wherever I go, there is a homeland that beats
In my heart, in my mind, in every moment

The homeland is in the heart, it will always be
It is the dream, the hope that never fades

The homeland is in the heart, in the end, it is the safety
The homeland is the love that never separates

Chapter 24

اليوم صباح ف شانغهاي كان مختلف. الشمس طالعة بشدة، والجو كان زوين. بغيت نمشي ف الجنان اللي قريب من الفندق، ومن بعدما مشيت، حسيت بشي حاجة زوينة غادي تطيح عليا. لقيت راسي كانضحك، وكنت كنقول مع راسي: “واخا، غادي نمشي قدّام.” اليوم شعرت بحال أني لقيت السلام الداخلي ديالي.

كانت عندي الرغبة ف التغيير. بدأت نكتشف أن الحياة هنا في شانغهاي ماشي غريبة بزاف، ولكن فيها فرص جديدة. حسيت براسي مشيت بعيد على الدار، ولكن هادي كانت فرصة لنعرف راسي أكثر. الحياة كتمشي قدّام، وواش أنا غادي نتوقف؟ بلا شك، ما غاديش نوقف. كان عندي خطة جديدة ف عقلي: نعيش ف الحاضر، ونحس بكل لحظة.

ف اللحظة هادي، كنت كنحس بلي في المغرب، ف كازا، في كل لحظة كان عندي الرغبة باش نرجع، ولكن كتبت لي الحياة شي درب جديد. غادي نتقبل التغيير، ونعيش اللحظات ديالي ف شانغهاي. غادي نبني هنا، ولكن القلب ديالي غادي يبقى ف كازا. مع الوقت، غادي نرجع، ولكن دابا، عندي هاد اللحظة، وهذا السلام الداخلي اللي بديت نحس به.

اليوم، مشيت ف المدينة بشجاعة أكبر. بغيت نحس بالسعادة ف كل لحظة. واش غادي نرجع للمغرب؟ واش غادي نبقى هنا؟ شكون يعرف؟ ولكن الشي اللي نعرفه هو أنه ف كل مكان، كان عندي فرصة لنعرف راسي من جديد. غادي نمشي قدّام، والمستقبل ديالي غادي يكون كما بغيت.

Chapter 24 (English)

Today, the morning in Shanghai was different. The sun was shining brightly, and the weather was beautiful. I decided to walk in the garden near the hotel, and as I walked, I felt something wonderful coming my way. I found myself laughing, telling myself, “Okay, I’m moving forward.” Today, I felt like I had found my inner peace.

I began to realize that I wanted change. I started discovering that life here in Shanghai isn’t all that strange, but it offers new opportunities. I felt like I had moved far away from home, but this was an opportunity to get to know myself better. Life moves forward, and why should I stop? Without a doubt, I won’t stop. I had a new plan in my mind: to live in the present and feel every moment.

At this moment, I felt that in Morocco, in Casablanca, I had the desire to return, but life had led me down a new path. I would accept the change and live my moments here in Shanghai. I would build here, but my heart would always remain in Casablanca. With time, I would return, but for now, I had this moment and this inner peace that I had begun to feel.

Today, I walked through the city with more courage. I wanted to feel happiness in every moment. Will I return to Morocco? Will I stay here? Who knows? But what I do know is that wherever I am, I have the chance to rediscover myself. I will move forward, and my future will be whatever I choose it to be.


The text presents promotional material for a 24-track AI-generated concept album, “(AI Gen) همسات في الضباب “Whispers in the Fog,” by Sada, a Moroccan composer-singer. The album fuses various Moroccan musical styles and is accompanied by a fictional Darija-language narrative following Sada’s experiences in Shanghai. The narrative and songs explore themes of cultural identity, urban challenges, spiritual awakening, and the longing for home. Song lyrics in Darija, Berber, and French are included, along with English translations. The promotional material also features quotes from Sitting Bull, seemingly to underscore themes of cultural heritage and connection to the land.

Briefing Doc: همسات في الضباب “Whispers in the Fog” by صدى (Sada)

Source: TATANKA website, specifically the page for Sada’s AI-generated album “(AI Gen) همسات في الضباب “Whispers in the Fog” https://tatanka.site/sada/

Overall Theme: Sada’s album and accompanying narrative “رجوع إلى القلب (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb)”Return to the Heart” explore the complexities of cultural identity, belonging, and nostalgia within the context of migration and globalization. The album follows a young Moroccan woman’s journey as she navigates the unfamiliar landscape of Shanghai while yearning for her homeland, Casablanca.

Key Themes and Ideas:

Act I: Roots and Identity (Cultural Pride and Heritage):

  • Celebrating Moroccan heritage: The first track, “أصلنا عميق” (Aslouna Amik – Our Roots Run Deep), emphasizes the deep-rootedness of Moroccan culture, stating “Our roots run deep, nothing can break them. Our land stays, our history lives.” This sets the stage for the protagonist’s internal struggle between embracing the new and cherishing the old.
  • Gnawa mysticism and the Amazigh spirit: Track 02, “روح أمازيغية” (Rouh Amazighiya – Amazigh Spirit), incorporates Gnawa music and lyrics to highlight the strength and resilience of the Amazigh culture, connecting it to the protagonist’s own journey of self-discovery.
  • The power of ancestral wisdom: Track 05, “ظل الأطياف” (Zil Al-Atyaf – Shadow of Ancestors), draws on the wisdom of ancestors, their voices whispering guidance and protection. This theme reflects the importance of tradition and heritage in shaping the protagonist’s worldview.

Act II: Urban Dissonance (Alienation and Adaptation):

  • Navigating the urban landscape: Track 04, “حلم المدينة” (Hulm Al-Madina – City Dreams), juxtaposes the allure and harsh reality of city life. The lyrics speak of searching for light in a “dark world” and dreams being “scattered between the alleys,” capturing the protagonist’s struggle to adapt to the fast-paced environment of Shanghai.
  • Challenges of assimilation: The narrative highlights the protagonist’s struggle to integrate into Shanghai’s fast-paced, individualistic society, contrasting it with the warmth and community spirit of Casablanca. This is reflected in her feeling distant from colleagues and a sense of loneliness despite being surrounded by people.

Act III: The Weight of Longing (Nostalgia and Homesickness):

  • The pain of separation: The narrative portrays the protagonist’s increasing homesickness for Casablanca, with vivid descriptions of the city’s vibrancy, the warmth of family gatherings, and the comfort of familiar routines.
  • Searching for solace in memories: The protagonist finds solace in memories of Casablanca, from the sounds of the city to the laughter of friends. She uses writing and connecting with nature to cope with her feelings of displacement.

Act IV: Seeking Inner Harmony (Introspection and Spiritual Growth):

  • Embarking on a spiritual journey: Track 09, “رحلة” (Rihla – Journey), marks a turning point in the album, signifying the protagonist’s transition towards introspection and spiritual growth. It speaks of seeking truth, self-discovery, and ultimately finding peace.
  • Gnawa mysticism as a source of connection: Track 10, “أرواح متشابكة” (Arwah Mutashabika – Interwoven Souls), utilizes Gnawa music to emphasize the interconnectedness of souls and the power of spiritual bonds. This reflects the protagonist’s search for connection and understanding in a foreign land.

Act V: Finding Your Voice (Resilience and Resistance):

  • The struggle for individual and collective freedom: Track 13, “ⵉⵙⵎⵓⵔⵓⵡ ⵏⴳⵓⵛⵓⵗⵉ” (Ismurun nguchuhi – We Will Rise), is a powerful anthem in Berber that speaks of resistance, unity, and fighting for freedom. It reflects the protagonist’s growing inner strength and determination to overcome challenges.
  • Finding strength in shared experiences: The narrative illustrates the protagonist’s connection with others who are also navigating the complexities of migration and cultural identity. This provides a sense of solidarity and hope amidst feelings of isolation.

Act VI: Reflection and Hope (Migration and Diaspora):

  • The enduring pull of home: Track 21, “بعيدًا عن الوطن” (Ba’idan ‘An Al-Watan – Far from Home), expresses the deep longing for home and the emotional toll of living far away. The lyrics “Far from home, nothing is complete, but in dreams, I return to live,” encapsulate the protagonist’s constant yearning for her homeland.
  • Reconciling past and present: Track 22, “ⴰⵎⴳⵔⵏ ⵏ ⵜⵏⵉⵍⵍⵉⵏ” (Amgrn n Tnilin – Bridges of Memories), explores the duality of living between two worlds. It suggests that while the past shapes us, we must also embrace the present and build bridges between our experiences.
  • Finding home within: The final track, “الوطن في القلب” (Al-Watan Fi Al-Qalb – Home in the Heart), offers a powerful resolution, concluding that “home is in the heart, it needs no borders. It has no place except in my soul, in my blood.” This signifies the protagonist’s acceptance of her identity as both Moroccan and a global citizen.


Sada’s album offers a poignant and insightful exploration of the complexities of cultural identity, belonging, and the experience of migration. By blending traditional Moroccan music with modern electronic sounds, Sada creates a unique soundscape that reflects the protagonist’s journey of navigating between two worlds. The accompanying narrative provides further depth and understanding of the protagonist’s emotional journey, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of finding oneself in a foreign land.

Whispers in the Fog: An FAQ

About the Album

What is the main theme of “همسات في الضباب” (“Whispers in the Fog”)?

This album explores the multifaceted experience of a Moroccan woman named Sada as she navigates life in Shanghai, China. It delves into themes of cultural identity, the challenges of adapting to a new environment, feelings of homesickness, and the search for belonging in a foreign land. Through a blend of musical styles and a compelling narrative, the album captures the complexities of migration and the universal human experience of seeking connection and meaning in an unfamiliar world.

What musical genres are featured in the album?

“Whispers in the Fog” beautifully fuses a variety of Moroccan musical genres, including:

  • Moroccan Trap: This modern genre provides a contemporary edge and reflects the urban soundscapes of both Casablanca and Shanghai.
  • Gnawa: This traditional, spiritual music is deeply rooted in Moroccan culture and adds a layer of mysticism and connection to ancestral heritage.
  • Traditional Moroccan Fusion: This genre blends various regional musical traditions of Morocco, showcasing the rich diversity of the country’s musical heritage.
  • Chaabi: This popular folk music is known for its lively rhythms and relatable themes, often reflecting everyday life experiences.

The fusion of these genres creates a sonic tapestry that mirrors Sada’s journey between two distinct cultural worlds.

The Narrative

Who is Sada, and what is her story?

Sada is a young Moroccan woman who relocates from Casablanca to Shanghai, likely for work or educational opportunities. The album chronicles her experiences through a series of diary-like entries that capture her inner thoughts, emotions, and observations. Sada grapples with the excitement and disorientation of being in a new environment while struggling with feelings of isolation, cultural differences, and intense homesickness.

How does Sada’s experience reflect the broader themes of migration and diaspora?

Sada’s story resonates with the experiences of many individuals who navigate life between two worlds. The album highlights:

  • The challenges of assimilation: Sada encounters cultural differences in work ethics, social interactions, and even food, making her feel like an outsider.
  • The persistence of cultural identity: Despite being immersed in a new environment, Sada’s Moroccan roots remain a core part of her identity, influencing her perceptions and reactions.
  • The emotional toll of displacement: The narrative portrays the intense longing for home, family, and familiar comforts that often accompanies migration.

By exploring these themes, the album provides insights into the complexities of living in a diaspora and the ongoing negotiation of identity in a globalized world.

Deeper Meanings

What is the significance of Gnawa music in the album?

Gnawa music holds a special place in “Whispers in the Fog.” It goes beyond just being a genre and represents:

  • Spiritual Connection: Gnawa rituals are known for their trance-inducing qualities and connection to ancestral spirits, providing a source of comfort and strength for Sada as she navigates her challenges.
  • Cultural Heritage: The inclusion of Gnawa emphasizes the richness and depth of Moroccan culture, reminding Sada and the listeners of her roots and the enduring power of tradition.
  • Mystical Exploration: Some songs explore the Gnawa concept of interconnectedness, suggesting that souls can transcend physical boundaries and connect on a deeper spiritual level. This offers Sada a sense of hope and the possibility of finding unity despite feeling isolated.

How does the album portray the urban experience?

Both Casablanca and Shanghai are bustling metropolises, and the album uses contrasting imagery to portray the urban experience:

  • Casablanca: Represented as vibrant, lively, and communal, with an emphasis on human connection and social interaction. The sounds of the city are full of life and energy.
  • Shanghai: Depicted as modern, fast-paced, and sometimes isolating. Sada observes the constant movement and ambition of the people but struggles to find genuine connection in the impersonal urban landscape.

The album suggests that the urban experience can be both alluring and alienating, especially for someone navigating a new culture and environment.

Interpretation and Impact

What is the message of hope conveyed in the album?

Despite the challenges Sada faces, “Whispers in the Fog” ends on a note of hope. Through her journey of self-discovery and reflection, Sada learns to:

  • Embrace change and growth: While initially resistant, she gradually begins to accept the changes in her life and find new ways to connect with her surroundings.
  • Find strength in her heritage: Her Moroccan identity becomes a source of resilience, reminding her of who she is and where she comes from.
  • Seek peace within: The album suggests that true belonging is not just about physical location but also about finding inner peace and acceptance.

What makes “Whispers in the Fog” a unique and compelling work of art?

The album stands out for its:

  • Innovative fusion of musical genres: It blends traditional and modern sounds to create a unique soundscape that reflects Sada’s dual cultural experience.
  • Immersive narrative: The diary entries allow the listener to connect with Sada on a personal level and understand the emotional complexities of her journey.
  • Exploration of universal themes: The album addresses themes of belonging, identity, and the search for meaning, which resonate with a global audience.

“Whispers in the Fog” is not merely an album but a work of art that offers a poignant and thought-provoking reflection on the human experience in a rapidly changing world.

What overarching themes connect Sada’s music and narrative?

Themes of Identity, Belonging, and the Search for Home

The overarching themes that connect Sada’s music and narrative in “همسات في الضباب” (“Whispers in the Fog”) are identity, belonging, and the search for home. These themes are explored through Sada’s personal journey as a Moroccan woman living in Shanghai and expressed through her music, which blends traditional Moroccan genres with modern influences.

  • Act I: Roots and Identity focuses on Sada’s pride in her Moroccan heritage. Songs like “أصلنا عميق” (“Our Roots Run Deep”) and “Terres Anciennes” (“Ancient Lands”) celebrate the depth of Moroccan culture and the landscapes that shape identity. The accompanying narrative, “رجوع إلى القلب (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb)” (“Return to the Heart”), begins with Sada feeling lost and disconnected in the bustling city of Shanghai. Her diary entries express a strong yearning for the familiarity and comfort of her home in Casablanca.
  • Act II: Rising Challenges explores the struggles of urban life and the tension between modernity and tradition. Songs like “حلم المدينة” (“City Dreams”) and “Lutte dans la Ville” (“Struggle in the City”) capture the hopes, anxieties, and resilience of young Moroccans navigating the complexities of city life. Sada’s narrative continues with reflections on the differences between life in Casablanca and Shanghai. She struggles to find her place in the fast-paced, impersonal environment of the Chinese city.
  • Act III: Spiritual Awakening marks Sada’s inward journey as she seeks meaning and connection through Gnawa mysticism. Songs like “ⵉⵡⴰⵎⴰⴷⵉⵏ” (“Journey”) and “أرواح متشابكة” (“Interwoven Souls”) reflect this spiritual quest and the exploration of deeper connections beyond the material world. This theme is paralleled in the narrative as Sada seeks solace in familiar rituals and memories of home, finding comfort in connecting with her cultural roots.
  • Act IV: Struggle and Freedom combines the personal and political, with songs like “La Voix de la Liberté” (“The Voice of Freedom”) and “ⵜⵓⵔⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵉⵎⵎⵉ” (“Rise of the People”) calling for liberation and unity in the face of oppression. This act’s focus on resistance and collective action could reflect Sada’s growing awareness of her own position as a Moroccan woman living abroad and the challenges faced by marginalized communities globally.
  • Act V: Love and Belonging shifts the focus to the importance of community and shared experiences. Songs like “ⴰⴳⵎⴰⴹ ⵏ ⴰⵣⵍⵍⵉ” (“Songs of Togetherness”) and “ليلة في الميدان” (“A Night in the Square”) celebrate the joy and strength found in human connection, particularly through music and festive gatherings. In her diary entries, Sada seeks out connections with her colleagues in Shanghai, but she continues to feel a sense of distance and isolation. Her longing for the warmth and intimacy of her community in Casablanca intensifies.
  • Act VI: Reflection and Hope concludes the album with a poignant exploration of the migrant experience. Songs like “بعيدًا عن الوطن” (“Far from Home”) and “Al-Watan Fi Al-Qalb” (“Home in the Heart”) express the profound longing for one’s homeland and the complex emotions tied to living between two worlds. The narrative ends with Sada’s realization that true belonging might not be about physical location but about carrying the essence of home within her heart.

Throughout the album and the accompanying narrative, Sada’s journey weaves together her personal experiences with broader reflections on Moroccan identity, the challenges of modernity, and the search for belonging in a globalized world. Her music becomes a vehicle for expressing these themes, using a fusion of traditional and contemporary sounds to bridge the gap between her roots and her present reality.

How does Sada’s experience in Shanghai shape her artistic expression?

Sada’s Artistic Expression: Shaped by Shanghai

Sada’s experience in Shanghai significantly shapes her artistic expression in the AI-generated concept album, “همسات في الضباب” (“Whispers in the Fog”). While her music is deeply rooted in Moroccan heritage, the album was written and recorded in Shanghai as she planned her next adventure.

The album’s companion narrative, a collection of Sada’s diary entries written in Darija, provides insight into how her time in Shanghai influenced her creative process. Here are some of the key influences:

  • Cultural Contrast: The stark contrast between Shanghai’s bustling modernity and the warmth of Casablanca profoundly affects Sada. She finds Shanghai overwhelming and chaotic, longing for the familiar scents, sounds, and pace of her hometown. This clash between her cultural roots and the urban landscape of Shanghai becomes a recurring theme throughout the album, most notably in tracks like “حلم المدينة” (“City Dreams”) and “ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ” (“Burdens of Change”).
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Sada grapples with feelings of isolation and loneliness in Shanghai, a stark contrast to the strong sense of community she experienced in Casablanca. Her diary entries express a longing for the comfort and familiarity of home, a yearning for genuine connection in a city that feels impersonal and emotionally distant. These sentiments are reflected in tracks like “Lutte dans la Ville” (“Struggle in the City”) and “شوارع الحب” (“Streets of Love”), highlighting the emotional toll of navigating a new and unfamiliar environment.
  • Introspection and Spiritual Exploration: Sada’s experience in Shanghai prompts introspection and a spiritual quest for meaning and belonging. She finds herself questioning her purpose and seeking solace in her Moroccan heritage. This internal journey is explored in tracks such as “ⵉⵡⴰⵎⴰⴷⵉⵏ” (“Journey”) and “أرواح متشابكة” (“Interwoven Souls”). Her exploration extends to themes of liberation and hope in tracks like “La Voix de la Liberté” (“The Voice of Freedom”) and “Exil et Espoir” (“Exile and Hope”).
  • Resilience and Adaptation: Despite the challenges, Sada’s diary entries show her resilience and determination to adapt to her new surroundings. She actively tries to build new connections and find moments of beauty and connection amidst the chaos. This struggle and eventual acceptance are reflected in her music, particularly in tracks like “Ensemble Nous Dansons” (“Together We Dance”) and “الوطن في القلب” (“Home in the Heart”).

Ultimately, Sada’s time in Shanghai acts as a catalyst for creative expression. Her music becomes a tapestry woven from the threads of her Moroccan heritage and her experiences as an outsider in a foreign city. Through “همسات في الضباب” (“Whispers in the Fog”), she explores themes of cultural identity, belonging, displacement, and the search for meaning in a rapidly changing world.

What is the significance of Moroccan cultural identity in Sada’s work?

Significance of Moroccan Cultural Identity in Sada’s Work

The AI-generated concept album, “همسات في الضباب” (Whispers in the Fog)”, by the fictional artist Sada, is deeply rooted in Moroccan cultural identity. The album and the accompanying narrative, “رجوع إلى القلب (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb)”Return to the Heart” demonstrate the significance of Moroccan culture in Sada’s artistic expression in several key ways:

  • Musical Fusion: The album blends various Moroccan musical genres, both traditional and modern, to create a rich and diverse soundscape. Genres such as Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, Chaabi, Moroccan Andalusian, Rai, Berber, and Sufi music are incorporated, reflecting the multifaceted nature of Moroccan musical heritage.
  • Multilingual Lyrics: Sada’s songs are performed in Darija (Moroccan Arabic), Berber, and French, further emphasizing the linguistic diversity of Morocco. Each language choice reflects the specific cultural context of the song’s theme.
  • Themes of Heritage and Identity: Many of the songs directly address themes of cultural pride, ancestral wisdom, and the connection to the Moroccan landscape. For example, “أصلنا عميق” (Aslouna Amik – Our Roots Run Deep) celebrates the depth and richness of Moroccan heritage, while “Terres Anciennes” (Ancient Lands) honors Morocco’s landscapes and their connection to identity.
  • Gnawa Mysticism: The inclusion of Gnawa music and themes of spiritual exploration point to the importance of this tradition in Moroccan culture. “أرواح متشابكة” (Arwah Mutashabika – Interwoven Souls) specifically explores deep connections through Gnawa mysticism, emphasizing the spiritual bonds that transcend time and space.
  • Narrative Connection to Casablanca: The companion narrative, written as diary entries in Darija, follows Sada’s personal journey as she navigates life in Shanghai. Her longing for Casablanca, her hometown, and the constant comparisons she makes between her experiences in China and her memories of Morocco underscore the profound impact of her cultural background on her sense of self.

Through these elements, the album and narrative work together to create a powerful portrait of a Moroccan artist grappling with themes of identity, belonging, and cultural preservation in a globalized world. While Sada’s work is fictional and AI-generated, it provides a compelling exploration of how Moroccan cultural identity can shape artistic expression and personal experience.

Whispers in the Fog: A Study Guide

Short Answer Questions

  1. What is the central theme explored in Sada’s album “همسات في الضباب” (Whispers in the Fog), as illustrated through the companion narrative “رجوع إلى القلب” (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb)”Return to the Heart”?
  2. How does the first song, “أصلنا عميق” (Aslouna Amik – Our Roots Run Deep), set the stage for the album’s exploration of cultural identity and heritage?
  3. What specific challenges does Sada, the protagonist of the companion narrative, face as she adjusts to life in Shanghai?
  4. Analyze the symbolic significance of the small tree encountered by Sada in Chapter 4. What does it represent in the context of her experience?
  5. Explain how the fusion of musical styles in the album, such as Moroccan Trap, Gnawa, Traditional Moroccan Fusion, and Chaabi Music, contributes to the overall message.
  6. How does the song “ⴳⵔⵓⴷ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⵜⵓⴽⵍⴰ” (Grud n Tuntukla – Burdens of Change) reflect Sada’s internal conflict between embracing modernity and preserving cultural roots?
  7. What role does the act of writing in her diary play in Sada’s journey of self-discovery and adaptation?
  8. Discuss the significance of Gnawa mysticism as explored in the song “أرواح متشابكة” (Arwah Mutashabika – Interwoven Souls). How does it relate to the broader themes of the album?
  9. How does Sada’s evolving relationship with her colleagues in Shanghai contribute to her understanding of cultural differences and the complexities of human connection?
  10. In the final chapter, what indications are there that Sada is beginning to find peace and a sense of belonging, despite her continued longing for home?

Answer Key

  1. The central theme of the album and narrative is navigating the complexities of cultural identity, belonging, and the challenges of adapting to a new environment while preserving one’s heritage.
  2. “Aslouna Amik” emphasizes the deep roots and richness of Moroccan heritage, establishing a strong sense of cultural pride that Sada carries with her throughout her journey.
  3. Sada faces challenges such as loneliness, cultural differences in the workplace, difficulty adapting to the fast-paced lifestyle, and a sense of disconnect from her surroundings.
  4. The small tree symbolizes Sada’s own feelings of displacement and longing for connection. It represents the struggle to thrive in an unfamiliar environment while yearning for the nourishment of one’s roots.
  5. The fusion of musical styles mirrors the blending of cultures and experiences that Sada encounters. It creates a dynamic soundscape that reflects her internal journey of adapting and finding her place.
  6. “Grud n Tuntukla” highlights the burdens and internal conflicts associated with change, particularly when trying to balance modern life with traditional values and the pull of one’s cultural heritage.
  7. Writing allows Sada to process her emotions, reflect on her experiences, and find solace in expressing herself. It becomes a vital tool for self-discovery and making sense of her new reality.
  8. Gnawa mysticism, with its focus on spiritual connections and transcendence, suggests that deep bonds can exist beyond physical boundaries. It reinforces the idea that Sada’s connection to her heritage and loved ones remains strong despite distance.
  9. Sada’s interactions with her colleagues highlight the importance of communication and understanding in bridging cultural gaps. Through these relationships, she gains insights into different perspectives and learns to navigate the complexities of human connection in a foreign environment.
  10. Sada begins to find moments of peace and connection with nature in Shanghai. She makes an effort to embrace new experiences and find beauty in her surroundings, hinting at a growing acceptance of her situation and a potential for belonging.

Essay Questions

1. Analyze the use of symbolism throughout Sada’s narrative. How do specific objects, places, or events contribute to the overall themes of the album?

Symbolism in همسات في الضباب serves as a powerful narrative tool, weaving together Sada’s internal journey with the external settings she navigates. The fog, central to the album’s title, symbolizes uncertainty and transition, reflecting Sada’s struggle to find clarity in her identity and purpose as she balances between two worlds. This imagery mirrors her emotional state, where self-discovery is shrouded by the challenges of cultural dissonance and displacement.

Places hold significant symbolic weight in the narrative. The sea in Casablanca embodies comfort, continuity, and the enduring essence of home. Its vastness and rhythmic waves offer a sense of belonging and connection. Conversely, Shanghai’s towering urban landscape, with its incessant rush and mechanized routines, symbolizes alienation and the disconnect from her cultural roots. This dichotomy highlights her emotional journey as she learns to reconcile these disparate experiences.

Objects such as the drum in Gnawa music carry spiritual and cultural significance, representing her link to Moroccan heritage. The drumbeat resonates as a universal language, connecting her to the wisdom of ancestors and reminding her of the strength within her roots. These symbolic elements contribute to the album’s themes of identity, belonging, and resilience.

2. Discuss the portrayal of cultural differences and the challenges of communication in “همسات في الضباب.” How does Sada navigate these challenges, and what insights does she gain?

Cultural differences in همسات في الضباب are portrayed as both a barrier and a catalyst for growth. Sada’s move from the communal warmth of Casablanca to the individualistic, fast-paced environment of Shanghai emphasizes the difficulties of adapting to a new cultural framework. Misunderstandings arise not just linguistically but also from unspoken societal norms, leaving her feeling isolated and misunderstood.

Sada navigates these challenges by seeking solace in creativity and introspection. Her music and diary entries become tools for processing her emotions and bridging the cultural divide. By channeling her experiences into art, she creates a dialogue that transcends linguistic barriers, allowing her to connect with others on a more profound level.

Through this journey, Sada gains the insight that embracing cultural diversity does not require abandoning her own identity. Instead, she learns to adapt while retaining her essence, transforming her challenges into opportunities for empathy and self-discovery. This dual perspective enriches her worldview and strengthens her resilience.

3. Explore the concept of home as presented in both the songs and the companion narrative. Is it a physical place, a feeling, or something else entirely?

In همسات في الضباب, home is presented as an evolving concept that transcends physical space, rooted instead in emotional and cultural connections. For Sada, home is most strongly associated with Casablanca, depicted as a source of warmth, familial bonds, and cultural richness. It is a place where the rhythms of life resonate with her soul, offering comfort and a sense of belonging.

As she journeys through Shanghai, Sada grapples with the absence of this feeling of home. The bustling streets and towering skyscrapers lack the soul and community she cherishes, making her reflect on what truly defines home. These reflections, alongside her creative expressions, reveal that home is not tied solely to a location but exists within the rituals, memories, and relationships that shape one’s identity.

Ultimately, Sada learns that home is carried in her heart, through her music and heritage. By honoring her roots and embracing new experiences, she redefines home as an enduring part of her internal landscape, capable of being rekindled even in foreign environments.

4. Analyze the role of music in Sada’s journey. How do the different musical styles and lyrical themes reflect her emotional state and personal growth?

Music serves as both a narrative device and a source of healing in Sada’s journey, reflecting her emotional states and personal evolution. The fusion of traditional Moroccan genres like Gnawa and Chaabi with modern styles such as Moroccan Trap mirrors her attempt to bridge her heritage with the realities of her new environment. Each style conveys a different aspect of her journey—Gnawa’s spiritual depth connects her to her ancestors, while Moroccan Trap captures the struggles and aspirations of youth in urban settings.

Lyrically, themes of longing, resilience, and self-discovery are central to the album. Songs celebrating Moroccan landscapes and traditions reflect her nostalgia and pride in her roots. Conversely, tracks exploring urban alienation and personal challenges reveal her vulnerability and search for meaning in a foreign land. This duality highlights the transformative power of music as a tool for self-expression and connection.

Through her music, Sada not only processes her emotions but also grows into a more integrated version of herself. It becomes a unifying force, allowing her to embrace the complexities of her identity and find strength in her cultural legacy while adapting to new horizons.

5. Compare and contrast Sada’s experiences in Casablanca and Shanghai. How do these two settings shape her identity and worldview?

Sada’s experiences in Casablanca and Shanghai serve as contrasting chapters in her life, each shaping her identity and worldview in profound ways. Casablanca represents familiarity, comfort, and cultural richness. It is a place where community, family, and tradition form the foundation of her identity, providing her with a deep sense of belonging and purpose. The sea, the bustling markets, and the communal spirit of everyday life enrich her connection to her heritage.

Shanghai, on the other hand, represents dislocation and the challenges of modernity. The towering buildings, impersonal pace of life, and cultural barriers leave Sada feeling alienated and introspective. However, this environment also pushes her to confront her identity in new ways, forcing her to find strength in her roots while adapting to the unfamiliar. The stark differences between the two settings underscore her internal conflict and growth.

Together, Casablanca and Shanghai shape Sada into a more nuanced individual. Casablanca grounds her with cultural pride and emotional depth, while Shanghai broadens her perspective, teaching her resilience and adaptability. The interplay of these two worlds enables her to forge a richer, more complex identity that honors her past while embracing the future.

Glossary of Key Terms

  • Gnawa: A rich and ancient Moroccan musical tradition that blends spiritual rituals, rhythmic music, and ancestral beliefs.
  • Chaabi: Popular Moroccan folk music characterized by its lively rhythms and often featuring lyrics about everyday life and social issues.
  • Darija: The colloquial Arabic dialect spoken in Morocco, known for its blend of Arabic, Berber, and French influences.
  • Amazigh/Berber: The indigenous people and languages of North Africa, predating the arrival of Arabic.
  • Moroccan Trap: A contemporary music genre that blends elements of trap music with Moroccan musical influences and themes.
  • Sufi: A mystical branch of Islam that emphasizes spiritual experience and connection with the divine.
  • Moroccan Andalusian Music: A classical music tradition originating from the Andalusian period in Spain, known for its intricate melodies and poetic lyrics.
  • Whispers in the Fog: A Deep Dive into Sada’s Journey
  • This table of contents provides a guide to “همسات في الضباب” (Whispers in the Fog), an AI-generated album and companion narrative by صدى (Sada). The album explores Sada’s experience as a Moroccan woman navigating life in Shanghai while longing for her homeland.
  • همسات في الضباب (Whispers in the Fog) by صدى (Sada)

Table of Contents

  • Full Album (3:24:11): A fusion of Moroccan musical styles, including Trap, Gnawa, traditional, and Chaabi, creating a unique sonic landscape for Sada’s journey.
  • Companion Narrative: رجوع إلى القلب (Rojou’ Ila Al-Qalb) “Return to the Heart” (PDF)
  • Act I: Roots and Identity (Cultural Pride and Heritage)
  • Chapter 1: Introduces Sada’s arrival in Shanghai, overwhelmed by the modern metropolis and feeling disconnected from her familiar life in Casablanca.
  • Chapter 2: Explores Sada’s discomfort in her new workplace, contrasting the formal atmosphere with the familial environment she was accustomed to.
  • Chapter 3: Delves into Sada’s growing unease and her search for a sense of belonging in a city that feels alien.
  • Chapter 4: Focuses on Sada’s encounter with a struggling tree in the city, symbolizing her own feelings of isolation and yearning for connection.
  • Act II: Cultural Crossroads (Adaptation and Dissonance)
  • Chapter 5: Highlights Sada’s growing homesickness and her struggle to find meaning in a fast-paced, individualistic society.
  • Chapter 6: Follows Sada’s attempt to find solace in exploring the city, but the urban landscape fails to fill the void in her heart.
  • Chapter 7: Presents a conversation with a colleague who acknowledges the challenges of adapting to a new culture, offering advice and a glimmer of hope.
  • Chapter 8: Depicts Sada’s attempt to connect with colleagues through shared activities, but the experience leaves her feeling empty and disconnected.
  • Act III: Urban Dreams (Ambition and Disillusionment)
  • Chapter 9: Examines Sada’s growing disillusionment with her work, questioning the purpose of her efforts and feeling increasingly distant from her true self.
  • Chapter 10: Follows Sada’s decision to explore Shanghai further, hoping to break free from her routine and find a new perspective.
  • Act IV: Echoes of the Past (Memory and Longing)
  • Chapter 11: Depicts Sada’s exploration of a traditional market, bringing a fleeting sense of familiarity but ultimately reinforcing her longing for Casablanca.
  • Chapter 12: Captures Sada’s emotional turmoil as she seeks comfort in familiar food, reminiscing about the warmth and vibrancy of life in her homeland.
  • Chapter 13: Highlights Sada’s struggle with the relentless pace of life in Shanghai, contrasting it with the slower, more connected lifestyle in Casablanca.
  • Chapter 14: Follows Sada’s attempts to find solace in nature, but the urban park fails to provide the peace she craves, leaving her feeling isolated and yearning for home.
  • Act V: Spiritual Awakening (Self-Discovery and Transformation)
  • Chapter 15: Depicts Sada’s growing awareness of her changing self, reflecting on her experiences and grappling with feelings of loneliness and disorientation.
  • Chapter 16: Focuses on Sada’s attempts to embrace the opportunities of Shanghai, recognizing its allure but ultimately acknowledging the disconnect between the city and her true desires.
  • Chapter 17: Shows Sada seeking solace in familiar rituals, struggling to find her place in a society that feels impersonal and emotionally distant.
  • Chapter 18: Explores Sada’s growing conviction that she needs to return home to rediscover her true self and find lasting happiness.
  • Act VI: Reflection and Hope (Migration and Diaspora)
  • Chapter 19: Depicts Sada’s final attempts to find peace in Shanghai, exploring new places but ultimately realizing that the city cannot replace the deep connection she craves.
  • Chapter 20: Follows Sada’s visit to the sea, a symbolic journey that reinforces her longing for home and her growing determination to return.
  • Chapter 21: Captures Sada’s emotional struggle as she interacts with colleagues, feeling increasingly alienated from their optimistic outlook and yearning for the familiar comforts of Casablanca.
  • Chapter 22: Depicts Sada’s reflective moment on a bridge, observing the bustling city and contemplating her place in this new world, feeling a sense of displacement and uncertainty.
  • Chapter 23: Follows Sada’s exploration of a hidden neighborhood, triggering a wave of homesickness and highlighting the emotional toll of living far from her roots.
  • Chapter 24: Depicts Sada’s moment of clarity and acceptance, embracing the journey and choosing to live in the present while carrying her homeland in her heart.
  • Album Tracks:
  • Each act of the companion narrative is accompanied by a corresponding song from the album. These songs, infused with different Moroccan musical styles, reflect the emotional themes explored in each section. Sada’s journey unfolds not only through her written words but also through the evocative power of music.

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